Dirty Little Secrets of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPIC) and Autopac.
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Lost and ConfusedDecember 31, 2009  12:37:32 AM
Hi snowed_in

I haven't checked the legislation though I will be doing so...also, I'm sure my lawyer will have the answer.

With regard to your comment about your case manager twisting words, etc., I have the solution is NOT to deal with my case managers by telephone. Under the advice of my lawyer, it's not necessary if I send what I need to communicate via email. That way there's definitely a paper trail and you can re-write or edit as many times as needed prior to sending. Part of my struggle after several MVA's over the last few yrs is major cognitive issues (loss of concentration and serious memory impairment, etc), so I choose to deal with MPI via email and/or Canada Post. If your case manager tells you that you can't communicate with him/her by email, that is entirely not true. I refuse to have my words and thoughts twisted when I myself at the best of times have trouble putting my own thoughts into words and then speak them. I deal with severe mental and physical fatigue and such, so it generally takes me much longer to get out in words what I'm thinking or trying to say...at least with email I am not rushed or pressured, in turn allowing for much less stress and anxiety. My lawyer also recommended that I have someone I trust, whom is also strong in verbal and written skills, to help me with letters/emails prior to sending; it ensures that the case manager will be receiving an email that not only makes sense but also gives accurate information so as to avoid the potential "twisting" of one's words. Hopefully this information helps.

The only time I deal with MPI via telephone is when it comes to the smaller "stuff", and even then I don't always pick up the phone as I'm often much too fatigued to even perform the task of picking up the receiver, holding it to my ear, and (again) trying to organize my thoughts in order to put the "right" words together so they're clear and concise when speaking to my case manager. It's huge effort and often stressful simply because it has to do with MPI...and only because they clearly don't believe my claims or my doctors claims either, or they wouldn't have had me followed several times over the last 2 yrs. It's sad, frustrating and upsetting...but I try my best not to dwell on what they "think". Only those in our lives that are close to us know the truth of our pain, suffering and limitations, as well as our team of doctors, and that is what counts in the end. Never lose hope, faith and belief...I refuse to give up or quit. We all have a fight that's worth fighting at some point in our lives, and for me, THIS is it.

Stay strong!!

snowed_inDecember 30, 2009  8:24:03 PM
Hi Lost and Confused:

IRI is Income Replacement Indemnity - the wage replacement portion of PIPP, MPI's Personal Injury Protection Plan. PIPP includes, but is not limited to, IRI.

Thanks for the feedback on case managers. Mine's a 'treat' (not in a good way). I have to stop being so naive, since they always seem to twist my words to suit their slant at the time, and hit me upside the head with a line of twisted logic I hadn't considered, which is another powerful argument for tape recording as much as possible and putting it all in writing. :o(

Sorry, I don't know what they can do in terms of preventing you from leaving the province. Layperson's guess would be that they can't force you to stay, but it's possible it may affect your IRI payments - they have unusual powers that make no sense. Have you checked the legislation?

Lost and ConfusedDecember 30, 2009  8:02:25 AM
Hi there snowed_in

I've been receiving IRI (is that not the same as PIPP?) for 2+ yrs and have at least a 1/2 dozen different case managers. I've only had real issue with one of them, who's actually had me followed several times as well, and requested at some point that I be given a new case manager. I spoke directly to the person's supervisor and sent an email to them as well, but no success. There was definitely cause to request a new case manager and my lawyer agreed, but it got me no where. All the supervisor did was make excuses for the individual, but did promise that I could contact her directly should any further issue(s) arise. Interestingly enough, after the discussion with the case manager's supervisor, there were no further issues (nothing significant enough anyway). So I suppose to that degree (and on a positive note), speaking with your case manager's super. can be worth the effort.......but don't count on your request for a new case manager to be granted.

All the best.....and here's hoping 2010 is a better for all!

Lost and confusedDecember 30, 2009  7:43:51 AM
Hi all, I have a question about PIPP. I am currently receiving PIPP from MPI and have been for the last 2+ yrs. Prior to that, I was involved with someone who had moved back home to Calgary, but have kept in touch and still see one another from time to time. That said, I am now considering leaving Winnipeg to relocate to Calgary and wonder how that decision may effect my PIPP entitlements? Can MPI make a person stay in Manitoba who's receiving PIPP? I believe I would do better in Calgary as they don't have the harsh winter weather as often as Manitoba does...not to mention, the love of my life lives in Calgary. Please tell me MPI does not have the power and control to force me to stay living in a province alone, and in more pain than necessary due to our harsh prairie weather conditions?! :S

snowed_inDecember 24, 2009  8:10:39 PM
That being said, there are some areas where I've found MPI's regulations/decisions to make no sense, where the only solution may be legislative changes:

- MPI allows massage and acupuncture only through certain providers (physio, chiro, MD...), none of whom have received the specialized training of an RMT or Chinese Acupuncturist, which are not covered by MPI. (Note: acupuncture by Chinese acupuncturist is now allowed with a doctor's specific referral, up to 10 visits at acute phase, but this is not published.)

- If MPI's assessment shows we can do SOME lifting, twisting, bending, they say we can return 100% to a very physical job, and there's no further funding for IRI. Completely ignoring how myofascial pain syndrome works... just because we can do it 3 times doesn't mean we can do it for 8 hours, and repeat the next day. This also doesn't take into account the debilitating pain the day after that lasts several days. Pain doesn't matter to MPI – as long as you're physically able to do the tasks, even if only once or twice.

- Similar for assistance at home: If you can vacuum/sweep, cut, wash, shovel, etc. for 1 minute, that's enough - they don't care how long it takes you to make a meal or clean your home, or that there is no one else to do the work for you. You have to be VERY limited in abilities to get any personal care assistance... and as others have said, it's very specific what they will allow you to have help with, for how much time each week, and they reassess you monthly, and cut you off as soon as you drop below the 9-point minimum.

No, it's not fair. Sad, but true. Is there an end in sight? I wish I could say yes, but as long as MPI has a monopoly on auto insurance/injury, and are government-backed and legislated, there's no end in sight. Sorry, guys. We're in the same boat... hopefully we can help each other along, and share any positive bits of our experience.

After many months of fighting the system, and fighting for my well-being, I've learned a few things. Here's one that took a while to compute: The only thing that getting spitting mad at my case manager/MPI does is cause me more pain - because there's an emotional connection between anger and pain. Try deep breathing and relaxation techniques. And don't stop fighting, but do it smartly!

Positive note: I've spoken to a few colleagues who have had reasonably good case managers. There are a few gems, and if yours in one of them, and you occasionally get a negative decision, realize that sometimes even the best of them are limited by the system.

I could never do their job - I'm too compassionate.


My question for those of you who've been there, done that: Can a person successfully request a new case worker? Is there any benefit?

snowed_inDecember 24, 2009  8:09:26 PM
Sadly, I'm not alone in my fight. I am INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED, and it looks like I'm fighting a losing battle, but fight I must.

A few lessons I've learned that I'd like to share with other honest folks who are trying to get services needed to get back to before-accident status:

- Keep DETAILED, DATED NOTES. Record conversations if you can, and do as much as you can in writing. Follow up on conversations and commitments, and don't let them 'forget' about issues they haven't yet addressed. Keep a list of outstanding items, and follow up on them diligently.

- Be honest, and remember to add words like "sometimes, often, occasionally" to questionnaires. Abilities and pain level vary from day to day, and we don't want to misrepresent what we're able to do.

- MPI has policies regarding case management. If your case manager is not responding to your inquiries in reasonable time, or you're not being treated professionally, talk to their supervisor. It's the only way supervisors know! The supervisor thanked me, acknowledged that my case worker was not following guidelines, and promised follow-up. NO ONE HAD COMPLAINED PRIOR TO ME, and I'd been dealing with this case manager's unprofessional behavior for months!

- Have clearly in mind what you want to discuss with your case manager, their supervisor, MDs, or any review/appeal staff. Include specific, detailed examples, and be as rational and calm as possible.

- If you don't know an answer, don't guess.

I'm far from winning, and I acknowledge that the system is skewed toward saving the corporation money, and making us bear the cost of product or service outside of their limited 'medically necessary' scope.

REMEMBER: You can ask your case manager to reconsider a decision if you have more information. You can apply for an internal review of decisions once you receive the case manager's decision letter.

File your Request for Review application as quickly as possible after getting the decision letter, ABSOLUTELY BEFORE THE DEADLINE, even if you've asked your case manager to reconsider - you can withdraw the request for review if you get satisfactory resolution, but you cannot apply for a review after the deadline. It can take a long time to get an appointment for a review hearing, so start the process early.

Get as much medical support for the review as you can - the medical community's word means more than ours. Use objective, factual statements to support your case, not emotion. Sadly, I'm not alone in my fight. I am INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED, and it looks like I'm fighting a losing battle, but fight I must.

A few lessons I've learned that I'd like to share with other honest folks who are trying to get services needed to get back to before-accident status:

- Keep DETAILED, DATED NOTES. Record conversations if you can, and do as much as you can in writing. Follow up on conversations and commitments, and don't let them 'forget' about issues they haven't yet addressed. Keep a list of outstanding items, and follow up on them diligently.

- Be honest, and remember to add words like "sometimes, often, occasionally" to questionnaires. Abilities and pain level vary from day to day, and we don't want to misrepresent what we're able to do.

- MPI has policies regarding case management. If your case manager is not responding to your inquiries in reasonable time, or you're not being treated professionally, talk to their supervisor. It's the only way supervisors know! The supervisor thanked me, acknowledged that my case worker was not following guidelines, and promised follow-up. NO ONE HAD COMPLAINED PRIOR TO ME, and I'd been dealing with this case manager's unprofessional behavior for months!

- Have clearly in mind what you want to discuss with your case manager, their supervisor, MDs, or any review/appeal staff. Include specific, detailed

DollDecember 3, 2009  10:08:36 AM
So I have a question/comment here. MPI's Special Investigation Unit have my clain for almost 3 months now and have asked me to do the Polygraph because they don't beleive me. Now, my car was burned and it's a totall loss. I'm now still waiting on this stupid $%!#* and I was wondering about that polygraph thing. They say that they won't pay my claim unless I do it. Can they realy decide not to pay my claim because I don't wana do the polygraph? What should I do?

DeadmeatDecember 2, 2009  3:17:44 PM
Well, congratulations MPIC NO PAY INSURANCE for forcing the sale of our 23 year home!'' MPIC IS SRCOOGE APROVED'' I am sad to say that soon most of you will be in the same boat! HOW AM I suppose to keep up with the bills/mortgage payments after waiting 6 years[and counting]for an appeal.Clearly having my income reduced from $3400. a month to $400. while im supposed to go to work on NARCOTICS AND THEN FUTHER REDUCE MY INCOME because CPP Disability found me total disabled and unable to work ''UPSETS THEM ''Now since MPIC is already taking cpp deductions from my Determined employment they have further reduced my IRI [400.00] TO 300.OO while they recover the total CCP LUMP-SUM PAYMENT i received before i had even payed taxes on that money to which they are not entitled to a penny of it in the first place!''ONE MIGHT CALL THIS DOUBLE DIPPING'' lets face it since i became total disabled after my 1998 mva at age 36,MPIC has ensured that my life is $%!#* and is so desperate not to pay, since i am long term disabled and considering i am 46yrs old now they would have to pay a long time. MPIC would rather insure that MY family loses everything while forcing me to go through their appeal process that takes years and years before you can prove that their AJUSTERS DECITION WAS UNFOUNDED! GREAT SYSTEM FOR THEM NOT US! No Merry Christmas for Us !

joeNovember 23, 2009  12:29:54 PM
Its really bad trying to deal with such a communist organization like MPIC in a free society,so where is the compitition for MPI??I'm sure this will get deleted but thats ok.

Lost in ForumsNovember 10, 2009  10:15:15 AM
Lisa have you seen this movie: Living With Fibromyalgia: A Journey of Hope and Understanding. I wonder if it gives options on how to deal with the condition.

MPI is rather tricky when it comes to whiplash and pain. They Don't like to cover either one.

Fibromyalgia has no cure and can only we managed slightly with various medications, exercise, acupuncture and massage.

Obviously you can't complain about pain to MPI because they don't care, but you can request acupuncture. If you have MRI's, X-rays, and statements from your doctors that should be relevant enough to fight, but you can't base the fight on pain.

Lawyers will drain the already empty account. Do you have any friends who have had MPI claims that can assist you? Read through the MPI Act get your facts and opinions to line up with the act. If you were already a claimant and received your decision make sure you respond within 60 days for the internal review. Then the 90 days for AICAC.

You can scan through the AICAC decisions to see which lawyers have won cases, if you still feel you need a lawyer.

LisaNovember 9, 2009  9:58:14 PM
I have severe whiplash after suffering from five not at fault MVA's. The 1st MVA was Nov 2001. The injuries were so severe the dr's thought I actually had MS but an MRI confirmed that it was not MS but instead I was suffering from Fibromalgia, Myofacial Pain Syndrome, and all the other diagnoses of sever whiplash. I have vertebrae so messed up that I have chronic migraines and limited range of motion in my neck. I am in chronic pain 24/7 and am on pain medications that cancer patients are on just so that I can hold down a full time job. Without these meds I would not be able to work. MPI keeps refusing to pay for these meds and I am terrified I won't be able to work because I couldn't for two years and I lost 3 jobs because of my injuries. There was no help for me anywhere. Once I got into the Pain Clinic 6 + years later, I was finally given the meds I needed but I am thousands of dollars in debt. I need help fighting MPI. The Claimants Advisors Office says I won't win and they did not want to help me because I don't have enough medical proof but I read the reports and I am not sure why they don't want to stand up to MPI for me, the Appeal Commission will deny my appeals so I am now forced to hire my 2nd laywer to try to get some $$ out of them but not after the lawyer takes his fee. It will take more of my time and energy to fight them also. Energy I don't have after suffering from five accidents. MPI does not recognize Fibromalgia even though doctors and literature proves that trauma such as MVA's can cause my injuries but I know for a fact that MPI is settling out of court when they are up against people who have Fibro and won't back down. I don't know how they can get away with operating a business so ruthlessly. People pay premiums to be protected in the event of an accident but people don't realize that there is no protection until after a accident happens and it is too late. How does the public fight MPI? How can we make the rest of Manitoban's aware of what is going on in our province? How can we change things? I want my money but I also don't want others to go thru what I am going thru and what I know others have gone thru. MPI should be ashamed of themselves and so should the gov't for allowing this to happen. Does anyone know of a good Fibro laywer who MPI is scared of? I have tried a few but I want a pitbull who can take my case and make MPI cry. I am tired of being the one doing all the crying when I look at all the pills I have to take and at my $0. balance in my savings account.

Lost in ForumsNovember 9, 2009  1:17:33 PM
This is on the AICAC website.

You may represent yourself or be represented by a Claimant Adviser, a lawyer, or anyone else you choose. The Claimant Adviser Office is an advocacy office, completely independent from MPIC and AICAC that has been created to help people who want to appeal MPIC Internal Review Decisions .

Why anyone would want to use a lawyer or some wannabe lawyer group is beyond me. There is no factual evidence to prove to they could assist any better than the claimant. Either go to claimant advisor or make friends with someone who will help for free.

Noel it appears you have learned from your mistake...hopefully. Always have your vehicle locked and never keep valuables in it. I am sure the MPI special investigations unit looked into the matter. Your age, the age of the vehicle and the friends brother should have all been considered. If they didn't go after your friends brother for the incident then maybe they smelled scam.

Good BearNovember 8, 2009  4:29:04 PM
Just thought I would add clarity to the questions and concerns following my much earlier comments regarding AICAC's decision against the Law Society who had challenged AICAC suggesting that only lawyers could represent claimants on Appeals. Mr. Mel Meyers, Chair of AICAC ruled against them in June/July. However, the difference that now exists is that if a lay representative wishes to represent a claimant on Appeal he/she must submit to AICAC and be approved before being formally allowed to represent anyone. This can be validated by contacting AICAC's office.

To date the Law Society has not challenged this ruling from AICAC.

In respect of advancing a Class Action lawsuit against MPI, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but there are guidelines in place for such actions, and regrettably they would prohibit such action being heard by the courts.

Please join me in saluting all of the veterans who fought for our country and world peace, and especially those who have given their lives. May God Bless them and their families!

JamesJNovember 1, 2009  12:31:43 PM
@ robbed

Doing things they said you couldn't do?? Or were you doing things you told them you couldn't do? People need to be careful how they represent what they can or can't do. If you fill out a questionnaire which asks how long you can walk and you reply 30 minutes, then you are held to that.

I think I understand your situation though. You had a better day so you did a couple extra things, doesn't mean you can do that everyday.

AICAC has many cases posted I'm sure if you skim through them you might find some similar to yours.

robbedOctober 28, 2009  5:35:17 PM
has any body went to court with them after they refused to pay you. or showed you some videos doing things they they said you shouldnt have been doing. where can 1 get court records showing people who have taken them to court and what they went to court for. injury claim or vehicles.

MegOctober 25, 2009  5:14:23 AM
Wow! I couldn't have said it better myself. That is my story exactly. Very, very frustrating. You forgot to mention the fact that they quit paying for physio or chiropractic after a few years as well even though you may need it even more as secondary injuries are beginning to occur. Well done and thanks for giving us the addresses to get hold of the policy makers. I keep saying this is an insurance for those who never have an accident and then why even have it!!

bobOctober 21, 2009  1:36:19 AM
what a joke!your actually putting down people who care.wether it works or not it's not waste of time,if everybody had your opinion,uh oh better whatch what i say!!!!!what a joke!

Robert, not BobOctober 20, 2009  6:42:33 PM
Anybody had any luck with any politicians?

DeadmeatOctober 19, 2009  3:14:06 PM
I am on my last breath dealing with MPI! I am fed up after 5 years of waiting for an appeal and still none to date. MPIC will make sure that you are stuck in their system for years in the hope that you will give up and return to some kind of employment.Unfortunately I have been forced to deal with them since 98 and have seen more of their Doctors then i care to remember, the result is the same they don't like what this Doctor said so send him to another until they get what they want to hear! I am losing my home and will be forced to declare ''Bankruptcy'' if my hearing doesn't take place shortly,exactly what MPIC WANTS! After dealing with these people you will wish that you had died in the car accident! I asked that question to my adjuster(what if i had died in the MVA) and his reply was it would have been cheaper! This is the cold hearted a-holes you will have to deal with!

J & JOctober 16, 2009  2:18:20 PM
I used to be a fighter. Dealing with MPI has taken that away from me. I have heard from a friend that MPI case workers get big bonuses for saving MPI money. If that is true, Moya Thomson must be rich. She is my case worker. She has lied to me on several occasions, accused me of lying, withholds my payments for presriptions (2 months and still waiting), takes her time on sending cheques for homecare help,(cash I have already paid). I have been told to buy frozen vegetables and bag lettuce (expensive) as I cannot cut up food due to injuries received in my hand/wrist in a motorcycle accident. I could not write for a few months and received homecare forms that had to be filled out in detail. I was to record every minute I needed help. There are short forms that only require you to check off what you needed help for, and to add the hours in a lump total. I requested a short form and was told that they don't exist. This is a blatant lie by Moya as my husband was also in a motorcycle accident (not related to mine...he was hit head on by a drunk driver), and he receives these short forms. What is really amusing is that he has full use of his arms and hands and I do not. I am in the middle of an appeal but don't know if I can go through with it. Due to the stress caused by MPI and Moya Thomson, I am now under my doctors care for depression. I am on daily anti-depressants and have instant "happy pills" for when I still fall apart.

Can anyone tell me if the appeals court is even worth it? I am fighting for more homecare. I was allowed 2.75 hours a day. I had a broken bone in my hand that had to be removed. My husband was in the hospital at the time, so I was home alone. I had NO use of my right hand. I couldn't even hold a smoke. I could not dress myself, prepare food, cut my own food, $%!#* I couldn't even get the cap off my deodorant my less put it on. When I said I couldn't drive my car, I was told to take public transportation.

I have talked to several others who have had the task of dealing with MPI. What pisses me off is that MPI sends out guidlines for us to follow, yet these same guidlines are not used. Every case is similar in that if we are in an accident and need help, we are supposed to get it. Some of us do and some of us don't. MPI replaces damaged clothing. For my husband and myself this was not an issue, we replaced the clothing and submitted recipts. We were reimbursed. Yet, I have talked to others, and not only were they not reimbursed, they were not even told of this. How do we educate ourselves about AUTOCRAP, if there are no set rules. They do what they want when they want. I will be moving from this province as soon as possible and won't be back untill "AUTOCRAP" is gone.

BrianOctober 16, 2009  10:30:03 AM
If you want your plight to get any traction, you need buy in from two groups: the opposition, and the media.

The opposition will have to drive this so your issues get traction, while the Media will pile on once they see a juicy story. ONce the Media is on MPI's back about one thing, they'll broaden their investigations to go after multiple issues involving MPI.

How do you get the opposition on side? You need to give them an issue that's easy for the public to undetstand, and which aligns with their goals.

In my opinion, you first need to lobby the opposition to get to the bottom of the Enhanced Driver's License issue. I'm told that tens of millions of dollars (may be even hundreds of millions) were spent launching a product that only 5000 Manitobans are using. The whole "Government Waste" angle will play well to the Small Government Conservative Opposition. Lobby your Conservative MLA to get to the bottom of the Enhanced License waste.

Once this is made public, the Media will pile on, and start reporting that story. Once the Media has MPI in its sights on the Enhanced License fiasco, that's when the rest of you pounce and contact sympathetic reporters about your grievances on the Bodily Injury side of the issue. They will simply broaden the scope of their reporting to go beyond Enhanced Licenses and tackle the more complex issue of MPI's effectiveness as a provider of insurance, including providing benefits to injured Manitobans.

So, if you want to blow the lid off of MPI, you have to do it in stages. Get the opposition to start investigating the simple issue of Enhanced License waste, they'll start throwing out numbers of millions of dollars in waste. This will get the Media's attention who will start attacking MPI (Hello, Tom Broadbeck!). At that point, it is up to you to get the Media to broaden their attacks so that bodily injury, unfair decisions and inadequate insurance are covered.

Doer's reign ends Tomorrow. There is fresh meet in the Premier's chair. The Opposition is looking to set the tone. Now is the time to strike.

JohnOctober 15, 2009  8:07:18 PM
Hi, MPI sent me a letter in the mail asking me to go complete the RESPONSIBLE DRIVER WORKSHOP... I have a speeding ticket from 3 years ago, driving w/o a license 3 years ago and speeding in september. I was let off of the driving w/o a license charge w no demarits so that one shouldn't be on there... So my question is how many charges in what amount of time do you have to get so they have to MAKE you go to this for 150 bucks and 8 hours of wasted time?

bobOctober 15, 2009  10:32:08 AM
I guess we should all just give up,according to some of these blogs.Maybe some of them work for mpic????

Pissed offOctober 14, 2009  10:13:55 PM
He guys sorry to say, but sit ins dont WORK. only thing that does work is media, and there is now way in $%!#* thats going to happen, take alook at the news papers less and less is being said about our fight against this big corrupt institute. so please get off from that though, only way is a meeting at the ledge, thats when the media will take u serious. if gays and lesbians can do it what the $%!#* wrong, with all the people on this site. stop BS ing your self, this is a money making machine for the government. SIT INS lets get REAL here guys.when is the next election would be the best time for a ledge get together to force all those a holes before mpi gets ahold of them to see things their way.

bobOctober 14, 2009  4:01:36 PM
Hey just thuoght i'd say i'd be in for a sit in if it could be coordinated even for a few hours or whatever,good idea maybe.MEDIA IS GOOD I THINK??

bobOctober 8, 2009  12:52:22 PM
to confused; if you don't like the blogs don't read them at least i'm not sitting on my but doing nothing,and i haven't seen you have your sit in yet.

discustedOctober 8, 2009  9:23:21 AM
hey franki, send faxes to the justice system. all the courts and prosocuters,judges chambers ect. the only way to get them is to take them to the real court system, any other seems to be usless. also anybody who thinks any one from the government side is going to help them, dont bother wasting ur time or ours posting it. they all work for the money machine. a sit in at the ledge is the only way to get results and changes to the system.

FrankieOctober 7, 2009  2:21:49 PM
Pressure needs to be applied to each person involved in anyway with the Autopuke mess.

There are a few good people there but for the most part each employee from the head down will try to screw you in their own little way. There is zero accountability. no matter what low level of service each employee collects their cheque and benefits.

If there was a price to pay in terms of non-violent resistance each employee would be less likely to f*ck you over. They are rewarded for screwing you over (saving the taxpayers money).

A number of years ago a person had a seizure on Pembina Highway. I was stopped at a red light. In the process he accelerated to over 60 miles an hour and rear ended me totaling both cars and knocking me unconscious for over 15 minutes.

I have not been paid for the car, the unconsciousness, scissor cut and blood ruined suit, white shirt, tie, glasses, the destroyed laptop in the trunk or lost of income.

I am not whining but stating the assertion that there is no benefit to the Manitoba Putrid Insurance Corporation to settle this. If it goes away they save thousands of dollars.

Over the years periodically I attempt to get movement. No success. Now I fax a communication which they ignore. Next day I fax another communication along with a copy of the earlier letter. Which they ignore.

Now I fax a letter to every fax number listed in the phone book. Which they ignore.

Yesterday I faxed over 800 pages (remember each day I add the letters that they did not respond to). There is something satisfying about faxing over 800 pages.

Now I am trying to get the fax numbers to all the executive and board members, public utilities. They all hide behind anonymity in secluded plush offices.

Can anyone provide me with more numbers?

bobOctober 7, 2009  11:55:41 AM
Just wandering is there a way to send all these blogs/complaints to gov. people? I've been told by Doctors mpi runs a kangaroo court it's a waste of time even for them to go there with there patients,If they don't care what doctors say they sure won't listen to us.

RED.October 7, 2009  1:40:26 AM
just wanted to let you know that just as i expected the automobile inury commission is just a puppet for mpi. mpi lawyer came in and was given all the time to talk as he wanted. when he was finished i was not given the chance to even respond to the evidence he provied to the commission. i was given exactly 1 minute to be exact. defintly go with a lawyer. after mpis lawyer evidence i was simply dismissed told my time was up even though it was scheduled for the entire day nd it was only 12;45. i didnt like the fact that mpi was allowed to present evidence at that i was not informed about which is cleary stated that was not supposed to be allowed unless both parties were in agreement and disclosed before the start of the hearing. disgusted when i aproached hearing room after a 10 min break to hearinghe commission panel 2 women and 1 man all involved with mpi lawyer in a personal conversation regarding the lawyers wife etc. that was to me a indication that all were quite known to each other. needless to say i losed. justas i expected. there just as bad as mpi go with a lawyer that would be your only chance if they only have to side with who they belive. from start to finish it was a kangaro court. this is not impartial they are simplly another corrupt link to mpi. after all who pays there salaries.

abusedby mpicOctober 6, 2009  2:43:36 PM
Please understand....the mighty MPIC cash machine makes a LOT OF MONEY for the provincial government...no one from the government is the least bit interested in any one of us...all they care about is whether we are in on time with our payment for our insurance

bobOctober 6, 2009  2:12:04 PM
JUST talked to a guy from mr. chomiaks office what a waste of time.they really could care less what we think. surprise surprise!!!

frustratedOctober 1, 2009  11:17:38 AM
brian, its not a waste according to MPI because they are in the business of accuring infor, like they did when they took over the driver licensing branch. they do this to keep track of everybody for when the government needs. government cant be caught doing this, but MPI can. also good for the taxation dept. because those are the tools used when you get into a car accident to find things about you and when they need to break you.

BrianSeptember 30, 2009  11:21:28 PM
The real travesty with MPI is the amount of money that they have wasted with the Enhanced Driver License. They budgeted Millions on what is essentially a lame passport that can't be used to get into any other country other than the US (and only by car, not plane).

The process to get one is invasive (far more than a passport, oddly enough), it does far less than a passport, and there is no real reason for the car to exist. Throw in the fact that the Americans have a similar wallet sized card for Canada-US boarder crossings that anyone can apply for (I think its called the Nexpass or Nexus or something like that). and the Enhanced Drivers LIcense seems doubly redundant.

In spite of all of this, they spent MILLIONS on this, telling us that over 100,000 Manitobans would sign up for this useless, redundant card that is a total pain in the $%!#* to apply for.

Fat Chance. The last time I checked, less than 5000 Manitobans had signed up for the Enhanced Card. Why isn't the opposition all over this? Why isn't anyone asking how much of our premiums they wasted on this useless card? Why couldn't all of that money gone to ACTUAL ACCIDENT VICTIMS? Isn't that what we pay premiums for? I never paid premiums so they could $%!#* them away on useless forms of ID, that's for sure.

NoFaultVictims.comSeptember 25, 2009  1:02:13 PM
Re mj

The document you reference doesnt confirm Good Bears comments it only contradicts them. From said document.

Sec 3.2 - Representative means legal counsel, a Claimant Adviser Officer, or an agent who AICAC is satisfied is competent and who is authorized to represent a party in the appeal.

So in other words you cannot hire who you want because they like MPI have absolute power to simply say NO.

Just so everybody knows I am not fighting for the right to hire a fly by night company. I only wanted to confirm the source of the information as accurate as I received my paper copy of the document you mention from the AICAC the same day that Good Bear made that comment.

Claimants need to be careful because if they pay some fly by night company to represent them at the AICAC; the AICAC can simply refuse to allow them access to the proceeding. Lets not forget Lawyers are regulated and controlled by the Law Society. Nobody regulates these independents.

MJSeptember 24, 2009  4:16:57 PM
Re injured's comments Sept 24

Injured, I think you have hit the nail on the head. The ONLY time politicians seem to give a damn about the problems of their constituents is when their own ***'s are on the line (leadership conventions/elections). Because several will be vying for the leadership, they're going to be especially tuned in to [at least appear to be concerned] peoples' needs and concerns, but of course, their simulated concerns will last only as long as they need their constituents approval. This is the right time bring up MPIC "rancidity" and make the politicians take a public stand.

injuredSeptember 24, 2009  12:17:04 PM
hey bob, hate to burst your balloon, but if you are serious and determined to set things straight. the only way to do this is to go down to the leg and pitch up a tent and voice your veiws on this evil enterprise. when the candidates show up, only then you can put the questions to them on camera, before the elect a leader, cause if sellinger gets back in you can forget fair treatment from MPI. other wise a politian is a politian, and when they get in they will do the same and blow smoke up ur ****. same with the opposition do you see any standing up. they are all coming out of the wood work now since they smell a election. once again it must be at the led and get any 1 of them on camera and get them to give you answers. post when u are going to do this and I will join you. well pitch then tent and make our stand, but has to be before they elct their leader.

bobSeptember 22, 2009  9:52:47 AM
maybe people should be sending letters to NDP members running for leadership.I did I just got a reply asking me for more info.Don't know if it'sgoing to help yet but can't hurt and at least it's worth a shot. PLEASE EMAIL THESE LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES MORE PRESSURE THE BETTER

JamesJSeptember 21, 2009  7:50:57 AM
@ disabled - Aug 31

Can you file for negligence in the procedure? I was under the impression any doctors who do treatments under MPIC fall into the no fault category. Could you better explain what your lawyer wants to do. I know someone who received malpractice at Health Science Centre during the beginning days of their claim.

@ RED - Aug 21

Glad you uppercased those 2 comments I think people should be aware of the Level of Function Questionnaires. Did you ask your case manager to provide a valid reason for the forms and ask for where it's stated in the MPIC act that you are required to do the forms. If the case manager can't provide that for you then technically you don't need to fill it out. ARCC and WELLNESS can't be avoided if they want you to go they'll make you, or you get cut off, if you miss a day or 2 without doctors note you get cut off... Ask MPIC what they'll pay for you to get a private personal assessment. It'll be well under the $450+ first day assessment a place like ARCC will get.

Samantha - Aug 17

When MPI tells you one thing but do another, I'm guessing the original things they say is over the phone. You need to get everything in writing or audio recording. That is the only way you will have a case. You need proof.

Glenda F. C.September 19, 2009  5:24:37 PM
After reading some comments to my comment, I must clarify I was not "waiting for the car to hit me!!!! I was a good 100 yards away and I have witnesses to that effect!!! I knew cars came out of that underground parking lot at any given time as it was near where I work and I used to take that route all the time so I was prepared to PREVENT being hit!! He came out out there at a good speed and didn't stop for traffic!! He could have hit a walking pedestrian, a child or another car/truck!! That backlane is NOT very wide!! Thanks for the headsup anyway

Glenda F.C.September 19, 2009  5:12:05 PM
MPI really needs an overhaul!! As a pedestrian two years ago, I was hit by a car while waiting for it to come out of an underground garage. Doctors, except my own, called it minor trauma, today I am in severe pain and will continue to suffer. The aftermath has affected my employment and quality of living but MPI shrugs their shoulders and say,"So what?", if I complain I am told to see a doctor!!!!

Several doctors at MPI, including a sport doctor, have even gone so far as to drag up my past medical history to quash the new injuries and need for treatments as recommended by my doctor.

No fault has got to go!!!!! As a victim, and in empathy with other victims,it is inhumane and unethical to be treated as though we are minor while MPI sits on our hard earned money and flaunts their positions..

Let us all get together and take the demand of change to the legislature and claim our rights to recognition and proper compensation for our injuries, pain and suffering!! Many of us are suffering from Post Traumatic Syndrome and THAT, MPI and other government officials, is NOT MINOR!!!!!!

mjSeptember 8, 2009  10:42:41 AM
Anonymous, Re question for Good Bear

You asked Good Bear for the source of info regarding independent representation at AICAC. I believe the reference you want is


As far as I know, this has been in place for quite some time...

abusedby mpicSeptember 8, 2009  12:41:23 AM
how's this one? I was in an automobile accident in November, 2003. I was complaining of the pain and very limited movement in my left arm and shoulder. MPIC sent me to quack doctor in the north end who had me walking in a circle around his cattle yard with many other people and then of all things, he had me lift weights using my left arm. I used to work in the oilfields. No one thought to order an MRI. Today, I can't use my left arm, have only two muscles attaching my arm to my shoulder, the others have atrophied beyond repair and the rotator cuff is torn, healed up with fatty atrophy and is scarred. It cannot be fixed. I LOVE MPICjust kidding :(

NoFaultVictims.comSeptember 7, 2009  4:30:08 PM
Re: Good Bear

What is the source of your information that says we are now allowed to hire independent representation at the AICAC? Just wondering because I havent seen anything published.

Re: Mabrenertz

I contacted the Merchant Law group in March 2009 regarding a class action lawsuit and I have yet to get a response. I am not holding my breath.

Rally at the legislature is the only way. Politicians don't give a rats $%!#* until it costs them votes.

MabrenertzSeptember 3, 2009  3:03:44 AM
Just thought I would pop in and take a look around as I am currently in a dispute with Autopuke..though not as serious as most of the good people here..i am sufferring from a slight discomfort in my rectal regions due to MPIudlians trying to shaft me there. I have been through a dispute with MPI in the past (and I should qualify) just a month before no fault was introduced. Long story short asked for 13,000 to cover vehicle, loss of equipment, and lost income, Was offered 3600 for loss of vehicle...fought with them for approx a year, all the time encrueing, loss of income etc. Last month of dispute got a lawyer involved and within 2 weeks had a cheque for $44,000 in my pocket. Of which he took $4400 on a contingency deal. Gotta love the good old days.

My reason for posting actually is to see why this next course of action has not been taken...I was also about to suggest it but reading further through the blog I noticed it already here

The Merchant Law group - a class action lawsuit They have had very good luck with previous cases and to them no-one is immune..I think someone with some background knowledge should perhaps at least try this avenue of reciprocation And I quote : THIS IS WHAT TO DO AND WHO TO CONTACT. Class action launched over scratch and win tickets Last Updated: Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:21 AM CT Comments57Recommend57 CBC News

A Regina-based law firm has launched a class action lawsuit over scratch and win tickets.

The Merchant Law group, headed by well-known lawyer Tony Merchant, filed a statement of claim against the Western Canada Lottery Corporation on Tuesday.

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Mabrenertz As I'm sure yours does as well

disabledAugust 31, 2009  12:23:31 PM
hi have a question, my lawyer needs a letter from my doctor stating negelance in the procedure when I was in emergency at the hospital. for my case against the hospital. does it have to be from my doctor or can it be from another doctor here in the city or from another part of canada.

Good BearAugust 31, 2009  8:59:20 AM
Good news for all mpi claimants. AICAC has confirmed that you do not need a lawyer to represent you at an appeal. in addition to you, it can be a friend, relative or an independent claim consultant. however you should be aware of the following statistics from AICAC's history past 4 years regarding appeal success rates:

claimant/family/friends 30% lawyers 60%

there are no statistics for independent claim consultants, as up until now they have been denied access to the process. this is not an endorsement for prior consultants. just a statement of facts.

the problem is this... good luck trying to find a lawyer and one that you can afford.

NoFaultVictims.comAugust 27, 2009  10:38:02 AM

Remember Mpic Act Sec 183 when at the AICAC level web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/ccsm/p215e.php#183

They are not bound by the laws of evidence. In other words they can believe you or they can exercise their right to do whatever they want. You could have a rock solid case and the end result is always the same, they decide what they want.

No different than MPIC throughout the claims process.

MartinAugust 24, 2009  7:48:30 PM
Red: If you have a look at the various cases posted on the AICAC site (within Dept of Finance, Manitoba website) you will note that more than a few of the cases were found on behalf of appellants. I personally have been involved in two separate "appearances" (teleconferencing) before AICAC; I won one and lost one. From my (limited) experiences, it is my conclusion that AICAC is a fair process, and that if you have a case, you will win. Having said that, chances of winning are much less than 50-50 because what MPIC can do is enshrined in law, and as long as MPIC stays within the provisions of the MPIC Act, MPIC will win.

MoesAugust 24, 2009  4:32:42 PM
Question ?? does anyone know about Primary CareGiver ?? I like 2 know if Personal Care Services are taxable or not ??I was told no by mpi

NoFaultVictims.comAugust 23, 2009  7:01:16 PM

I hate to say it but I think you are screwed. Its no different than "the guy who mugged you" what are you going to do about it if the police dont find him.

As sad it sounds it would have been better off for you if you clipped him a little. (I am not suggesting anyone do that)

REDAugust 22, 2009  1:51:08 AM
Does any one know anything about the automobile injury commision. I have heard they are no better than mpi. Most dont win there appeals. Sounds like a arm length company working with mpi. Anyway dealing or have had an appeal with auto injury commision please let us know.

REDAugust 21, 2009  1:39:47 AM

REDAugust 21, 2009  1:29:09 AM

Susan CharlesAugust 19, 2009  4:02:40 PM
No privatization without referendum

14.1(1) The government shall not

(a) take any steps to privatize the corporation or all or any part of its insurance undertaking; or

(b) present to the Legislative Assembly a bill to authorize or effect such a privatization;

unless the government first puts the question of the advisability of privatizing the corporation or undertaking to the voters of Manitoba in a referendum, and the privatization is approved by a majority of the votes cast in the referendum.

AndrewAugust 17, 2009  2:07:53 PM
Recently I was driving and a truck essentially ran me off the road by taking the turn way too wide. In order to avoid a head on collision, I swerved over the shoulder onto the boulevard. In doing so, I blew the passanger side tires, destroyed my rims and had some suspension and alignment damage. The other driver did not stop and despite having an independant witness who saw the incident (but also did not get the plate number), MPI has me at 100% fault and I also have to pay the sur-charge on my license. Has anyone heard of being able to appeal this? It seems to me, I would have been in a better position to hit this guy instead of swerve to miss him (assuming of course I was not injured). Thanks

SamanthaAugust 17, 2009  12:22:24 PM
I find MIP are nothing but a bunch of crooks who will tell you anything you want to hear to get you off their back. They try to make it seem as if they are on your side and are trying to help you anyway they can, however in the long run they are just trying to screw you from behind. when i was 9 years old i was in a car accident, i flew through the front windsheild of the car on to the high way. I was wearing a seat belt at the time that snaped cracking my pelvis' in 3 different places, i also suffered a dislocated jaw missing teeth and multiple lacerations. As of today i have had roughly 20 surgarys due to my injuries. I have asked MPI for help regarding these surgarys and found that i am being told one thing and they are doing another. I was also told that since the accident has happend a long time ago that i should get over it already. I find it very sick the way MPI are dealing with sensitive issues such as mine. I am glad i discovered this web site and I will be emailing and phoning everyone for something to change and I will be encouraging everyone around me to do the same.

JamesJAugust 17, 2009  11:48:44 AM
The majority of people who require rehabilitation services are people who have had work place accidents or vehicle accidents. That said most are under either WCB or MPIC.

Rehabilitation Centres need these patients in order to keep their businesses running. If these businesses don't abide by these corporations requests it would be easy for the corporations to limit or remove all their claimants. Anyone given power over another can become corrupt.

I heard that A.R.C.C. and Wellness Institute are influenced by WCB & MPIC

injuredJuly 31, 2009  5:59:20 PM
hi any 1 ever go to the river view health centre. just wondering if MPI has corrupted them and if they are to be stayed away from. thx

JonJuly 5, 2009  9:21:47 PM
I was in an accident in 2003, broke 4 toes on my left foot and mpi ended up paying 14.440 plus 3.200 for wage loss, 1% for every broken toe 8% for scarring maximum apperently, anyways I appealed the decision and am having problems getting through their head, I am appealing the following 1. toes healed up all crooked and hammertoed with exposed metatersal heads 2. medical expenses from traveling back and forth from the hospital 3. been working with physiotheripast and says I still have very tight flexion causing reduced range of motion and my toes to hammer (curl up) email me if have any thought on this or some simular expirence @ johnny_rimes@hotmail.com hearing with big guy right around the corner

Jesse GJuly 2, 2009  10:47:44 PM
The lady admitted to the accident being her fault, and they still blamed me, and charged me the $200 for it. At the time I was a student, and I couldn't, honestly still can't afford it. Biased towards teens? Yep.

JamesJune 24, 2009  11:45:47 AM
Yes as mentioned you can appeal the right to sign any form.

As NoFaultVictims stated it would take years.

I, like most other people can't survive without IRI. Therefore I wouldn't recommend not signing the medical forms.

@ Happen to Know, I write here to contribute, share and gain knowledge. Information that I post is what I have read or hear and I don't expect people to rely on my information alone. I was under the impression this blog was for people to combine their thoughts and opinions to help fight a corporation.

Because this is your first post I would link you to the likes of: Appalled even more, whatever, Dim Wit, Appalled, admittedly, very discouraged and all the other nonsense names that seem like wannabe lawyers or people trying to make this a less helpful site. Instead of discouraging posts by bashing people you should contribute with meaningful information.

Brian KLYMJune 19, 2009  4:52:36 PM
autopac has been screwing the public for YEARS. on everything from write-offs, to motorcycle rates. it worked very well when intoduced in 1971, but has been perverted into a money-hungry, greedy, and ignorant clown corporation. poor service, high rates, and a bad attitude are the best they can offer.......

re lawyersJune 17, 2009  7:22:07 PM
You can say what you want about lawyers but the facts are:

Pre No Fault lawyers where paid by commission for results.

Post No Fault lawyers are paid by the hour.

It is illegal for IRXperts and Laurie Tomlinson (Non lawyers) to charge for legal advice.

All you have to do is read the blogs you question and see that you have many years of fighting to get basic benefits. If you are stupid enough to hire a lawyer by the hour or an illegal representative....I'm sorry but you get what you deserve. MPI's not the bad guy???? MPI created the laws making lawyers get squat and you hired him.

ConradJune 17, 2009  5:06:18 PM
They take your money and deny your claim. That is robbery plain and simple!!! No if and or butts about it! What a joke.

The government regulates business to no end, but no one is regulating this pig.

LAWYER BILLINGJune 17, 2009  11:20:55 AM
i received 22.222.29 from mpic for accident when my lawyers where finished with me i brought home 6.287.55 this was my first bill then...i received from mpi for same accident 19.161.05 and when the same lawyers were done with me i brought home 11.995.08 so lets do the math 19.161.05 plus22.672.29 equal 41833.34 thats what mpi payed my lawyer i brought home 18282.63 thats a little bit less than what mpic payed me so if you want to know more about funk and strell please give me a nudge on computer and ill fax you the origanal bills i have from the blood suckers. my adress is tstimony@shaw.ca

steve timonyJune 17, 2009  9:59:24 AM
I cant help but wonder about most if not all these blogs. yes i had to get a lawyer to get my claim going and it was FUNK and STRELL. let me give yous some of my thoughts..those two lawyers are a prime example of blood suckers.yes they got my claim going but at a crazy price.and when mpic payed me guess which two got must of the money.while i starved for almost one and a half years.now that i get IRI all is well.and i fired those two guys. but if i may ill show you what the bill looks like. ive talked to a representitive at the legal society in manitoba. i have a strong case but sounds like i will need a lawyer. to $%!#* with them. (take from give to another). too much writing to put down word for word so ill try and summerize it for the readers interested in getting a lawyer.I myself think mpic is NOT the bad guys its the LAWYERS.ive been on IRI for almost a year and a half. without a glitch. After dealing with mpic for that amount of time i have gotten to know my case manager. (nice guy) really he is All bull $%!#* a side. look on for lawyer billing

greekJune 16, 2009  11:50:42 AM
how come all lawyers, put that form under your nose to sign, my bud put down on his only medical and no personal and enitialed it, but they came back stating no you must sign our original forms, but never gave him a letter stating you will be cut off or no benifits will be paid if you do not sign the original forms, also the lawyer states this.and they also wanted to go back 4 claims back which is 3 to 5 years back. please people shed more light on these matters for us. I understand you probily had a better lawyer for your claim and paid more, but if you could help my bud would be in a better state of health. or post your lawyer so he can switch. thx

happen to knowJune 16, 2009  8:46:49 AM
To James J, some of the info you provide is not exactly correct. If people go by what you have written they could be giving up some of their rights and setting themselves up to be jerked royally by MPI. MPI requires the medical info but there are many ways to acquire this. The form stuck under your nose is NOT the only form for release of medical info, there are PHIA ans FIPPA compliant forms. I appreciate you are likely trying to help people but some of the info isn't accurate. If people have issue with a form, state this in writing and go to the Ombudsman. It is not as you imply an absolute requirement to receiving IRI. Not sure about the 'personal opinion' comment, if you are referring to the doctors then I would have to disagree that the opinion isn't important. If their opinion affects your claim and or benefits then it is important. You are entitled to a copy of your claim file and there needs to be clear indication of "how" they arrived at the decision (eg. to terminate a benefit)

You are wrong about the tape recording, whoever provided you with that information is misinformed. Hope this helps.

James JJune 15, 2009  9:21:40 PM
Medical Forms are a requirement to sign, under the MPIC act you'll lose your IRI until you get the medical form signed. The medical form allows MPIC to communicate with the doctor's, Physio, Chiro, etc.... They apparently expire after 2 years. MPIC also tries to find out past medical history, but in my opinion if it's not related to the accident than MPIC doesn't need to know. When a doctor makes a decision on a claimant they'll send a report to MPI, the "important" medical reports you would receive as well. Personal opinions they don't forward to the claimant over privacy issues.

Social Insurance Number (SIN) you need to give that to anyone who gives you money. Employer, Government, MPIC via IRI. It's the governments way of tracking a persons income.

MPIC uses the scare tactic of cutting of IRI if their various papers aren't signed. Income Tax papers is another one, probably due at the end of this month.

@ Steph the form that says you can go back in 2 years? I'm confused are they trying to make you agree that you'll be healed and fit for work within that time or is it to do with the 2 year determination?

@ Glenda the way you have worded your post states that you Knew cars came out of there and you waited for the car to hit you. When dealing with MPIC you need to be very careful of how you word things, thats why I don't agree with phone conversations with MPIC. It's better to have everything written. They hope for you to make errors, they want your report riddled with errors to make it harder to fight them later on if needed.

Tape recording: It was to my understanding that you can record anyone without them knowing so long as you tell a third person (family member / friend) and the third person agrees on the recording that they are aware it is being recorded. MPIC uses recorders on their phone conversations, video and audio recording when a person goes to a meeting and even hires private investigators to do surveillance. It's should go both ways.

greekJune 15, 2009  1:49:53 PM
greek do you have to sign those papers for private infor and medical, is there away a round it. and do they have to follow the privacy rules when you do sign them or when you do sign them rules are out the door. please let me know for all the questions.

MGJune 14, 2009  10:36:59 PM
The entire process from beginning to end is corrupt. PS, Dont use IRXPERTS for help.

V.C.June 4, 2009  4:38:33 PM
Personal information is defined as whatever MPIC wants it to be once you've signed that form. Educate yourself about your rights covered by other Legislation in MB. Write to your MLA and MP and any other politician. Good luck....you'll need it.

mfJune 4, 2009  4:28:19 PM
Steph, MPI's medical authorization form has been a bone of contention for many years, and the subject of an investigation by the Ombudsman. (I'll write some more later.)

stephJune 4, 2009  12:43:07 AM
hi wanted know the papers that MPI gives you to sign, do you have to sign them. they have 1 for your personal infor, and 1 that says they can go back for 2 years. what does personal infor mean, bank accounts, job back ground, medical,ect. also they want your social insurance number, dont feel they should have that either. its like giving them a blank check for them to put any amount on it then cash it. can anybody give advice or opinions on these papers that I have to sign or even have to give my s ins number thank you.

GlendaMay 30, 2009  1:38:06 PM
I was hit by a car in October 10,2007 while on my way to work. I knew that cars came out of the underground garage and waited while this Security company car came out of the garage. He drove into me at an accelerated speed, knocked the wind out of me and to the ground!! MPI have gven me the run around ever since!! They would allow doctor ordered physiotherapy because "it was too late", because of extenuating circumstances, re: two eye surgeries and caring for a dying Mother. MPI does not take of the victims but rather covers up, manipulates doctor's reports to their advantage. And yes while seeing an adjuster and expressing my views while suffering from a severe migraine and body pain? The adjuster told me, "You should really see a doctor about that!" Then she walked away!! I have been seeing my doctor and other specialists since the accident so WHAT was she referring too??!! MPI is heartless and cold. AND they will use your own words against you while wearing you down. Our MP's and Premier really need to look into the problems with a corporation that is NOT working for the victims while MPI & their employees collect fat paychecks on the taxpayers backs!! I will be in contact with Mr. Doer & others. Anyonelse want to get a protest rally going in front of the MPI biulding that the taxpayer/victims paid for?? Let's do it!! Enough of the beaurocrisy!!!!

dissapointedMay 28, 2009  1:21:32 PM
regarding the benefit increase for catastrophic injuries.did you know that there will be no increase if you were hurt prior to 1994.i am a paraplegic injured in the eighties and will get no increase at all, meanwhile if you were hurt after 94 you are getting a huge increase. i find that to be unfair. im sure i am not the only one out there hurt prior to 94. we have to do something about this!

the pedestrianMay 27, 2009  10:53:32 PM
And the consensus about the newspaper article? I am on the fence about this one. ONLY 120 people since 1994 that would be entitled to this adjustment?

LannaMay 27, 2009  8:46:25 PM
Very helpful comment IZZY. I have been tape recording everything since 2000 and the difference between what is recorded and the "case manager file notes" is sometimes amazing. I wasn't aware that it was legal to record someone without their knowledge and/or consent. I have always informed the other party that I am recording. If attending meetings or an Independent Medical Exam/Third Party Assessment it is advisable to inform the other party in advance (in writing!) that you will be recording the event and request that they do the same. Otherwise they are likely to accuse you of altering the recording (as though the majority of people even KNOW how to do this...I certainly don't) and refuse to accept it.

This blog is interesting to read through...makes me wonder whether any of our delightful politicians have ever bothered to do so.

The MPI Act is a severe disappointment and whoever wrote it should be held accountable for the obvious bias against claimants.

IZZYMay 27, 2009  10:27:46 AM
The number one item next to your insurance policy,autopac polciy is a tape recorder. If you have any claim tape record all conversations wth Insurance Co. MPI and adjusters. In Canada it is pefectly legal to tape record your phone conversations without the other party knowing. Even if you totally disagree with the adjusting practices and experts retained by your insurance company or MPI, you must allow the insurance company a chance to either make it right or screw it up. , record (without their knowledge) any and all conversations you have with insurance company staff and/or experts. And, make a log of events as they occur. Memory can fade over time and what does not seem important at the time may be a critical piece of evidence later. Document everything you can (audio taped conversations, video tapes of inspections/medical examinations by insurance contractors/experts, keep a log of developments and communicate via certified or faxed letter to adjuster or supervisor) in order that evidence is preserved should you need it later. Unless otherwise instructed by your attorney, do not withhold information necessary for the proper adjustment of your claim. If consequential damage arises out of an insurance company's action (or delays), be sure to inform, in writing, the insurance company so that they are put on notice. If this information is not made known, you cannot blame the insurance company for further delays. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves. Do not falsify documents to bolster your side of things. If the facts work against you, do not stoop to such conduct. Rarely are there cases where the policyholder resorts to fraud but when such conduct arises, it is usually out of retaliation for fraud committed by the insurance company. Again, let the insurance company be the only one resorting to that conduct. They will hang themselves with that rope.

judy anneMay 25, 2009  3:35:53 PM
Hello everyone, its my first time to visit this blog. i ddnt know that this existed. I am currently receiving income replacement from MPI and i am on the return to work program, which started today. After this program, (if they assessed that i am able to go back for a full time work) a friend of my moms' said that ill be required to sign a quit claim to MPI, which my mom told me not sign until i get a legal advice. SO now the problem is, this friend of my mom told us that we can claim for pain and suffering. i just want to know if this is something we could still do? we want to ask a lawyer for a legal advice but no ones responding to us. i hope you can help me with this problem. Thank you.

Judy Anne:

Your mother's friend is wrong. You CANNOT make a claim for pain and suffering. That is one of the things MPI did away with when "no fault" was implemented. Actually, no fault would be better described as "everybodies at fault", at least insofar as it affects MPIC.

Good luck with your back to work program. Just don't let MPI rush you. Make sure you are healthy before you start work.


Mr. Motor-Scooter Body TypeMay 15, 2009  1:11:43 PM
I just bought myself a scooter, and it wasn't until it was registered that I was told I need a class 6 license to drive it. It's under 50cc, it has a top speed of (according to the manual) 45km/h. Its a scooter, right? WRONG! because of some stupid new classification of MPI, it considered a Motor-scooter based on body type. What does it look like? Every other friggen scooter out there. MPI sucks! Does MPI make this info available...no! Is it on their website...NO! I called the public inquiries office before I bought it and told the guy the make and model of it and asked "Do i need a class 6 license to drive this?" "NO" he says, so I buy it! Thanks alot MPI!

Farrell HenzelMay 5, 2009  7:41:44 AM
along with manitoba hydro and manitoba Telephone services lets not forget one fundamental fact about MPIC! It is a monopoly and under canadian law a monopoly is an ILEGAL entity. So why wouldnt MPIC continue to terrorize and bully the same customers that support them. They have no one to answer to except themselves, every single employee of MPIC knows this and interacts with the public with an attitude and arrogance that would not be acceptable in any private enterprise! I am no supporter of privatizing MPIC, however i do not see any alternative. I have dealt with MPIC on numerous occasions over the past couple of years because i have kids! Unfortunately kids have accidents, and the monopolized MPIC has decided to punish all families with multiple claims. And the fact that i pay 5000 dollars for my vehicles coverages yearly, does not deter MPIC from tying to force me and thousands of other manitobans to accept settlemnts and claims that are not equal to what we are rightly and justly insured for! I know many other families who are in the same position with MPIC as my family is ! we are systematically singled out and being made to accept less than what we are owed because of multiple claims over a period of time with MPIC. The amounts that families are being forced to accept are always just below the costs of hiring lawyers to get what is rightfully ours. MPIC knows this and is capitalizing on this fact! most of us in this position will never hire a lawyer or take it to the Ombudsman wich is a very timely avenue for justice because they cannot wait to have thier claims settled! We simply need our vehicles to survive and cannot wait for the months and even years to have our vehicles fixed or our claims settled. Its time to privatize

Cameron HinkApril 29, 2009  6:49:47 PM
Mr Dave Chomiak / Minister for MPIC Just purchased a used motorcycle that was previously purchased new in Sept of 2008 here in Winnipdeg. It has 430 kms on the bike. Went to register the bike and was told it needs a new vehicle safety. Please explain the logic it this. Fact a safety on a used vehicle is transferable for 12 months. Fact or at least I assume it to be fact new vehicles are considered to be safe as they do not require the safety certificate / logical I agree. Fact a vehicle can run on our roads without renewing a safety for an unlimited time many of which are not maintained endangering the lives of our citizens. Fact in order to comply with the legislation as it now exists, that is to safety my near new vehicle with 430 kms on it I must pay an addition ± $50.00 temporary registration to get the vehicle to an inspection station to pay an additional +-$50.00 to have a safety plus waste my time which is very valuable to me. Fact today as the sun shines I can not go for a ride till the near new bike with 430 kms is deemed to be safe. Fact once I waste my time and pay the fee I will have the privlish of riding among the thousands of vehicles that have not been through a safety inspection in years by virtue of the legislation as it now exists. Question / who writes this stuff, any logical thinking person can clearly see the pitfalls with the legislation as it now exists. MPIC tells me I'm not the only one with this problem in a tone that suggests there not just picking on me and I should not complain. The fact that I'm not alone should ring a bell somewhere in the system. Question does anyone really care. Please think before you people write this % $#* it sticks just like on the blanket. Wasting my breath

geekApril 29, 2009  10:04:03 AM
geek "if you need a lawyer contact ellery strell with funk and strell or norm cuddy, not sure what firm he's with." heard alot of stories about Mr. Funk, but nothing on Mr. Strell or Mr. Cuddy. has anybody used these lawyers, if you have let us know if they are any good or has MPI gotten to them too or is this a set up.

kalicocatApril 27, 2009  11:20:24 PM
any one who thinks mpic is so great beater look again my auto costs $600.00 here under us privet insurance its $200.00 now consider i only need liabity they will not pay any thing for my auto and st there prises i would have paid for ten cars like mine all ready but this is a goverment town where now one can think for them self no wants to solve there problems them self by laws are only there to passify and good people don't need them there was no problem with doing things be for and we turned out ok things happen to people and that is the way of things go get used to it if your name is up no law is going to save you

kalicocatApril 27, 2009  11:00:28 PM
u guys better study the law your selfs there is a big deferanct between acts statues and law the most imporant thing is how to back up there acts to where they have to listen to actual law if u haven't yet go to think free .ca u can find some one you tube

V.C.April 18, 2009  1:27:09 PM
i wonder why the media takes no interest in this? i see quadmom mentioned threatening to go to the media but i know people who have done this and they don't seem interested. with all the inquests and whatnot happening lately i'm surprised that mpi isn't a topic. anyone read the ombudsman annual reports? mpi complaints multiply exponentially as years go by. aicac appeals went from one the first year to hundreds per year. i'm surprised that the paper and tv types don't bother to follow some of this stuff. surely hundreds of us aren't having the same problems out of coincidence. i guess the paper and tv make too much money in advertising from mpi to risk exposing the truth. don't bite the hand that feeds you...which of course explains why government doesn't do a thing either.

LannaApril 18, 2009  11:07:00 AM
As M.F. says, proving bad faith is not the hard part (when it occurs), the challenge is the mental fortitude, financial resources and energy required. I have read numerous examples of Section 150 violations in the past few days. For those interested look up the following; AC-99-37, AC-01-75, AC-03-02, AC-03- 81, AC-03-86, AC-03-109, AC-05-03, AC-05-25, AC-05-91, AC-05-95. The failure of MPI to advise and assist is not uncommon it seems. Once is an 'error', perhaps. Repeatedly? Be prepared to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars. Budget about $20,000.-$30,000. for each year and expect things to get really slow once you venture down that path. It's been more than a decade for me.

M.F.April 17, 2009  7:46:30 PM
Some comments with reference to recent postings. 1) In Manitoba no-fault car insurance means that you can't sue MPI for injury benefits. 2) However you can sue MPI if MPI acted in bad faith when dealing with your injury claim. 3)Showing bad faith on the part of MPI isn't necessarily a difficult thing to do. MPI has to justify its decisions and provide documentation (medical and otherwise)to support that decision and to show how MPI adjusters, doctors, lawyers, etc. arrived at that decision. Gaps in the paper trail are red flags. I'd say the real difficulty in proving bad faith is that the overwhelming majority of injury claimants don't have the money, access to lawyers, time, emotional and mental fortitude to take on a rich, powerful government monopoly that has all the money and time to crush the little guy.

daveApril 17, 2009  3:56:59 PM
hi lanna let us know whos your lawyer, and how long has it been that you are working your claim to sue, the manitoba government, or MPI. we should all get on board with her lawyer. but we must post the results here. the only person who I know that almost did that to the government was the person who lost money on the manitoba RRSP scam. that went under, now you dont here anything about it anymore due to they paid him off, because he was that close to doing it. my 2 cents

James JApril 14, 2009  10:55:23 PM
@ Lanna

I won't disagree with your statement. Good luck on your cause, but it is hard to prove wrong has been committed by MPIC, because normally they follow the MPIC Act close enough to where they can hide behind it if threatened by a claimant. It also depends on your scenario, if it's wrongful termination of IRI you would only get your IRI back with interest. If cut off treatments those treatments are paid for. Your case depends on if through appeals commission you have the proof to back up your claim and it's more sufficient than what MPI counters with.

LannaApril 11, 2009  7:33:31 PM
The information offered below that states that MPI cannot be sued is not accurate. I know this for a fact as I am suing them. They are supposed to handle claims in 'good faith'. Not doing so is a breach of contract.

James JApril 11, 2009  2:40:04 PM
@ Glenda C P

If you can't get physiotherapy try for something else.

The Case Manager was right with the no "Payout". But they should have kindly explained to you that there is a Lump sum indemnity, because part of their job is to "somewhat" represent you and provide you with information.

Lump sum indemnity for Permanent Impairment (MPIC ACT 127) Subject to this Division and regulations, a victim who suffers permanent physical or mental impairment because of an accident is entitled to a lump sum indemnity of not less than $500. and not more than $100000. for the permanent impairment (100000 is an older claimant number it's around 130000 for new claimants).

It won't be millions in settlement money and you can't sue MPI or any doctors associated with your case and you can't sue the at fault driver. It's no fault insurance, your lose is their profit.

Glenda C PApril 10, 2009  7:01:48 PM
As if we don't go through enough when hit by a car through no fault of our own, but MPI treats us like we are nothing! Some of the adjusters treat us as a non- entity and poo poo our concerns even to the point of saying, as my adjuster did, "You should really see a doctor about that!!" As if I haven't been!!Then they take doctor's reports and use them against us!! Like it was our fault!! So should our Stephen Fletcher look into MPI tactics?? After all it is my tax payers money that helped pay for the MPI new offices while I continue to suffer and have been refused physiotherapy. MPI?? I think the prior system of getting compensated was better. After almost two years I am still waiting and she told me there " is no payout"! What is THAT supposed to mean??

James JApril 6, 2009  10:39:47 PM
MPIC Act 151(1) A claimant may, on giving reasonable notice to the corporation, examine and copy any document in the corporation's possession respecting the claim and is entitled, on request, to one copy of the document without charge, but the corporation may prescribe a fee for providing more than one copy of the document.

MPIC Act 151(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to information that is excepted from disclosure under Division 3 or 4 Part 2 of "The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act"

In other words all the nasty stuff MPI's doctors have to say about you is omitted from the file. As well any comments made by your case manager to those doctors. I feel that if they are all acting out of good faith, then what is there to hide.

It might be possible to obtain your full file if you send in this form, though I haven't tried. Can anyone confirm? www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/form-imm5563.asp

The form specified by James J is a Request for Information posted on the Citizen and Immigration Canada web-site. I don't know if MPI is obliged to respond to a Federal Access to Information request, but I doubt if they would anyway. I would use that specified by nofaultvictims.


James JApril 6, 2009  10:09:43 PM
MPIC Act 199(1)

Immunity from action No action or proceeding may be brought against the commission, a commissioner, the corporation, or an employee or agent of the commission or the corporation for any act done in good faith in the performance or intended performance of a duty or in the exercise or intended exercise of a power under this part, or for any neglect or default in the performance or exercise in good faith of the duty or power.

Explanation: MPI and all those under it aren't to be held liable if your claim doesn't get appealed like you may want it too. So when considering a Claimant Advisor just remember that if they accidentally or purposely mess up the ability for you to win your case, they aren't to be blamed and you can't do nothing about it.

Use Claimant Advisor to retrieve your full file and that's about it. Apparently they get the full file, which includes all doctor reports.

Does anyone know if you can get that full copy from Claimant Advisor? or can you only get the indexed one from them?

mooApril 5, 2009  3:25:55 AM
Little P, you asked if its worth appealing. Yes it is. There may be corrupt employees and practices within MPI and MPI employees and MPI lawyers and MPI doctors have learned over decades how to beat legitimate claims, but MPI has to provide reasons to support their decisions to deny claims. Then you contact the CAO and take your case to AICAC.

Little PApril 4, 2009  10:51:41 PM
What is with all the unjustice in our world?

This is my first time visiting this site after hearing about it while currently dealing with my "permanently disabled" husband's case with MPI. After going into a relapse 9 years after his injury (bracial plexus avulsion of C6 and C7) MPI gave him 3 months to get himself physically and mentally better (which he's only gotten worse working as a labourer with one arm for 12 hours a day for the past 6 years). Not to mention to try to figure out what he's going to do with himself for the rest of his life with a lack of education and training. They're not even willing to assist him in that. All they keep saying is, "you can find a job answering phones can't you?" They claim they found a job for him making $10,000.00 less than he did before.

I seriously am appalled and ashamed to be a part of this city and government more and more everyday. The doctor's all seem to be a part of this corrupt system as well cause I haven't met one that has ever, even at the least, said I will do my best to help you cause I can understand your pain and what that can do to a person. My husband was only 20 years old with a ghost cop car as a witness when someone turned into a no turning lane. Now he has to live with a quality of life I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (like SO many others by the sounds of it). It makes me so nauseous and angry. It truely gives me a whole new outlook when it comes to our government and our human rights.

But now after doing a lot of research, and reviewing our current situation, I'm wondering if it's worth it to appeal and what are the chances of us little people winning against the malicious system? Can anyone answer this for me? And no matter where all this takes us; how do you get over the anger and resentment? I don't blame people for doing what they do sometimes. Society makes them!!!

Litte P

As Moo stated, yes, it is worth appealing. But you cannot appeal on the basis of compassion, or fairness or even hardship. These factors, MPI could care less about. They don't care if you and your family have to eat cat food because you can no longer afford groceries; they don't care if your children can't participate in school programs because you no longer have resources; they don't even care if you are in constant pain. They simply care about keeping their costs as low as possible and will discourage solutions which cost them money (even when these are allowed by the MPI Act). They will browbeat, intimidate, ignore and will frighten you to achieve that end. What you have to do to protect yourself is to gain a good understanding of the MPI Act and the Personal Injury Protection Plan, and how it applies to you. The Act is boring and confusing, but you must get past that. You or your spokesperson must present from a position of knowledge.

There are provisions which do allow for sponsored retraining (by MPI) when one cannot perform in their old profession, so you must learn about those provisions. And keep a diary to document all occurrences, no matter how insignificant they may seem at the time. Good luck.


lawyer commentApril 3, 2009  2:49:38 PM
re: lawyer comment comment... I'm not clear on the logic behind making 400 phone calls versus reviewing the AICAC decisions for the names of lawyers that do represent at AICAC. A quick look found the following, in no particular order. Some may not be lawyers but I know that more than a half dozen of them definitely are;

Rocky Kravetsky James R Smith Mark Toews Karen Burwash Sidney Green J. Edward Crane Lyle Smordin David Newman Michael Davids Michael Steinstra David Hill Richard VanDorp Donald Granatstein Marcel Jodoin Don Woloshyn Matthew Maruca Ralph Neuman Kris Janovcik Randall Horton Ken Kalturnyk

Seems logical to me that the smart thing to do would be to contact lawyers who do represent at AICAC and already have the experience/knowledge/familiarity of the MPIC Act.... As you mention, half won't be suitable....why make 200 phone calls only to hear "no". Many of the large firms are in a conflict anyway. I respectfully submit that it makes more sense to skim through the AICAC decisions in search of lawyers, this could be further narrowed down by reading the last paragraph to see if they were successful.

lawyer commentApril 1, 2009  1:21:14 PM
while it is great to have such an extensive list of lawyers to choose from, chances are that some, if not most either don't practice that 'type' of law or are in a conflict of interest. To narrow things down perhaps start by looking for personal injury lawyers and/or review the AICAC decisions for names of lawyers who have represented other claimants. I have read a lot of those decisions and while most people are self-represented or have a family member representing them there are a few lawyers to be found among the decisions. Just a thought... Google AICAC Decisions and you will find them online.

quadmomMarch 30, 2009  1:39:35 PM
hi everyone......i haven't had any problem finding lawyers who could act on my behalf wile fighting MPI. i have also found that if you threaten MPI that if you don't get what you deserve you'll go to the media they jump....and most of the time you get what's deserved.......i have done this on many occasions and won!!

if you need a lawyer contact ellery strell with funk and strell or norm cuddy, not sure what firm he's with.

good luck!!!

James JMarch 27, 2009  8:56:20 PM
@ Dear Dude,

That was really well written. You are absolutely right about their doctors. I have had their doctors mention things about me that would make me sound like a completely healed individual. It's obvious why they would state what they do.

In addition to that they can send you to any practitioner they want. It can easily be guessed who's side their medical opinion would be on. Claimants can also choose their own practitioners, hopefully it's a good choice, but eventually threat is imposed by MPI to rush the claimants healing status.

More people share knowledge of their experiences on this site, With gathered understanding, careful reading over of their files, reading the MPIC Act, or reading the material from www.nofaultvictims.com then it's possible for a person to represent themselves.

Dear Dude,March 21, 2009  2:39:34 PM
In reading the info passed on by James J, it is important that you have a proper understanding of what you are up against in your quest to challenge MPI's ruling. I think J J is trying to be as helpful as he can, however there is much more that you should know about how to fight MPI, and on what basis.

The fight is not just as to whether or not MPI has complied with all sections of the MPI Act. MPI could be doing everything proper but the medical consultant or Independent Medical Examiner could have provided a report or opinion which is dead wrong, and it needs to be challenged. MPI could be well aware that the medical evidence they are relying upon is faulty but they don't really care because they have plausible deniability based on “we trust our medical experts to tell us the truth.” So part of the challenge is, did MPI encourage the writing of such reports knowing this so called expert is defying your neurosurgeon and/or orthopaedic specialists report(s)? If so MPI could be guilty of acting in “bad faith” which is yet another argument to not just simply set aside.

The point I am getting to is that isn't a matter of reading your file careful, which is a “no brainer” regardless of what situation you are in. Regrettably there are very few claimants who understand the system well enough... or know how to conduct effective medical research... or know how to overcome MPI's medical experts' opinions... and could recognize when MPI may be acting in “bad faith”. Whoever represents you, ought to possess all of these skills. Don't settle for less. Your options for representation are:

a. Yourself... if you feel comfortable you can get the job done then go for it, there is nothing like the compelling sympathetic argument of an injured accident victim fighting for income benefits so his family can afford to live respectably. The odd time this works.

b. Lawyer... good luck trying to find one worth his/her salt. They are not easy to find, and then findig one who is worth the money being charged. The reality is that lawyers just don't believe they make enough money to give you the best effort you deserve. They wish to get in and out as quickly as possible without rocking the “political” boat. Lawyers even admit this, so don't just go by what I say.

c. Claimant Adviser Office... the government should be ashamed of how this office is set up. They admit the CAO is immune from prosecution in the event they really mess up your appeal, that you should have won, but didn't. Claimant Advisers won't challenge MPI's abuse of the system... they focus purely on technical application of the MPI Act, and usually nothing more, plus right now there is close to a 2 year wait list for them to get to your appeal. All of what I am saying is out of their own mouths and not just my opinion.

d. Family Member or Friend... MPI loves this one, because 999 times out of a 1,000 this person only has a bit more knowledge than you of everything that needs to be done, and lacks the sophistication of how to interact with physicians and treatment providers effectively to get positive results in offsetting the bogus medical expert report from MPI

e. Independent Representative... these people can be very effective, as they usually have the most knowledge of all your options, even lawyers who know the law but nothing else. These individuals make a living out of working with the system; know how to interact with physicians, etc; know how to do effective research; and are not politically sided with anyone other than you. Make certain they give you proof of having Errors & Omissions insurance. I used an independent and for me it was worth the $600 I paid, as I won my case.

I am all in favour of pro-choice regardless of which direction you go. I simply wanted to make you aware that you do have options. Your selection should be based on exactly what are the grounds for your fight against

James JMarch 15, 2009  3:19:23 PM
@ dude

It's hard to find a good lawyer. Most will want money up front and they charge around $175 - $250 per hour on most occasions. There are some lawyers in the Richardson Building and in the Skyrise Building attached to the Scotia Bank Building. They seem eager to take money for "possible" results. The lawyers in the later building seemed more knowledgeable.

Your friend can probably do without a lawyer, but it takes dedication in reading MPIC material like the MPIC Act Getting a copy of the full claim file. In the end the MPIC Act is the Law, it's trying to prove that MPI/Case Manager is not following the books.

Has this friend been cut off IRI by MPI? or is it other issues? If he is seeking advice leave an email on here and I can contact you.

dudeMarch 13, 2009  2:53:08 PM
Hi does anybody have any lawyers names they like to post on this site. A friend is looking for 1 to see his case through.please post the names of some compitent lawyers who are not corrupt or been paid a retainer fee every year by MPI, so their is no conflict of interest. Heard the do that so you cant retain the best lawyer firms in town to use against them. But the other firms dont like the heat MPI gives them either. thx

James J.March 11, 2009  9:23:35 PM
Though I wrote this up quickly and might have missed a few areas this would be the start of my requests for improvement to how Manitobians are paid out not only for settlement, but for IRI.

Under MPIC I feel that anyone who has made a legitimate claim and has suffered from an accident should be entitled to a bonus settlement of at least one year employment which would cover for pain and suffering. Not sure what the current highest settlement offering is, but with the rating scale which is offered it is almost impossible to reach the $130000 or so amount. Instead of offering rebate cheques that money should accumulate and be offered in more reasonable amounts to those who are long term sufferers. Anyone bound to a wheelchair caused by an accident should receive 10x more than what is offered. Anyone how has injuries which will never go away and always cause pain should be paid 10x more amount currently offered. Anyone who pays insurance no matter how many years they have been paying in should be entitled to 10x more the amount currently offered. We are people who under unknowing circumstances became involved in Motor Vehicle Accidents. We are people who pay for insurance and deserve better coverage.

I also feel that MPIC's whole way of covering people should change. Under current regulation Student's, Seniors, non-employed, low income earners and even highest earners suffer heavily. Everyone pays the same for insurance, everyone should be covered the same. Giving those who earned higher incomes opportunity for retraining while those who earn less have no opportunity is unfair. Anyone who has been in an accident should be allowed a minimum of 2 years to earn a better education for a higher earning career (not including the time you need to recover after an accident). For the highest earners you shouldn't be so heavily penalized for getting into an accident, there should be no money limit on income. Under MPIC you cannot pay toward EI or CPP benefits I feel that should be covered under the 10% they take from your income when paying you the IRI.

It's bad enough having a MVA, but then having to fight for the small things that make your slow recovery sustainable. Anyone who has been in an accident should not be limited on the amount of Chiropractor or Physiotherapy appointments they receive. Coverage shouldn't be based on some make-believe plateau.

To seriously concernedMarch 11, 2009  8:55:55 PM
It is interesting that you wish to all of a sudden begin to talk about MPI Reform Coalition and IRX again. I suspect that you are nothing more than an MPI supporter as your post comes on the heels of a substantial victory for all claimants.

MRC isn't run by IRX. It is an independent body with 5 people co-chairing, of which I am one. We don't need to post on here simply because it doesn't generate enough traffic and No Fault has their own thing going, so we respectfully wish to encourage them in whatever they are doing. There is room for both of us.

Our membership has grown substantially greater than 128, and we have many different initiatives in effect, which have not cost any member one cent.

As to your insinuation of: "Got pretty quiet here once this "Reform" Coalition was exposed to the light of day." Allow me to respond. We thank you for your increased interest in us, and our goals. As it is, we have been busy actually accomplishing tasks, and achieving goals. We find this to be more productive, than just sitting around complaining about things. We have enough quilts, I'm sure.

Have a nice day!

mpisfavouriteclaimantMarch 10, 2009  10:44:22 PM
Eli, I'm not sure of the head of Healthcare Services but it is certainly reasonable to call them up and ask. You have the right to know, this is not top secret. It could be Michael MacKay he's one of MPI's "go to guys"...I hesitate to call him Dr., though technically I believe he is. A doctor by the name of Cosman does some reviews for both WCB and MPI I think. Maybe it's him. They have a bunch of doctors. I always wondered why these doctors don't practice real medicine... I guess the money is too tempting. I know they are paid royally compared to "real" doctors. If you were a money hungry doctor who gave no damn about "first do no harm" and could be exempt from accountability under the College of Physicians and Surgeons by working for an insurance company would you rather have $1,750. to write a medical opinion or $250. to write a medical opinion (this is the maximum amount allowed [reimbursed] for claimants to acquire medical reports). Real doctors care about people not money.

EliMarch 10, 2009  11:40:13 AM
Can anyone tell me who is the head of healthcare services for MPIC? I've been waiting for a response to my claim for 3 1/2 months now and was told this person is one of the doctors in charge of this? Help.

James J.February 15, 2009  8:45:52 PM
I like your demands, though I would like to add that MPI should increase their Lump Sum Payments for impairments and the process in which they decide on the payout. Thankfully I can still use my arms and legs, but only $130,000 if I did lose use of them in an accident. For the most part that might fall under being able to sue the at fault drivers. Maybe MPI can actually do as they say their goal is "We Share Your Goal: Your Recovery" that should include spending all possible money needed to allow a person to go back to their pre-accident life, even if that means spending extra to send someone outside of Canada for proper treatment.

Do you mind if other people use what you have written or parts of it when they want to write their MLA's?

fed upFebruary 10, 2009  2:19:51 PM
Way to go guys, keep the phone calls up. nice to hear all the calls on CJOB every first tuesday of the month, thats when GARY DOER answers all calls put forth to him and his office to investigate problems with our provincial government. Lets keep it up, and by doing so all the listeners can pass on the infor along with its message. that MPI is a joke. Now if we can only get SAM KATZ on there too drill him about doubling our property taxes. why do we pay 1/2 a million dollars for a guy like him to reach in our pockets for our cash.he should be asking all employees where to save money first, i guess its too much work to do that. take care. PS When is the date to make a stand on the leg. grounds hope its early spring.

JHondaFebruary 3, 2009  3:13:24 PM
I just want to comment on IRX. All those who are putting down IRX need to understand that IRX is well worth hiring. If you truly value your car or getting money for your pain and suffering, you will realize the cost for service is well worth it. The amount of time and effort that IRX puts into each individual case goes far beyond the cost. I hiried IRX for a case i took to arbitration, and came out a winner. I was in court representing myself with the support of IRX, up against MPI goons, and came out victorious. The amount of research and letters written to MPI, even an a appraisal was done for me, prepared me well for court. If IRX is reading these blogs, I'd like to personally thank IRX for all they have done.

James JFebruary 1, 2009  3:37:12 PM
I have no need to post my email on here. I can contact people through this blog or they can leave their emails. I'm a person acting in good faith and I'm not out to make money.

@ Reality Bites, Moving On, & To seriously concerned - Though Moving On sounds a little different, all these post seem similar in their writing technique and agenda. If so the person/business behind it has too much time on their hands. Your posts are filled with meaningless material. The term Rocket Scientist is getting old too.

Part of To Seriously Concerned post: Unless you are prepared to make yourself accountable for what you can and are prepared to do for the good of the cause (changing MPI) then I suggest you bite your tongue. I have yet to read that anybody, including you, have any specific plans. On the other hand, all of the 128 members of the Coalition do. We would never knowingly associate ourselves with people such as you, and a few others on here, however that does not stop us from encouraging you to promote change within MPI and get your own movement active. The more the merrier.

Not sure if that part is directed to me I presented part of my plan in an earlier post: media attention, documentaries, and interviews. Proof that MPIC is unjust either through claimants or health professional thats aren't on the payroll of MPIC.

I have yet to hear a more probable plan from anyone else, just talk of renting a hall and charging people money and bragging about 125 people on some list.

I am a real claimant with permanent disabilities wanting to help out other claimants. Anyone who wishes to leave their email I will contact you and we can start arranging something that will start helping all of us. Lets leave the money hungry businesses out of it.

To seriously concernedJanuary 31, 2009  11:02:10 PM
When they asked you about your IQ they weren't necessarily asking you to count how many hammers are in your bag!

You people just don't get it. IRX or brad does not determine policy or platform for the Coalition, and never have. How can anything get published if the people who agreed to form it, don't bother to give brad any feedback as to what they wish to stand for, beyond a generalized statement “we want change”? The fact is that brad has and still is doing everything he can to ensure that the Coalition is far more than just him, or a collection of his ideas, or his agenda. You are simply blinded by your own ignorance. He is but one voice of many, and is not the leader of the cause. He is a worker, just like me and the many others who have recently joined. Look up the definition of “coalition” and learn something.

If you read the postings clearly, nobody has been put down for having a positive idea about or promoting change. The only thing being put down is the whining, belly-aching, and undying proclamations of self-righteousness by you and others motivated by a maligned spirit of what is right or proper. Aren't you tired of being such a negative force? Building yourself up by putting others down is simply irresponsible!

We (the original members of the Coalition) knew that MPI would try their best to infiltrate our ranks and try to disturb the cause. We all agreed that when such people call to get information, and or people refuse to give proper identification, we re-direct the conversation. I have had such calls and done exactly what brad has done, as have others. So if anyone wishes to contact us, there is logic to knowing who we are speaking with, even if only not to waste our time with insincere people. I can only suggest that if the chat with brad and the Coalition was with the exact same mentality as you have continuously demonstrated on here, then I for one would not wish to engage your insincerity, or should I say “insanity.”

Unless you are prepared to make yourself accountable for what you can and are prepared to do for the good of the cause (changing MPI) then I suggest you bite your tongue. I have yet to read that anybody, including you, have any specific plans. On the other hand, all of the 128 members of the Coalition do. We would never knowingly associate ourselves with people such as you, and a few others on here, however that does not stop us from encouraging you to promote change within MPI and get your own movement active. The more the merrier.

At the end of the day, this is the last post on behalf of the Coalition. When you insult brad you really are insulting all of the people who first met and have since become involved with the Coalition. Any post that does not come from me is not an official Coalition posting. You and others like you have turned MPISUCKS into a one-sided battleground of hatred and ignorance. You are the epitome of what is wrong with forums of this nature.

Moving OnJanuary 31, 2009  12:29:39 PM

Lately I've had a few due to recent events in my life. Have been experiencing bouts of severe pain, very little sleep for days, and experiencing paranoia because of this whole MPIC reform coalition and IRX thing. Then I wind up in an emergency ward last Monday with extreme crippling pain in the left shoulder, chest and arm. I suspected it was one of my accident related injuries acting up due to a rapid change in the weather but wasn't sure, also thought I might be having a heart attack.

Turns out my heart is okay, it was an accident related injury acting up, but it scared the $%!#* out of me and made me do some soul searching.

The distraction made me aware that a lot of my recent anxiety and paranoia have been brought on by the soap opera that's been playing out on these websites and the many faceless characters and aliases involved in the scenario.

Brief History

Had dealings with WCB and MPIC for a considerable portion of my life, 17 or 18 years, will never get them back. Unnecessarily suffered a lot at the hands of many incompetent, greedy, inexperienced, robotic, and/or unreasonable individuals involved in my rehabilitation, and likewise in my physical and psychological deterioration to this point in time.

They were always suspicious of me, seemingly never listening to what I was saying, always had the answers, many were wrong. Policy and procedure, open the big book of rules and regulations, confirm, then process. The thought that they may be causing pain, suffering, and other unaccessible losses does not enter their minds. I don't blame any of them as individuals, they represent and are overseen by the folks in the big house on Broadway Ave.

Over the years I have watched both of these insurance companies changing over time, depending on political parties and internal politics at the moment, they may be friendly and helpful for a period of time, then suddenly they do a 180º flip and you are now the enemy, then pleasant again, then they hire armed guards!

Somehow as things change within the system due to endless internal politics, many claimants fall into a number of grey areas and get locked into a more than substantial loss of income due to handy little income adjustments that are used to reduce $$$ pay out, and starvation tactics that are right up there with terrorism in my mind. (I would fall into this category, how about you)

Aside from my less than satisfactory state of health due forces beyond my control, my estimated financial losses to date, due to insurance company magic, are conservatively in the high six figures, maybe even seven figures, would have to sit down with an accountant and do some serious figuring, and then add in all the things I had to sell to put food on the table during that time.

I am one of the few who actually showed up at the first coalition meeting, July of 2008. I have been on board for action since the beginning, still am.

I am also an individual who paid a fee to IRX to attempt to resolve some of my claims, one more iron in the fire where I'm concerned. I've had my suspicions about them as well, have been paranoid a very long time and don't trust anyone anymore. For the time being I have no desire to worry whether or not they are legit, until they prove to me one way or the other what they are really about, only time will tell, I still have hope.

Even if they are what some people have said, at least I will know for sure in my own mind, and I will share that experience with others. If nothing else, I was fortunate enough to have recommended to me by a member of IRX, an excellent psychologist I had seen during my episode with WCB back in the 1980's, a doctor I had forgotten about. He confirmed I wasn't crazy, (ha ha), and got me thinking about a lot of things in a more positive light. That in itself was worth a great deal to me.

As for the cash up front, you won't know until you pay up, I've been duped for a lot more by "friends." To me the amount is insignificant compared to what the lawyers took from me to do literally nothing, not counting my loss of earnings to date. If it turns out to be money wasted, it's just one month closer to welfare, and another lesson well learned, that's all it is. After nearly 20 years of dealing with this crap, to me it's a small fee to pay for a little bit of hope and the chance that justice may prevail. Like buying a lottery ticket, you have a small chance of winning, better than no chance at all.

This will likely be my last post, and probably the last time I visit or have anything to do with any websites concerning MPIC, at least until my health improves. There are a few people here who know who I am, you have my email and phone #, call me when you have a few more people who step up that are ready to proceed.

I have a new direction in life, and it doesn't include wasting any more time dealing with virtual people on the internet and wondering who is who or why.

Step forward and be counted, or be silent. I've been counted, see you at the demonstration/ meeting/ revolution.

reality bitesJanuary 31, 2009  1:04:19 AM
I have just got caught up with recent posts. Seems to me certain people have a misguided sense of reality in respect of matters being discussed. For me it is not a matter of being disgusted, appalled, or seriously concerned, it is recognizing that not one person on here has all of the answers or ability or resources to create the changes we need or want. The bickering, trash talking and various degrees of self-righteousness are pathetic. People should be ashamed of all aimed at people with whom they obviously have separate and personal discourse.

Please don't get me wrong, I am totally supportive of free speech, however based upon what I have been reading, slandering others whether it is brad or IRX or others, without a foundation of facts (not to be confused with heresay), simply demonstrates the people doing the slandering are not leaders or ones who should command respect from any of us. If people can't rise above their playground mentality, then they should keep their mouths shut until they can. The John McCain campaign style is tiresome, and speaks more about the questionable quality of the person.

I think it is safe to say we all agree that changes in how MPI conducts its business are needed. Just too many claimants who are being taken advantage of because they either don't know the system or simply don't have the resources to fight for their rights. Fighting MPI, at an Internal Review or an Appeal through AICAC, is not as simple as looking on mpisucks for free advice. The problem with free advice is that you usually get what you pay for.

There are some here who seem to promote an advocate-less system suggesting claimants can get all the free advice they need on here. These thoughts are irrational! I am not promoting lawyers over claimant advisers over independent advocates. The fact remains that there are a lot of claimants out there who need help. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate that MPI prey upon those where English is not their first language; those who are not well educated; who are income challenged; who may live in the wrong part of town; or even may be subject to the not so subtle undertones of racial profiling. If you don't believe this to be true then you really are out of touch with reality.

We need to understand if we are ever to actually going to change MPI, it is only going to happen with a movement supported by people who are actually going to immerse themselves in the change process. You would be grossly naive to believe such change comes free of charge. Whether it is the cost of a hall; printing newsletters or flyers; advertising; e-mail campaigns; fax campaigns, etc, the fact remains you can only get so far without credible financial support. Of course, injured accident victims are not deep pockets; however, it is incumbent we all contribute what we can. The “free” fund will be depleted quickly. There is dignity in having a sense of ownership.

A campaign to create this change requires leadership from more than one person. Based on what I read, it appears some have tried or are trying to create change without much, if any, support. Even if brad or IRX have a secondary agenda, does it mean their efforts to seek change are without merit? Does anyone really have the right to chastise MPI Reform Coalition for trying to create change, simply because their way is not the same as your way? If positive change occurs, are you going to trash talk it because it didn't involve the right people or the right motives, based upon your own personal opinion? A simple nod of the head would suffice! (dumb, dumber & dumbest need not participate!)

MPISUCKS has gotten out of hand (moderator take note). I applaud your intentions, yet so much discord comes from people who can't be validated as to who they really are or what their real agenda is. It occurs to me that MPI must be rather ecstatic with what they have been reading. In fact they may actually be the people doing the negative posting. Stop and think about it people. The more certain people promote such discord the more we should question their motives, as the only benefactor is MPI!

James J, if you really are sincere about taking on a leadership role, tell us how we can get in touch with you. Don't hide! Stand up and be counted!

James JJanuary 30, 2009  8:09:17 PM

Appalled even more, whatever, Dim Wit, Appalled, admittedly, very discouraged

I'm getting rather confused as to who is who. Are you all the same person? It's making a big mess out of a blog site which is suppose to help individuals. There should be no encouragement for a business that seeks to steal money from people already burdened with money issues and who have been given the run-around by MPIC. This site should be for free help and not some advertisement. As for the rental of a hall, who would benefit from that it would be littered with people working under MPIC.

What would us claimants get out of some hall rental anyway? If it's a business that has organized the event then they will only get a better chance to persuade people to fork over money for service/advise which can be acquired for free on here.

What has to be done is media attention, documentaries, and interviews. Proof that MPIC is unjust either through claimants or health professional thats aren't on the payroll of MPIC. It's time to make a stand, it's time for a free solution.

Anyone who wants to help get the ball rolling let me know.

very discouraged,January 30, 2009  1:48:14 PM
This is directed to any of the citizenry of Manitoba, whom are unhappy and/or disgruntled at MPIC, for their conduct and policies. If you truly are an individual whom has been hurt, rejected, ignored, and mistreated by any of MPIC's minions, please understand this:

1. We tried to get a hall for free but it didn't work out... only one person offered any suggestions or took any initiative to find a hall at no charge.

2. All at the meeting agreed that if we couldn't find a hall for free then we would have to rent one, hence the request for $ commitments (not donations)

3. Everyone at that meeting in July wanted to be part of MPI Reform Coalition.

4. He did, at his own expense, on his own time, do a lot of research about how to create reform... and in fact he distributed copies of certain material to everyone.

5. He did not ask to be leader

6. Other than two people, no one else bothered to come forward to offer support even with just time and energy... not even any moral encouragement...

7. Why is that people who can't be bothered to actually take action to create change find it so responsible to castigate those that do?

Have a nice day, see you all in the funny papers,

Appalled, admittedlyJanuary 30, 2009  12:46:19 PM
As stated, I admit that I am appalled, and actually glad to be such. I'll also gladly admit, that you are admittedly a dim-wit.

Now that we've cleared that up, I'll go further and state that I am not interested in any way, of arguing with idiots. No matter how bad they may want to fight. Mostly, because they end up eating the crayons, instead of using them properly.

No matter how much faith, hope, and and ambition we few have for 'the populations freedom', it constantly is given away through apathy, laziness, and selfishness.

May God Bless You All, and Protect You, cause you sure ain't going to do it for yourselves,

Dim WitJanuary 30, 2009  12:32:02 PM
Dear like....super....really...unbelieveably...appalled, There are many ways to meet for NO COST. I understand that the glitz, splash, and glamour of being the 'saviour' behind such a high budget would be great advertising for a little start up venture.

Interesting to note that you acknowledge 'brad' was offered a whopping 3 figure sum but declined it "FEELING THAT NO ONE PERSON SHOULD BE OUT THAT MUCH" so...are you publicly acknowledging the expectation of failure?

Your insecurities regarding your own competence, intelligence and inadequacies are evident in your use of condescending vitriol directed at those who have opinions which differ from your own personal agenda. Sorry to have rained on your parade...if that is how you feel.

I am more than happy to have a sit-down intelligence test duel with you...we can even use crayon if you like. This is not however, a competition to determine who is more intelligent. Wisdom would lead you to realize that it is futile to attempt to squeeze nickels (about the spare change available to MPI claimants) out of a group of people who clearly are not impressed with your 'offer' or ability.

Why do you care who is winning? Is it that you want your little piece of the pie? It might be a good time to diversify...

Appalled even more,January 29, 2009  10:49:26 PM
To all the dim-witted individuals of whom think that the IRXperts, or Brad, are out there to scam money from anyone, please, smarten up!

When a group of free-thinking, like-minded, unhappy individuals met last summer, there were a number of questions put forward. Quite a number, actually.

And only one of them, had anything to do with money. And, particularly, what would those interested be willing to donate, or offer a commitment to help the cause. Even if it was 20 dollars. Just something, if anyone was willing, and/or able, to help disuay the cost of a hall or forum rental.

He was also offered later, a sum of nearly 3 figures, for which he rejected. Him feeling that no one person should be out that much.

I cannot believe the shallow level of intelligence, and near absence of integrity that is out there. And people wonder why MPI does what they do. BECAUSE OF THE THE APATHY AND IGNORANCE OF 'THE POPULACE' WHOM FIGHT AMONGST THEMSELVES, EVEN WHEN THEY'RE ON THE SAME TEAM. Or are crayons needed, to get this point across?

Get over yourselves, smarten up, and get your story straight. Our view is 'Unite and Fight', whereas MPI's view towards us is "Divide and Conquer".

Who's winning?

Seriously Fed UpJanuary 29, 2009  1:33:32 PM
To James J, I have no hard evidence to support my theory on case managers, however... the story you relate sounds remarkably similar to my own; creepy similar in fact. I have long suspected that they have a system. First they appoint a low rank slightly dim case manager. If this one is successful in screwing legitimate claimants there is no need to move along the ranks. If the strategy isn't working for them, they continue to 'up the ante' so to speak, by using successively more experienced (and thus more costly to them) case managers. The case managers use whatever tactics they can to bully claimants. The majority of people aren't able to withstand this treatment. MPI banks (literally) on this fact. I have read my claims file (at least that portion of it that they provided to me) and have found notes made by case managers COMPLETELY inconsistent with the truth. If 6 case managers each make different notes then where is the truth? Nobody knows for sure and that is what they aim to create so they can beat you at AICAC. As for the vacations...yeah, I've noticed this too. And have you notice that it always seems to happen when it is most likely to annoy the claimant and delay progress of your claim. No small coincidence I suspect. I've heard the claim of high case loads too, I seriously question this....it just doesn't seem possible. Manitoba is too small for so many case managers to have such high case loads.

James JJanuary 29, 2009  11:06:57 AM
What determines the amount of Case Managers a claimant will have over the life of their file?

I've had 5 or 6 already. The very first one seemed nice, tried to be a "friend" Made employment and Education promises and tried to convenience me to admit that I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, even though I had injuries to prove I was wearing a seatbelt. Second case manager more than willing to offer any devices to make my life easier eg. chairs, obus-forms etc.. But also heavily messed up the process of my recovery with overloading my physical limitations. Third case manager was mean and tried to get me to become out of hand and fight back in a way that would only benefit MPIC. And so on... And all seem to re-word everything you tell them or try to change your story after each Case Manager.

Case Managers seem to go on "Vacations" several times a year. Is it for more training in psychology? Studying of the cases they have? Almost all of them have told me that they have at least 50 different claimants to tend too. Does everyone else have the same experiences with their Case Managers?

@ bbadmin - You have written a lot of helpful material on here and on your website, all of which has benefited us claimants.

former coalition supporterJanuary 28, 2009  12:38:36 PM
To bbadmin; I believe you. Don't be too hard on yourself. I too was somewhat duped into the 'brad' thing. On the surface I support anyone who is willing to stand up to MPI. I SHOULD have exercised due diligence and investigated more as to the motive (of brad). I have always had a little reservation...concern over brad wanting money from people to get things going at 'town hall' meetings etc. I guess he mistakenly believed that we financially strapped and desperate claimants were venture capitalists in our spare time ! brad had better not contact me either. sorry to hear about the numerous case managers...I've had more than you. You aren't alone.

appalled,January 27, 2009  5:11:34 PM
For the actual people whom are reading this site, of which are actual victims and have actual grievances against MPIC, I commend you. I also intend to warn you.

Please, do your thinking for yourself. Investigate matters concerning yourself, and your situation, to the deepest degree that you can handle.

Give up nothing. Never back down. Never EVER disclose any information of which you don't want to be made public. You've been warned numerous times here, of the wonderful liberal employees of the biased, slanted, and mis-guided MPI. It doesn't take much investigation to find what their policies are, and their intents.

Anything you say, (or do) can and will be used against you, misconstrued against your claim, and adapted as leverage against you. Please, don't believe anything you may be reading about some other posters (imposters) here on this site. Learn for yourselves. The touting of how wonderful the system is, and how many great safe-guards are in place, and how euphoric that they all work together in harmony is absolutely evil.

Soley intended to dissuade you into thinking that they are the almighty, ever-knowing, and supremely-powerful entity of mankind that are to be the only ones ever entrusted to look out for your well-being.

Or you can think for yourself, stand up for yourself, fight for yourself, and win your battles for your own well-being, best interest, and personal rights. And, as free citizens of a free country, you also SHOULD have the ability to CHOOSE whom you want to help you, in your defense.

MPIC, in all their wonderment, wants to seriously hamper, inhibit, and just plain prevent you from having an actual choice. They've even attempted to write that, into law. Does that sound like it's 'helpful' to the citizenry?

I think not.

May God Bless Us All, 'cause MPIC sure won't....

James JJanuary 26, 2009  8:35:51 PM
Quite a lot of posts since my last visit.

@ dude - Lawyers are helpful if people are unaware of MPIC and it's policies. There is a maximum cash payout of around 130,000 for the most severe cases, most people will see less than 50,000. Most lawyers in Manitoba when working against MPIC will charge an hourly rate, most are $175+ an hour. How many hours are required to gain a $1000 more on your payout? Not saying for people to go without a lawyer, but also I wouldn't encourage it.

Appeals Com. If that means Appeals Commission, they are there to hear both sides. If MPIC has a viable case against the claimant then they could possibly win the case. Depending on what the claimant is bringing forth to the panel and has to say in regards to their claim and can defend themselves against what MPIC says determines the outcome. Appeals Commission (AICAC) tries to be fair in their decision.

Claimant Advisor - Should only be used to acquire the information you need to defend yourself. I wouldn't recommend having them speak for you.

@ Edmundo Miranda - I appreciate your honesty and your ideas. I think we should have an organization, but I think it shouldn't require money, because a lot of people fighting MPIC are lacking funds from what MPIC has done to them. Donations for an organization could be an idea, but to where that money is spent it would have to be written up and agreed upon.

@ "Certain Individuals" - Shame on you for trying to swindle money out of people in need.

I am a friend to anyone on this Blog therefore anyone who needs help can ask and I have no problem giving the advise people need for free and if I don't have an answer for something, I'm sure another friend on here will.

dudeJanuary 26, 2009  1:44:11 PM
also would like to say, if you use the appeals com. thats your last stop, if you loose its all over. these folks are not lawyers, and MPI uses their lawyers. I rather pay 1/3 of my claim, than take a chance at getting 100 percent of nothing.They are a tool that MPI uses. if they loose no re course for you, do you want to take that chance, I dont.Ask your self, why you would go to a business that get paid by the people who you are fighting against.At least a lawyer will have to fight to get paid, along with infor for the next time.Why do you think they are trying to stop lawyers from helping you with your claims.They put out retainers fees every year to all the top lawyers in this town, and are trying to pay off the Manitoba Law Society, as they do with everybody that trys to help people.They buy their silence and co operation, and this is why they dont want to open up the books for tax payers to see.They are nothing short of public funded gangsters, since they are beating down organized crime,and are trying to control anybody who speaks out about them and their big bags of cash for them selves, and the rich for the capitals projects they need to do.wonder who gets a hand out when the native people settle their land claim. also why now, is doer term up! MMMM.thx PS you got to be native to get things done by this government, or at least act like them and stand up for your rights as a coalition, and march done to the leg for justice. set a date guys or forget about it. and thats my 2 cents kent brockner

not-a-rocket-scientistJanuary 25, 2009  10:58:22 PM
It should be safe to assume that aside from those MPI staff lurkers out there, everyone who visits this site/blog has a similar problem. Some have issues with repairs, immobilizers, injuries or rates...we all have our problems with MPI. We are all on the same team and it is that sense of teamwork that will make a difference.

What I don't see a need for is someone to make a business out representing claimants without a PROVEN track record of success or any means of recourse for a claimant should the person screw up royally. The Claimant Adviser Office is available free of charge and in my experience they are highly intelligent and have claimants interests first. If they make some disasterous error...at least a claimant isn't out any extra money. Hiring a lawyer is an option for some if they have the financial ability to do so. Again, in the event of some disasterous error...at least lawyers are accountable.

Hypothetically, let's pretend that a small business sees an opportunity and decides to fill a market void by offering to represent claimants at various stages of appeal; I pay this person...$50. and give them all my documents. 2 weeks later I call and they still haven't had time to review my file. Another 2 weeks and they need more money. Finally they review everything, are completely overwhelmed by the complexity of my case and freeze in their tracks. They don't return my calls, they don't return my documents. Now a claimant is 'out' whatever money they paid to access this service, they are also 'out' a copy of their claim file and will have to pay MPI to receive a second copy not to mention the loss of valuable weeks. What recourse is available? (Lawyers return your paperwork at least)

In my never humble not-a-rocket-scientist opinion, any 'Joe Blow' without experience is going to be crushed at Internal Review or AICAC. MPI has stacks of lawyers paid for with our premium dollars waiting to earn their keep and climb ranks by successfully sticking it to claimants. They are good at it, skills honed over the past decade plus, to the detriment of injured Manitobans. I dare to guess that if your health and future is on the line it is best to have experience on your side.

Back to my opinion regarding the PROVEN track record. I feel that any business that can't provide excellent references and prove their expertise and competence unequivocally is a business that persons should think twice about before handing over money. This applies to medical care, home renovations and car insurance among many others. I personally would not want to be one of the first 'practice' cases in any of these disciplines.

Whether someone hires a small business who wants to fill a niche by 'representing' claimants at various stages of appeal or whether someone hires a lawyer it would be wise to inquire about the number of claimants he/she has previously represented and what the rate of success is. How much they charge, by the hour, percentage, flat rate? If you have a question, ask it. Get an answer, preferrably in writing.

Personally, I seem to have missed the slam campaign, hidden agenda or slanderous insinuations (which technically, I think is a contradiction given the definition of each word in that last phrase). One person voicing an opinion does not make a campaign...sadly...or I'd personally be running MPI and with a lot more common sense, compassion and integrity, I might add.

Take a deep breath. MPI Sucks. They need to go. Let's work on that in a collaborative fashion.

Frustrated,January 25, 2009  11:43:08 AM
I cannot believe the gullibility, frivolity, and just plain idiocy of some people.

To attempt to start some conspiracy theories, about certain individuals and/or organizations, is just plain dumb. And, to add to that, there are others whom think automatically, that since it's in print, it must therefore be true.

Please people, learn to think for yourselves.

Let me explain: This website/blog exists through the benefaction of a few, to get the word out about a scourge in our society. There are a few individuals, whom have the gumption, strive, and ambition, to actually tackle this giant, and do what's right. Success is being made, as well.

Then surprise of surprises, all the sudden there seems to be a 'slam campaign' going on, about the 'hidden agenda' and whatever other slanderous insinuations can be invented.

For those whom aren't rocket scientists out there, who stands best to profit/benefit from the silencing of the actual injured people? Whom do you think is behind the mudslinging? Don't forget, one can go back and read months and months of actual horror stories, of actual people screwed over by a corrupt government organization. No better than a Salvadoran Police Force, or some such type with the motto of "COMPLY OR DIE".

Say something if I'm incorrect here, but people, don't let yourself be led by a maniac. Cause all you'll get is crazy. I myself have fought against MPI's ongoing and continuous corruption. On my own, and after spending thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for a lawyer.

All to get what they 'say' in their 'offered services' that which I was (and still am) entitled to, to begin with.

Now, don't you think, as a citizen, a civilian, and most importantly, as a dues paying member of the free-thinking consumer group that we should be able to choose how we want to conduct our own business?

Or would you like to have all of your options dictated to you? Some more?

Think about it people, please,,,, really think. It shouldn't hurt.

LJanuary 24, 2009  12:55:16 PM
Please note that 'NoFaultVictims' and 'victimsagainstnofault.org' are separate entities. victimsagainstnofault.org hopes to 1) educate people about no fault insurance, 2) foster a sense of community among those who are abused and marginalized by MPI's claim handling practices and 3) be a catalyst for reform. There is no charge. Our assistance is offered from a genuine and sincere wish to help others who have a challenge with their claim.

mpi's mission statement makes me pukeJanuary 23, 2009  8:26:20 PM
I talked to Edmundo. His English isn't the best. However, the guy is seemingly decent, sharp, resolute and is going to stand up to injustice.

stephanieJanuary 23, 2009  5:47:19 PM
My car was recently stolen in Edmonton. Unfortunately, and totally coincidentally, this is the second time it has happened. I do work in Edmonton & spend the majority of my time here but my car stays in Manitoba most of the time. MPI has denied my claim this time around. They did not bother to call me, but rather sent a letter with very vague explanation. They never asked questions, never asked for receipts to prove that I travel back & forth, I have NO property, lease or rental - no permanent address in Edmonton. They have had no problem taking my $ monthly for the past 3 years, even when I've been completely honest about my work/living situation. I was always told by MPI that as long as I travel back & forth I am still covered. I am now without a car, without $, without answers. If anybody knows of lawyers or anybody who can help me out, PLEASE email me. stephaneenikol@hotmail.com. Thank you.

FrankJanuary 23, 2009  5:40:25 PM
I just heard about MPI Sucks. After reading all the blogs, I can relate to the frustration expressed in them. I too am a victim of the MPI bureaucracy. Last year I was involved in a car accident and suffered multiple injuries including my back. I was examined by my doctor who prescribed treatments. I tried to go back to work but it was too painful.I made a disability claim with MPI. They paid for a while then cut me off saying my back should be healed by now. I am not able to work because of the pain. I have tried to get a lawyer but many have a conflict and besides, they cost too much. I need to fight MPI but am not sure how to do that. If any of you can offer some help or advice I would appreciate it. This whole thing is stressing me out and dont know where to turn to. Please email me if you have any suggestions. Thanks. fsolski3@gmail.com


mpisfavouriteclaimantJanuary 23, 2009  3:22:05 PM
3 cheers for Edmundo ! CBC Winnipeg News at 6 is going to have yet another story tonight of someone who is being abused my MPI mismanagement and dare I say....corruption. Watch if you can and contact the media to share your own story. If the media is bombarded with personal accounts then perhaps they may start to take more interest.

Edmundo MirandaJanuary 23, 2009  11:17:46 AM
Now for the victims of MPI, be aware of a scam that's going on here and in another sites, I have proves that there is people keeping you guys entertained here for us not to get together. I dont know whos paying this people to sabutage our plans in getting together . its either MPI or somebody relatad to MPI, and if it is none of that, then it is a scam, they say they will give advice for a fee, ok people we dont need advice, we need acttion, I mean acction in a peace full and diplomatic manner, Believe me please, we can do it together. Forget that people from IRXPERTS, they can't and they will not do anything for us other than keep us here is this sites, prove me if Im wrong, tell what have you guys gain with them ? Did any of you have payed to them alrready ? If so I feel sorry for you. I got 3 diferent e-mails from the same pretending to be a diferent perssons, that persson dont want us to get together and have even treatning me with removing my post in his website , BE AWARE PLEASE. My name is Edmundo Miranda, I live in BC and my phone number is 604-585-8834, mu e-mail is edmundoe.c.miranda@hotmail.com, you can contact me anytime and lets stop this ambushed MPI secret agents. ( You can call me crazy but Im not )

I would even put my picture here if I was an addm. because I have nothing to hide and nothing to lose, all I had MPI took from me in the persson of Ron Highams, an incompetent out of province case manager, so incompetent that he tough that following MPI act was not enough that he had to even worst than that, anyways... Trust me, I know waht Im talking about, for 10yrs I have been fighting this people and fight the ways they have to slowlly kill people like me, If Im gonna die it will be on Good's hand or on my own hands, and believe Im ready to die for justice for me and other victims, so, to dose people that trying to scam us, and keep us apart you better think twice and watch out for the way you try to make a living with our money.

Sorry to the good people for my English, I can speak but can wright very good, and on top of that at this moment Im very upset and mad. Have a great day.

Thank you!

Edmundo MirandaJanuary 23, 2009  10:53:41 AM
Whoever you are, you want me to ambush and fight MPI ? Sorry man, but thats not the way Im .

I have nothing to hide, I'll show my face everyware, and whats the problem of MPI came here and see who you are ? Do you have something to hide ? Is your claim a fraud ?If not you dont have to hide and be scared of them.

The only way to fight them is showing our face to the manitobans, to Canadians and even the World, the World need to know that Canada is not what they claim to be,because MPI is more like a Social Imperialist party than a Inssurance company, its more like the mob, some people have to pay the mob for protection and have nothing , the World need to know what MPI do tho victims of accidents, like what they'r doing to Steve Fletcher, SO DONT TELL ME TO HIDE .

Edmundo MirandaJanuary 23, 2009  10:04:32 AM
please do not post up all your infor on this site, becaues MPI is always reading the posts. dont give them any heads up, for them to counter you in court. you have to take them there to get justice,because they cant play with the law there. only action to take is set a date to go to the leg, and get it out into mthe open and media. thats the only way. if you have to speak your mind call cjob every first tuesday of the month and blast gary doer on the air. good luck

Edmundo MirandaJanuary 22, 2009  3:34:06 PM
Its time to act !!!

We need to get toghether, we have to organise a real group of people realy interested in getting justice done. How ? I don't know very well how to do that, but I have some ideas, like all of you, lets join ideas and came out with a solution.

We need a leader to start to organise thing's . ( I'm not that persson because my English is not the best, other wise I'm ready for anything, and I mean anything. )

We have to create an organisation with funds to suport our case, I have some ideas but we have to talk about it and improve. With time we will defeat MPI because we are right, we have been frauded,literally robed by MPI and worst of all, we have been slowlly kiled by them.

We all feel power less against MPIC act, but together we will be heard . Don't just seat and read this, lets start to act right now.

I can start to organise a meeting, the ones interested e-mail me and I will call you back with details .


Divided we are sillent, together we will be heard!

bradJanuary 21, 2009  11:32:13 AM
For all of those people who have expressed dissatisfaction with MPI for whatever problem you have had with them, the MPI Reform Coalition is going to hold a town hall meeting the 1st in March. If you have a story to tell or you wish to get involved then I suggest you do a post on here....

Or call (204) 221-6415 and ask for Brad as I am the person organizing this event.

CraigJanuary 19, 2009  5:44:20 PM
If anyone has a vehicle damage claim resulting from theft, fire, or vandalism, which is being denied by MPI, you will be interested to know we just recently had two clients solidly defeat MPI in Small Claims court. The decisions handed down were firm, as they revealed MPI's eagerness to deny such claims when they believe the Insured is involved, even though they lacked proper evidence to support their position.

We can help you, if you are going through this kind of fight with MPI. References are available.

Feel free to contact us: www.irxperts.com or call (204) 219-9550

CraigJanuary 19, 2009  5:25:10 PM
Hi James J.

Well, my post was primarily directed towards needing at 6 claimants who are willing to stand up to MPI and the Law Society for their right to have any person they choose, paid or not, to represent them.

Yes, we are always interested in helping people. We offer an interesting range of services, some additional ones soon to be noted on our website at www.irxperts.com.

I won't discuss fees on here as there are many variables which impact on what we might charge. If advice is all you are looking for then it depends on what type of advice. We do not offer advice that only a lawyer can give.

If you have a matter and wish to chat about it, please give me a call at 219-9550 or go to our website and send us an e-mail.

I would welcome the opportunity to chat.

James JJanuary 17, 2009  3:14:54 PM
Craig are you looking for claimants in need of help? or for claimants that are willing to help other claimants?

Given the options of a lawyer, Claimant Advisor, family, or friend. With the later two not being paid. I'm left wondering are the fine people at irxperts charging just for advise?

craigJanuary 16, 2009  11:59:49 PM
I see that MPI continues to be up to its usual standard of fine service. We are taking issue with MPI over their belief that a claimant does not have the right to choose who will be their representative. They suggest the options are a lawyer (who get paid); or a claimant adviser (who gets paid indirectly by MPI); or a personal representative of your choice who MPI says cannot be paid, and they go even further to suggest this person can only be family or friend. Our position is that we wish to be one of several service providers who like us do have the necessary expertise to assist claimants with Internal Reviews and Appeals.

We need as many claimants as possible who are willing to represent consumers/claimants at large in order to challenge MPI.

If you are interested please contact me at craig@irxperts.com or vist our website at www.irxperts.com

respectfully... Craig

Robyn CJanuary 16, 2009  5:03:44 PM
Thank you James for the comment and information. This is an avenue we are definitely going to look into. For someone who was so "concerned" about the welfare of my child and the dog, sure lacked the dignity and respect to take responsibility of their actions. We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, something she will learn quickly. It is too bad this could not have been dealt with civil like instead of involving MPIC who we all know make sure they are making you pay the big dollars. While we could have done this privately and a lot cheaper and gotten the same results.

James J.January 16, 2009  4:46:11 PM
Robyn this is located on the MPI website under claims. Under Manitoba law, you and another motorist involved in a collision can sue each other for the deductible and liability, if applicable.

In the end though, the courts have the final say. So, if you disagree with how your adjuster has assessed fault, or even if you've appealed through our independent review process, you can still take the other driver to court for a final decision. Was your 10 year old at fault? Should a 10 year old be at fault for something of this nature. I'd say fight it. Sue the driver into paying for the deductible and for counseling. Good luck on your fight.

Robyn ColletteJanuary 15, 2009  5:43:23 PM
Our dog was hit by a vehicle last week. Our 10 year old was walking her and he was devastated. We rushed her to the vet, she seemed OK - nothing broken, but some internal lung damage. We left her there for 2 days and right before we were supposed to pick her up, she died. We have a 10 year old and a 4 year old. They were crushed...Today, we receive a letter from MPI stating that we may be fully responsible for the accident and have to pay for damages on the person's vehicle!! Are you kidding me? We've already paid for vet bills, are still dealing with the grief and anguish that our children are feeling, and then we get this?? There's got to be some way out of this. Does anyone know what to do, or has this happened to you?

dissidentJanuary 9, 2009  4:08:06 PM
You are damned either way. The entire Act is self-serving and anti-claimant. It will never change until someone with some courage and integrity speaks out. MPI is a very fat cash cow for government...why would they get rid of it?

As for whether to fill out the form...perhaps you need a lawyer. Have you tried getting advice from the Claimant Adviser Office ? I think the form sounds like the "PCA" form, they 'score' it in such a way that you will most likely not 'qualify' for assistance. Pointless to bother with the waste of ink in my experience. If you say you can sit for 20 minutes and they send you to an IME where the 'doctor' makes you wait 21 minutes....you'll be video- taped "sucessfully sitting for more than 20 minutes" and you'll be deemed a fraud. It doesn't matter how much pain you are in while sitting....fact is...you can sit. The ultimate goal of MPI is to hold on to every penny they can under the guise of 'responsibility to rate-payers'. Then they claim they are wonderful by giving us a few dollars back in the form of a rebate.

JamesJanuary 8, 2009  7:19:46 PM
Do I actually have to fill out that Level of Function form? Section 160(b) of the MPIC Act is the only part I found that might mean I have to fill it out. Can anyone confirm? Thanks in advance

I know it's designed to be used against me.

dissidentJanuary 8, 2009  4:45:14 PM
Ah, the Level of Function form. Most likely to be used to scrutinize what you say versus what they video tape (surveillance) you doing.

JamesJanuary 8, 2009  4:20:17 PM
Has anyone ever received a Level of Function form? If so does one have to fill it out?


James J.

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