Dirty Little Secrets of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPIC) and Autopac.
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Against MPIDecember 31, 2010  1:13:44 PM
There has been recent talk that MPI will be reducing auto insurance premiums by 4% in 2011. People need to be unaware how MPI operates because the uneducated public will probably think this is great. Manitobans like a good deal. Unfortunately, what this actually means is that 1) MPI has been forced to reduce premiums due to how much money they are pocketing from not paying out BI claims. Their profits annually are in the millions 2) they are reducting premiums to get into the public's good books 3) they are reducing premiums because they plan on denying even more claims. Let's face it, MPI is not reducing premiums to be nice. We have to make sure the public is aware that by MPI reducing their premiums means there is a cover up. MPI has not been paying BI claims so with MPI reducing their premiums it is a sure sign that they are going to continue denying BI claims in the future. If anything, to ensure they continue making their usual huge profits annually, they will make up the difference by denying even more claims. Manitobans need to be aware of what 2011 - 2012 will be like for those who get hurt in an accident. MPI is becoming even more corrupt !

pandaDecember 30, 2010  11:32:55 PM
@ p.b: Body integrity and safety inspection requirement are not always followed by numerous purchasers of MPI's vehicles.

Go to MPI's " Sanctions Listing " website, and see how many garages have been penalized for not following rules.

papa bearDecember 30, 2010  9:40:16 PM
@panda. here some REAL facts 4 U! MPI does auction off the vehicle to anyone but you just can't fix them and put them back on the road. They have to have mechanical safetya body integrity done on them by a sertified inspection station. Some of the vehicle are not allowed back on the road. MPI makes them Irrepaiable & if under 1994 are automaticaly Irrepariable. Some of the people that buy these vehicle are certified journeymen in autobody.

pandaDecember 30, 2010  5:20:17 PM
Due to having a hold on Manitobans' lives, by controlling from every angle, such as driver licence, auto insurance, auto sales permit, auto dealer permit and so on, by MPI. There is little hope of getting a fair justice when it comes to dealing with monopoly.

The management know that they can get away with any aggression by denying any case. Claimant advisory department and Appeal Commission are no help either.

The other issue in question about MPI's greed is , that they auction off close to 400 written off vehicles to just about anyone, who', in most cases do not have ability or desire to repair those damaged vehicles properly. Consequently, these improperly repaired vehicles go back on the road again, and this vicious circle go on and on.

Those damaged vehicles should only be allowed to sell to licensed repair facility, which carries proper repair equipments to repair damaged vehicles. But doing so can reduce revenue for MPI. That is why, no one pays attention to this very important issue.

Therefore, MPI has to be held accountable for all these wrongdoings and misusing its power. For that a group of dissatisfied claimants have to get together to raise their common cause against MPI's aggression and brings to the attention of the Minister, Andrew Swan responsible for MPI.

Against MPIDecember 30, 2010  3:04:38 PM
I emailed the MVA website address to the Fibromyalgia Support Group so that some of their members can sign the petition. MPI does not recognize soft tissue injuries. Many of us have severe whiplash but have been diagnosed with FM so MPI uses the FM diagnosis to deny claims instead of acknowledging severe whiplash. FM is a battle in itself. Even with xrays proving whiplash, MPI still denies. A lot of people in the FM Support Group are on welfare or on gov't disability because of their car accident. A lot of people are also being supported by family and friends because MPI won't pay any benefits. A lot of people are fired because of their medical conditions after an accident. Some are lucky and can claim short or long term benefits but a lot get fired before they can even start the process. Unfortunately, MPI denies whenever they want regardless of how much proof they get because they honestly think someone that is hurt can get $$ somewhere else but many times that is not possible. That is how businesses operate. Unfortunately, the burdon is put on the injured person. Not only do they have to fight MPI for benefits, they generally run out of $$ before their claim gets to the appeal commission level and when that happens the claim is generally denied anyway because the appeal commission are all gov't employees. Only after that can an injured person try to get onto the gov't disability plan but they are like MPI and they deny deny deny. Years of appealing and probably thousands of dollars on a lawyer may only get a person $400.-$600. per month (sometimes more if they qualify for more). A lot of FM sufferers don't have the energy or the knowledge to keep fighting so MPI wins again. MPI takes years and years to settle a claim and they offer a portion of what a person is really entitled to but people are so broke at that point they just take the cash and settle so MPI wins again. No matter how you look at it MPI is one gov't mess after another. Yes all insurance companies are in the business to make money but MPI should not operate to make millions of dollars a year especially when people are going bankrupt. The gov't brags how they take care of their own but when you really look at it, gov't only takes care of gov't. They take our money and they spend it how they see fit. We are the ones that suffer. We have no rights that is why Manitobans need to be educated on how badly flawed our gov't systems are. It would be great if we could get the support of people with FM to join our fight as well. I will provide an update as soon as I can.

JULIEN DUBUCDecember 30, 2010  12:49:24 PM
{JUST OVER HALF OF BLACKBOOK VALUEPAID}.. . GIRLFRIEND paid $850 4 car at AUCTION .I HELP fixed it up with a safety body/integrity.hole nine yards. cost altogether $2200 WITH PURCHASE OF CAR. Then writen off.mpic cliams ajuster andrew brown offered $2650 minus the deductable which is $2550.that meaNS THEY GAVE ME $350 4 THE CAR.$2200 CAME FROM POCKET ANYWAYS TO PUT ON ROAD..HE SAID WE MADE $350 WHICH WAS GOOD.[NOT].THERE PROFITN MORE. WHEN THEY RESELL IT AGAIN AT AUCTION.THEY WILL SELL IT AGAIN FOR $500 AN UP FOR THE CAR . WHOS PROFITING U DO MATH .$2550-$500=SHE ONLY GETS BACK $2050FOR CAR . SHE LOSE $150 ....YET THE AJUSTER SAID WE PROFITED $350. IT WAS ONLY ON ROAD 17 DAYS.MPIC MEN AJUSTERS ALWAYS RIP OFF WOMAN ????? SHE PAYED BLACK BOOK TAXES ON $4500.....MPIC A RIP OFF DEC30

AdrianDecember 29, 2010  11:38:04 PM

I will not try to argue or counter your arguments because everyone is entitled to your opinion and I understand what you are coming from. But, from someone who has been injured by no fault of their own I will say this..

You may be right that a lot of private insurance companies operate in the same way, but you are comparing apples and oranges. This is not a private insurance company. This is an insurance company that you are automatically forced to subscribe to and you do not have a choice or an alternative. Furthermore, when you are obviously treated wrongly, you have little-to-no recourse. This system is not set up to generate revenue, it was set up to combat rising costs of private insurance companies while serving the public. The large majority of the definition of the public in terms of MPI means injured people and at the end of the day it does not do what it's supposed to do. Even worse, in many cases the system that is set up to serve the public, just makes things worse.

JimDecember 29, 2010  8:31:19 PM

Personally, I do not see much difference between increasing taxes and increasing insurance rates, other than an increase in vehicle insurance rates will not affect those without vehicles. Either way, you pay more.

As far as simply switching to a different private insurance company if you are not satisfied, this may be an option, but it does not mean you will get what you are looking for from another insurance agency. Also, most probably perform pre-approval physicals which would likely show existing problems. Therefore, you may only be accepted at a much higher monthly premium than you would like to pay. I am not a fan of any insurance company.

PhoebeDecember 29, 2010  2:53:04 PM
Thanks for the advice! I will be contacting my neurologist and be bringing a copy of my scheduled MRI appointment. Thanks again! My neurologist said that MPI could not deny my claim as I still have a concussion.

wayneDecember 28, 2010  6:29:33 PM
@Jim...not sure what you don't understand but here we go. MPI (as well as private insurance companies) are in business for profit. No matter how many claims are paid out with MPI, your taxes won't increase. When MPI first started up, they used tax money, now they would just raise the price of your insurance. Not too hard to figure. Also, if a private insurance company gets the reputation of not paying any claims, and harassing the claimants, guess what? They would go out of business cuz guess what again? That's right Jim, the people have choices and competition with private insurance companies. Get a bad reputation, and no one uses your company anymore. Pretty simple concept, might not be understood by many Manitobans though as we deal with a govt monopoly that sticks it to people.

JimDecember 28, 2010  10:28:16 AM
@Against MPI,

I want to clarify a few things, but I am also not going to turn this into a blog similar to that of the Winnipeg Sun.

When I spoke of taxpayer rates increasing, I was only referring to if MPI compensated for things such as pain and suffering and loss of quality of life. I do not have the exact dollar amounts MPI took in year by year, but given the number of claims that are probably made every year, and I suspect the vast majority of claims are accepted (although many may be of short duration), these profits would dwindle and the injured would probably still not be satisfied with the amount of money they received.

As for private insurance companies, they are for-profit so it benefits them not to accept claims and when they do, limit liability. Although people may have the right to sue private insurance companies, many of these companies have highly paid lawyers as well as the resources to drag a civil case on for years. I imagine that many injured people would not have the resources to be able to compete.

I am sure there is much room for improvement in the MPI system. I hope you and others who have commented on this blog have success in your endeavours.

steveDecember 28, 2010  10:08:23 AM
MR Ghostbuster.. i just finished reading your post.KOODOOS to you. YOU are so right.yes i fought them for 18 months in court.yes they tryed to find my pass medical history.I DONT HAVE ONE AT ALL.thats what saved me.40 year old truck driver.the only time i seen a doctor was to get a class 1 medical was in the best shape of my life.now i have to take two perkacets a day just to walk around my house.I think the bloodsucking lawyers are part of the blame. WHEN ANYONE hires a bloodsucker.. MAKE sure you have it all on PAPER..signed by both parties involved. how much it will cost you.how payements will be made.Cause i didnt.and it cost me just about three quarters of my back pay from mpi.i fired them.now im talking to mpi and it doesn't cost me a dime.

AdrianDecember 27, 2010  9:30:52 PM
I really don't have too much to add to what others have been saying other then what I've said before... our system is broken and something needs to change. The MPI system is designed to make you feel hopeless and give up so what we need to be doing is the exact opposite or things will never change.

I'm up to 41 signatures for my petition myself just through my family taking it to their friends and co-workers for their signatures so I'm very glad to have their help. The minimum is 15 signatures but I will still try to get as many as possible by the end of February. I know it would be great if others took it for signatures and it spread but although I know that may not happen I will keep trying to do my part through this and other avenues.

Other then that, I hope everyone had a great holiday season with their family and all the best for the new year as well.

WayneDecember 26, 2010  10:41:50 PM
I know what you mean Carlyn. For all of you, it is too late, but do you want your kids to go through the same? Obviously you, and many others don't. There are a few of us putting our heads together and trying to find an answer. I feel more positive working towards this, than all of you sitting at home alone, feeling like all is lost. We all know that what MPI does to people is wrong. What they are doing is probably illegal. Put it this way, you take MPI to court, but, the same guy that is in charge of MPI, is in charge of Manitoba Justice? If a person stands on a street corner and says "no", he won't be heard by many. If many people stand on a corner and shout "no", slowly the message will get around. It's either try to change the way things work, or just say sorry to your kids. After all, they end up with the mess. I hope you all had a great Christmas, and hopefully 2011 will be a memorable year (in a good way :0)

CarlynDecember 24, 2010  11:01:21 PM
@Wayne: Sadly, you are quite accurate. MPI case manager for injury made effort to gather information only when they wanted to deny benefits. They hired 'independant' consultant who would say what they wanted rather than contacting professionals treating me. I had to get their findings included as part of the internal review. When MPI did contact them to challenge what I had said, they asked for info that they knew could not be given and only noted portions of phone conversations that would benefit MPI's position.

I have seen many people reduced to poverty and desperation fighting for justice in this system. Heard from reliable sources that MPI's paid professionals giving opinions favoring MPI are less than ethical. While I would never advocate violence, I come closer to seeing how someone could be driven to the point of desperation. I understand the frustration and hopelessness.

It's a broken system. We are not believed until we prove our claim, and we do not know how to do that. MPI decides what is relevant. Change is needed. But what is the best way to get it? Do we all write to the people responsible for MPI, and share our stories? If nobody speaks up, nothing will change. If we all speak up, someone, at some point in time, must listen. Maybe it won't benefit us with our current claims, but it will benefit our children, friends, relatives, or neighbors.

Against MPIDecember 24, 2010  11:00:32 AM
This is in response to Jim: In your statement you said that if MPI paid for more claims then tax payers would be expected to pay for the increase in claims. Are you kidding me?????? You are not telling everyone how much MPI makes per year in profits from us paying insurance. We are really aren't allowed to claim so MPI does what ever they want with the money they make. Vehicle repairs seem to go relatively smoothly (of course there are going to be situations where this is not true); however, MPI does NOT pay for Bodily Injury claims. Getting MPI to pay anything for physical/mental injuries is impossible. If MPI paid BI claims like a non goverment insurance company does due to legal requirements, MPI would not be making millions and millions of dollars in profits as they do no. MPI is gov't run. We pay for our own insurance to this gov't fun organization and MPI should be obligated by law to use the money they collect to pay claims. With all the money they make each year in profits, while injured people go bankrupt or lose their houses, they should not have any right to donate any of it to universities or other gov't run organizations. They should help people who are hurt or die instead. Private auto insurance companies charge more premium than MPI but what people don't realize that those private insurance companies pay for BI claims. MPI doesn't. The refund that MPI gives back is only because they are forced to give car owners money back every year. The refund should be more than just $15. With the amount of money they make our refunds should be in the hundreds/thousands. Also keep in mind, the way MPI is set up good drivers pay premiums for a lot of bad drivers. Surcharges and penalties assessed against bad drivers does not equal that of private insurance companies. Unless a person has a lot of knowledge on how insurance companies operate, save comments like yours for another website. MPI is corrupt. I suggest that you do a little more research on the differences between MPI and private insurance and how insurance really works.

wayneDecember 22, 2010  10:30:45 PM
Well, went to a meeting at MPI with the wife the other day. Got to talk to some big wigs. I asked whose job it is to gather information to help your claim, and he said it was 50/50, so in other words, if you are in an accident and end up in a wheelchair, you have to wheel yourself around town and fight MPI. Maybe a good way to show MPI for what they are is to demand full disclosure..ie.."we will only fix broken bones, whiplash or any other chronic pain you may have for life, we do not cover". If the public was aware of this, they may have something to think about. Also, do not hesitate to take a microphone to your meeting, as all of their rooms have audio and I believe visual as well, which they do not hide. If they are taping you, do not hesitate to tape them. Anyhow, hope everyone has a good christmas, and some relaxing holidays.

ParvezDecember 22, 2010  3:40:08 PM
@ against MPI: This is an excellent encouragement to those, who have been going through $%!#* due to misuse of power and monopoly on the part of MPI.

There must be a united struggle for common cause. As this way, every one can share it's bad experience with one another and could gain some awareness to continue one's cause.

Wayne and Adrian are definitely contributing efforts to educate others in forming a group in search of finding a light at the end of a tunnel.

Therefore, any idea is only good until there is action behind it.

Against MPIDecember 22, 2010  12:44:46 PM
Hi Everyone, I have had 5 not at fault accidents. In these 5 accidents there were at least 4 written off vehicles one of which was mine. I read everyone's story and it is proof that we need to keep moving forward as a strong group and voice our concerns so that we can someday say that we played a part in revamping MPI. Why don't we fight to help others who have NOT YET been in an accident? Why are we only thinking of ourselves? Is this the way humans are suppose to be with each other? I struggle every day to get up in the morning and go to work. I have a wonderful husband who supports my fight to change how MPI does business. There are plenty of people who can't fight themselves due to their injuries or do not have the support system that some of us fortunately have but we need to keep trying to fight the fight. One foot in front of the other. Adrian and Wayne have been dedicated to the cause and we need to thank them for their effort. The support group was designed for people to get together and help each other. Do not just give up. One day a loved one of yours will either get hurt or killed in an accident and you will wish you would have done more to change the system. We can't be selfish and only think about ourselves right now. MPI is a well oiled corrupt business who makes millions of dollars a year at our expense. There is nothing for us to be scared or worried about. I wish you would realize this before saying that you are done fighting....

Against MPIDecember 21, 2010  12:35:55 PM
Hi Phoebe ! MPI has already denied your claim and is forcing you into the internal review hearing appeal process which means you will be 99.9% denied. You need to give the internal review officer medical proof that you did suffer whiplash and you can give them reports and medical letters etc supporting your injuries. Do you have a witness from the bus? The reason MPI is doing this is so that they can deny as much as as fast as they can. The reason is that it now makes you 100% responsible to try to figure out what is wrong with you, find a doctor or doctor to treat you, for you to rehab until you feel well and during all of this you will be forced to guess what medical information MPI asked for, what they did not ask for, what they are omitting on purpose so that it shows as if you do not have a legitimate claim. Your next step after that is with the Appeal Commission which is 3 people paid by the gov't to uphold MPI's decisions. It is almost impossible to win anything when you are at that level. If you are, then you need to get medical documentation asap otherwise you will lose. They do this on all claims. If you are at the internal review appeal process, ask your case manager to give you a copy of your file (make sure nothing is deleted). Then contact the Manitoba Vehicle Accident Support Group (via the internet) and I can help you with your paperwork. I will show you what you need to do and prove to you how they are getting away with denying your claim. They should not deny your claim until all the medical information on your injury has been obtained which looks like it has not yet been done. How can they deny your injuries when you are still in the investigation process? Please feel strong and confident about your injuries and don't let them force you into the appeal process. The MVAS Group is there to work with people that are having problems understanding their claims. Adrian runs the site and I am a member who has had 5 MVA's myself, severe whiplash injuries, migraines and was unemployed for 2 years because of my injuries. I am very aware with all the games they are playing. If you start now, it will be beneficial for you in the long run. Ask for help. We are here for you.

LukeDecember 20, 2010  8:59:43 PM
Phoebe, Just to be certain, I presume that by "hearing", you mean an internal review hearing? Am I right?

PhoebeDecember 20, 2010  3:46:05 PM
I was told by MPI that there was no evidence that I was in a vehicle accident. I was riding on a Winnipeg Transit bus. I was getting out of my seat and the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes causing me to hit my head on a metal pole. I now have to see a neurologist and get an MRI. I did manage to get MPI to give me a hearing date for next month. I do not know what to expect. Any suggestions before I go?

CarlynDecember 19, 2010  5:03:10 PM
I did not mean to depress or tell others to give up. It has been a particularly rough year and I am struggling just to keep putting one foot in front of the other these days. While it's not a good time for me personally to get involved, others should make their own decisions. Adrian is right. Until someone takes a stand things will continue as they always have.

AdrianDecember 19, 2010  1:17:00 AM
I sent this out in response to an e-mail but just thought I would post it again here since it seems appropriate:

Hello Wayne and others,

Il'd like to say not to give up but I understand where you are coming from and appreciate everything you have done so to each their own. However, I think anyone who is still hoping for something to change has to know going into this that it's not something that will happen overnight. It's a long process and things will move slowly but that doesn't mean people should just give up because that's exactly what those who came before us did and that's why we are here today.

To all those heading in different directions, all the best, and to all those continueing with this, hope to hear from you all soon.

John SmithDecember 17, 2010  11:53:24 PM
Okay, I hear ya. You've even got me depressed now. I'll sit down and have my stale bread too. Sorry guys, but I'm done. Obviously there isn't enough people that care to make this work. And not picking on you Carlyn, alot of people have said that in the past too. Was hoping to move forward with at least 50 people, but only have around 10 after a month, and don't know where to get more people from. If MPI reads my posts I was just joking. My name is John Smith, and I love public insurance and aspire to work there some day. Good luck with your claims guys, and have a good christmas.

CarlynDecember 17, 2010  9:50:55 PM
Isn't it a given that MPI's employees and so-called independent advisors twist the facts, hear what they want to hear, and disregard the rest? That allows them to use our words against us, to justify unfair decisions. How are we supposed to prove something that is not measurable? Why don't they have the burden of proof? The legislation is one-sided, and they have no interest in correcting the imbalances to provide a fair system.

Even at Fair Practices and Internal Review, one quickly realizes it's just another level of the same unreasonable nonsense. Not at all independant of MPI if they're consulting with MPI's case managers and consultants before making a decision, and sweeping under the rug (not mentioning) anything that might shed a bad light on the decisions that have been made.

MPI says "prove it". They count on us to give up, and that's what we do. It's a self-supporting system, and it's working very well so far.

Yes, Wayne, many of us have laid down and are crying "uncle". Providing the necessities of life for our families has become more important than fighting what seems to be a losing battle. We know that MPI monitors communications online, and if we're fortunate enough to still be getting a few drops of benefits, we're smart enough to realize that biting the hand that feeds us, regardless of how stale or pitiful the bread is, is an unwise decision until AFTER we've been fed.

I like living in Manitoba, aside from my terrible experience with MPI. As long as I live here, I realize that I may need their help (such as it is) in the future. And while I sincerely hope that the system changes for the better in the near future, I see rallies and vaguely worded petitions as less worthy of my time or effort than the activities of daily life I AM still capable of doing.

LukeDecember 17, 2010  9:08:08 PM
I think that the woman featured in the recent CKY news story is suing MPI for $1,000,000. You can't sue MPI for injury claim benefits. You can sue MPI if you think that MPI's adjusters, managers, executives, lawyers and doctors jerked you around.

LannaDecember 17, 2010  4:02:57 PM
No, we sign away our right to sue other drivers however MPI can be sued. Malfeasance for one, perhaps other things depending on the specifics.

wayneDecember 17, 2010  3:22:38 PM
@ Lanna ...sorry I didn't know. I was responding to Dans question, so he is allowed to sue the person from saskatchewan that hit him? So many people have said you can't, but you're sure he can?

LannaDecember 17, 2010  3:09:09 PM
Please stop saying MPI can't be sued. They can. I am doing it. They are required to follow the rules and the law. Sometimes, as we know, they don't.

WayneDecember 17, 2010  9:18:29 AM
@ Dan--I haven't been in an accident myself, but from what I hear, you are not allowed to sue. Apparently Manitoba is a communist country where your rights are dictated to you. Is this why I went to Afghanistan, to give others freedom, while we are dictated to at home? Cmon people, I need some really sad stories. Yer like a bunch of dead ducks here who have given up. How long will it take to write a couple of paragraphs and send it in to Adrian's web page? Are any of you who I have not met yet, willing to do rallies in the spring? Is there any fight left in any of you? We have about 10 people who are willing so far, and if you want to throw your hat in the ring, send your contact info to Adrian's link on here. Would love to meet as many of you as possible at our next meeting. I'm going to start hitting other web sites, as I guess I have to realise some people would rather not just be involved. Thanks for your time.

DanDecember 14, 2010  12:39:36 PM
My name is Dan and I had a accdent in saskewan and was told that I could not sue the people from austrialie and bc. I went through all of this and for ten years i have had two surgeryes and one more comeing. I have been termanated from them because of the words I used. They said I did falsley miss lead them. I was told by the there doctor that if I could prove that I really was injuried the way I said I was they would reconsider it. Fat chance my first appeal went there way and I choose not to do the second appeal which was a mistake i see. But the lawyer I had was a joke the lawyers were freinds and there lawyer even told him what to say and not to say. Is it true that if we are in accadent out of manitoba i have no rights to sue? I was not living in sackawan and they have no fault insurance also is this true? Dan is there no hope

ParvezDecember 10, 2010  11:31:16 PM
There is another example of misuse of power and unfairness on the part of MPI, is that MPI could destroy anyone's life, by using one sided clause, namely " False statement " which means due to monopoly hold on several aspects of control over Manitobans' lives, the management can terminate any permit holder's capacity of functioning indefinitely.

But how come when MPI release a " False statement " as a reprisal, against claimant to the Appeal Commission, which is later on, proven and acknowledged to be " False ", but can get away without any recourse, even after the claimant's concern being brought to the Justice Minister, who is also head of MPI ?

This is prime example of aggression of MPI.

Against MPIDecember 10, 2010  4:53:53 PM
Adrian, that is great. That is exactly what we need to do. Right now people are saying "Oh have you heard? MPI is giving us a rebate on our insurance. Isn't that great?". I say "NO" not really because what is happening is that MPI is making too much $$. They don't pay BI claims. MPI is actually forced to refund some of their profits back to us because of that. I am glad that they got caught but their refunds is not enough. Refunds don't fix the problem. They save so much $$ by denying claims of people with physical and/or mental injuries. If MPI actually paid claims like a good and reputable insurance company would do, then their profits would not be as great as they are. I agree, all insurance companies want to make a profit. They do that by charging premiums and reducing claim payouts. MPI is a gov't run insurance company so what gives them the right to make millions and millions of dollars annually? They should be forced to re imburse people's expenses if they are hurt in an accident. What makes MPI think it is ok to deny people's medical expenses and loss of wages? Why does MPI think pain and suffering is not a legitimate claim? Why is it ok for MPI to paint people as crazy when in fact they are just in so much pain and are so stressed that they actually have PTSD, depression and/or an anxiety disorder? MPI should take into account people are going bankrupt and getting more and more depressed because of MPI's corrupt ways. Dealing with MPI is a nightmare and it can drive a person crazy (just having to deal with their corrupt employees is a chore in itself). When a person is injured it is very costly and time consuming to recover from the injury. MPI can not treat injured people the way they do. Private insurance may be more expensive but give people a choice and educate them at least. Manitoban's are not given the choice nor are they properly educated. We need to stay strong and fight for the ones that can't fight for themselves. We need to fight for the ones that have lost a loved one or who has suffered an injury themselve. This is a serious issue. I am very proud of our group and what we have achieved so far. Our group knows that some of you are too stressed or too injured right now to be an active member but Adrian is right, we can all share our own story. Everyone has a voice. Everyone has a right to be heard. MPI can't continue to treat people the way they do.

AdrianDecember 10, 2010  11:53:42 AM
For those who listen to Power 97 in the morning, I was able to get a quick 30 second plug for the support group this morning on their "Stories we missed section".

I asked if they had covered the Attorney General introducing mediation for MPI claimants because it was found that there was problems and MPI was most hated corporation story that occured earlier this week. They said they actually weren't aware of it so I brought up the fact that the Attorney General Andrew Swan is also the Minister of Justice who is actually in charge of MPIC so it was hypocritical of him to put on his Attorney General hat to deal with the issue when he should just keep on his MPIC hat and admit that there are a lot of complaints and problems with the current system and that they will try to address the issue. (They of course made the joke that he's argueing with himself) And then I quickly plugged the website to tell them there there is a support group out there for people to talk to and to get their stories out there.

raymond cockleDecember 10, 2010  8:23:03 AM
I.E MPIC TACTICS WAS INJURED IN A HEAD-ON ACCIDENT HAD ALL THE MUCLES IN MY LEFT SHOULDER AND NECK AND SHOULDER TORN ,PLUS WHIPLASH DID THE PHYSIO THERAPY FOR A YEAR .AT THE END OF THAT TIME I WAS TOLD TIME TO GO BACK TO WORK .WHEN I ASKED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ABOUT THE CONSTANT PAIN I WAS TOLD PROVE IT . that was over ten years ago have had the pain and moblity problems ever since!! they basicly just dont care they get to do whatever they wan,t to do there word is law! then to add insult to injury you are told you are not allowed to sue them ! as far as i am concerned these tactics are no different than that of a communist country DO AS YOUR TOLD!!!!! and that is the end of it then you are put on the list !as a trouble maker to have nothing to do with .

JimDecember 9, 2010  10:57:45 PM
I agree that people who suffer serious bodily injuries also suffer many other ways including financially whether it is MPI or WCB, as both operate very similarly. However, the fact of the matter is MPI and WCB are insurance companies. Just like with private insurance companies, the only way they can continue to operate is if they take in more money than they pay out.

Both MPI and WCB do not compensate for pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, etc. If they did (assuming you could actually put a dollar amount on these things), they would be paying out significantly more than they do now and then more money would be needed from taxpayers to be able to continue to operate.

These systems have many flaws (understatement), but believe me, private insurance companies are probably not much better.

AdrianDecember 9, 2010  9:39:06 PM
Still need people to submit their stories so I can get them on the website and others can see how many of us have MPI horror stories.

Please submit them to Contact.MVAgroup@gmail.com or through www.mva.freeiz.com

Against MPIDecember 9, 2010  2:51:29 PM
MPI needs to be stopped. The only way to do it is for all of us to get together as one big group. We all have stories. Some people have greatly suffered financially, physically and/or mentally. We have a legitimate support group starting up. This is a new avenue to stop MPI. The power may be in numbers. If we can all come together as one strong and educated group we might stand a chance. Wayne and Adrian plus a few others are really trying to get this group off the ground. I really hope that we can all join together as one strong group to fight MPI as the company is evil and corrupt. There are very few who can say that MPI went beyond the call of duty on their claim. I think the majority of us got and still are getting treated horribly. Please don't just vent.....please use your energy to do something about it instead.

DeadmeatDecember 9, 2010  12:46:40 PM
Lana, agree with you that MPIC should have to reimburse you for your lawyer fees,given the fact that you won your appeals and proved MPI'S case manager decision was a joke! It is disturbing to me that is not the policy in place since you had to spend that kind of money to prove your case and which you could have used that money towards your child's college education! It should be awarded back to you since they were proven wrong! My 65 year old friend went through the same process and cost him $37,000.00 in Lawyer fees and his share of the terminated IRI was $28,000.00! Now I find that this man has been victimized again by MPIC after waiting 6 years for his appeal,and then to lose half of his retirement nest egg to legal fees! He won his case and yet he loses again! Nice system, MPIC WINS AGAIN!

James RoweDecember 9, 2010  12:33:15 PM
CTV Winnipeg - Project to offer mediation to help settle MPI claims

DeadmeatDecember 9, 2010  12:15:21 PM
Luke, it was at supper time on ctv or the channel 7 news! It was about thee NDP Government supplying us claimants with a Mediator who is suppose to help process long unresolved appeals against MPIC AND ITS CLAIMANTS! I am just left wondering who is going to pay him for his services and i bet it will come from mpic pocket along with the rest of them!

DeadmeatDecember 9, 2010  12:03:40 PM
I feel that once again the Medea has portrayed us as money hungry individuals! It was disturbing to me to listen to those people whine{at the chiro office),and i found myself having to explain to them what Mpi has done to a majority of claimants! I told them about my experience and the bull $%!#* they are allowed to do to us while we are forced to wait years for a chance to argue our case managers decision!Although i agree that the media is probably the best way to show our stories to the rest of Manitobans, it clearly needs to show the physical hardship and financial ruin Mpic so easily trusts upon it claimants! Also i am pissed off that Mr Swan did nothing to change MPI's policies which he is well aware of their shortcomings,but rather impose a mediator that doesn't change a thing on MPIC SIDE! We need a politician with a back bone who will make changes on MPIC'S No Fault Insurance Act! It is not Going to be a very Merry Christmas for most of us once again! I am personally very tired of this mpic monopoly!

LannaDecember 9, 2010  11:50:01 AM
Legacy and ARCC...famous for being in MPI's pocket....believe the term is "Juke-Box-Doc". Insert your nickel and they'll sing any tune that is requested.

not a yellow dogDecember 9, 2010  11:43:04 AM
Sasha, I think many of MPI's medical consultants, including three that you cited, have come from Legacy Sports Clinic. If you find that problematic or suspect then contact Mavis Taillieu, MLA Morris, Conservative Critic for MPI. Maybe she'll essentially ignore you as well.

LukeDecember 9, 2010  11:29:09 AM
Deadmeat, missed the news, can you please tell me what channel and when?

DeadmeatDecember 9, 2010  10:36:40 AM
I know that I said a while back that i was not posting any more comments,but afther seeing the news last night,i cannot calm down! What the $%!#* did you listen to them go on about MPIC's heavy weight title of THE MOST HATED CORPORATION in Manitoba! Did you notice that the news chose a couple who had already reiceived $47,000.00 and where now sueing for a Million! Am i the only one who thinks it was a bad portrale of most MPI victums!I went to my chiropractor appointment this morning and the people were commenting about the story and most of the comments where that this couple and all of MPIC CLAIMENTS WHERE TRYING TO GET RICH OR WIN THE MPIC LOTTO!!!!!!!!! I sympatize with this couples claims for proper compemsation but the news should of had someome like me or Sasha's husband who did not receive any LUMPSUM payment for our deveststing injuries and that MPIC IS FORCING US TO RETURN TO WORK ON NARCOTICS!

mediator, schmediatorDecember 9, 2010  8:22:20 AM
Sasha, i urge you to contact Wayne. His email address is some recent previous posts.

WayneDecember 9, 2010  8:04:42 AM
Yaaah, the Attorney General steps up to save us. This is great news for all of us. It's about time the Attorney General aka The Honourable Minister of Justice, steps up to bat for the claimants. Now if only he would go the step further and take the Minister of MPI to task for his pathetic manner in dealing with claimnats and ruining their lives. Thank you Mr Swan, Attorney General, Justice Minister for taking on Mr Swan Minister of MPI. Oh, my apologies, I forgot to put honourable in there. How can this even be reported in the news without the announcer laughing? It's almost like this is a big joke to the government and they are saying "we are all powerful and you are nothing" probably because they know people will just keep bitching on sites like this, but won't band together or go to rallies. MPI has won :0(

SashaDecember 8, 2010  11:58:59 PM
Sorry i guess i pressed the wrong button,i was not quite finished yet with my post! As i was saying,the government did nothing with MPIC'S abuse towards its insured victims And allowed them to run wild! They should be held accountable for not responding for the years they abandoned our cries for help!I have watched my husband reduced to a Drug induced shell of his former self because of the injuries/pain he has been forced to endure for years after his MVA. I am distressed that MPIC wants him to return to work in this condition!He is on CPP DISSABILITY benefits because of his injuries and his quality of life is greatly diminished!We have been put through $%!#* waiting for an appeal now for almost a decade and we are losing our home,our credit,and finding it hard to put food on our table! I was forced to return the workforce since my husband could no longer be employable and MPIC terminated the majority of his IRI benefits! I am appalled at the lack of compassion and accountability MPI has shown its claimants! I agree with an earlier post on this site,stating that government should force MPIC to continue to pay a claimant's IRI while he is waiting for an appeal and i agree that our family would not have waited a decade for the appeal to take place! You have to remember that a case manager makes the decision on your claim and I don't see a MD or a DR IN FRONT OF HIS NAME so who made him more credible that your specialist and doctors!Perhaps if we could at lease make them have to pay while waiting for the appeal it wouldn't take years and we could at least not lose the Life we were living! sorry just wanted to vent out some frustrations,thank you for the ear!

SashaDecember 8, 2010  11:00:19 PM
Let's not get our hopes up people! This Mediator will soon be in MPIC'S payrol soon enough, along with Dr Hoy,Dr Shrom,DR MCKAY,DR CRAYTON To name a few of MPIC'S hired ''GUNS''. It was not amused to see the politicions on the news accknoleging that MPIC is the most hated Goverment Corporation on record!Rather I was very angry knowing that they have been flooded with horror stories from victums like you and me and did nothing about MPIC'S

wayneDecember 8, 2010  10:10:39 PM
No i understand what you mean Lanna. It would cut out alot of MPI's BS. They are not going to screw you over if they had to pay the legal costs as well. I think that will be one of my main points if I carry on with this fight.

AdrianDecember 8, 2010  7:01:26 PM
First of all sorry to hear about your accident as well Derrick and thank you for the reply.

If your nose was broken I'm guessing you probably hit your head on the steering wheel? Did you have a concussion or lose consciousness for more then a few minutes? (a lot of people will often be in and out of consciousness after the accident, like myself where I mostly remember waking up in the hospital).

DerrickDecember 8, 2010  5:45:54 PM
No just scars on my face and forearm and broken nose, and bsome lose of feeling in my face.

Adrian HalpertDecember 8, 2010  5:23:49 PM

Without asking to post too much personal information, do you mind if I just ask you if you had any other injuries in your car accident or if the majority of the injury was just scarring?

One of the things that surprised me was actually the fact that scarring pay-outs are pretty much on par with actual permanent impairment which is why I had no issue with the amounts paid for my scarring (other then the one's they missed and I had to get the person from their mobile assessment to come out and re-measure that I'm still waiting to hear about) but why I feel that the same rates are much too low for actual impairment because I place a lot higher importance on my actual livelihood and mobility then I do on small appearance changes in my leg.

Derrick McLeanDecember 8, 2010  4:55:51 PM
I have no complaints about mpi, they were quick and gave me a more then fair impairment payment for my scarring. Much appreciate our system we have. very grateful.

LannaDecember 8, 2010  3:46:06 PM
I don't agree they should pay costs for everyone who challenges them. And I was specifically referring to legal fees not court costs. AICAC has no "court costs" but I have certainly incurred legal fees during the variety of hearings required to get "the benefits to which I am entitled" under Section 150, among other Sections. MPI has consistently lost but I have received no reimbursement of my legal fees. MPI seems to be of the philosophy that 9.5/10 claims are fake or involve malingering. Hence they treat everyone as such. Seems fair to me that if they want to paint everyone with the same brush they ought to compensate those who they "accidentally" accuse in error. They have made a variety of case manager decisions and internal review opinions over the years, since they were obviously wrong, why should I be out 6 figures in legal fees?

If a person has confidence in the fact that they are 'right' and are meeting close-minded inflexibility from MPI thereby forcing them to hire a lawyer to receive what they KNOW to be entitled to receive then MPI should have to pay if that claimant is successful. It would weed out the supposed malingerers because who would risk incurring legal fees if they knew deep down they were going to lose.

wayneDecember 8, 2010  3:10:23 PM
That's a good one..if they had to pay court costs, they wouldn't screw anyone over, so doubt it would ever happen. Sure sounds like a catch all (besides pain and suffering) to me. That's what our petition should read. I'm goona write that one down and submit, but it does make too much sense to be accepted.

LannaDecember 8, 2010  1:33:31 PM
Good to hear Wayne, as for the "news" from Swan...sounds like a weak attempt to politely coerce claimants into agreeing to being screwed. Maybe MPI should be legislated to reimburse a successful claimants legal fees...I'd certainly vote for that.

wayneDecember 8, 2010  1:03:36 PM
Okay, just heard on the news that the Attorney general is starting a mediator office to help people get resolutions with MPI. As we all know, this probably means we will just be told "NO" faster than before. On another note, I have email CJOB to see if they can announce the petition on the radio and gave the Motor Vehicle Accident Support Group it's time to take a stand site or my own email address. Hopefully the MVAS group will get this going.

LannaDecember 8, 2010  9:49:18 AM
Perhaps, if Hugh is serious, he can arrange for those of us being abused by MPI to go down in pairs to the Legislature and each present 5 minutes of how our life has been completely decimated. I know that Hugh and a number of other politicians know that I have personally spent far, far in excess of $100,000. on legal fees. AICAC has, in each of the Decisions, noted MPI serious shortcomings (to be polite). An investigations officer from the MAnitoba Ombudsman read my first AICAC decision in December 2004 and said "this is the most damning AICAC decision I've ever read", assured me that he would look into it more...6 years later, nothing has happened except 2 more AICAC decisions repeating the findings of the first AICAC decision. Get it ? Nothing is going to be done, MPI rakes in too much money for our sleazy government. I have no choice but to surrender helplessly to the whims of these sociopaths. My case is so screwy that I can't understand it without a lawyer. I have had to foot the bill to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for AICAC to determine its own jurisdiction. This system is broken. Hugh doesn't give a rats tail. No offence Adrian, I sincerely appreciate your optimistic attitude towards things but truthfully as someone who is a little older and has been at this a wee bit longer (12+) reality must prevail and the reality is that someone agreeing to CONSIDER....possibly, maybe, at some point, if they get to it, have a look-see and get back to you....is nearly useless. You have youth on your side, so go for it. I had youth on my side too, 12 years ago. Hugh and every other politician are cowards. Great big cowards.

WayneDecember 8, 2010  9:48:37 AM
Sorry, forgot one key piece to my last email waynefranklin@mts.net

WayneDecember 8, 2010  9:40:07 AM
Yes, I think we can all agree that it sounds a little weak, but I personally didn't expect much from Hugh. I wrote him a few emails talking about sweeping changes to MPI, (and I even clarified I did not want to dismantle MPI, as it is their cash cow) and didn't get a response back. None of them want to rock the boat. The petition can still be a valuable tool though. I have a plan, but am very leary airing them online. Am looking at hosting another meeting of the MVAS group shotly after New Years. Am looking at a new concept of, conduct business right away; then afterwards, maybe having one or two people tell their story. I know alot of you want to be heard, and might help knowing you are in a room with people who share the same concerns. But, we have to get people out at the meetings, as it is time for action. I will not be putting my address out on the internet though, so if you think you want to attend, send me an email, and I will get ahold of you to let you know when and where. Could be a very excitng year folks, but we need all of your help.

LukeDecember 8, 2010  8:59:41 AM
Adrain, I agree with Carlyn and Lanna. You may put a lot of effort and hope into something (the petiton) that at the end of the day may not fly. It may sound like a real downer, but cut your losses right now and shelve the petiton. We'vall made mistakes. Instead, how about aproaching Hugh and raising real issues that affect real claimants right now. See if Hugh will care about the injustices that are going on at MPI and if Hugh will actually go out on the political limb to help the victims of MPI "justice". The day that Hugh actually, really starts to support the victims of MPI "justice" will be the very day that this wesbsite and your website will be delueged by hundereds of other MPI claimants seeking justice. but until some politician down on Braodway has the guts to stand up for MPI cliamants, it will be a slow,hard and maybe frutiless grind.

CarlynDecember 8, 2010  8:02:38 AM
I have to agree with Lanna. I had hoped that there was a more detailed version of the petition asking for more accountability in a number of areas. Are the words on the signing page of the petition the full extent of the request? It's too vague.

The only item specifically addressed is compensation for permanent disability.

Asking for more concrete changes gives them a focus for their review. If all we're asking is that they review the system, and we're not telling them where we find it deficient, we land in no better place in the end.

@ Adrian: Good life philosophy. Not naive, but not heardhearted either.

Adrian HalpertDecember 7, 2010  10:21:17 PM
Thank you Lanna, everyone who prints it out and collects signatures helps or even anyone who only signs themselves, everyone counts.

I guess there are two reasons why I have faith not necessarily just in this petition but rather in the idea of the petition. The first is that I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt even if I get burned by it. I would rather give 10 people the benefit of the doubt and be wrong then risk turning my back on even one person who is being genuine. It's the same way that I treated MPI and it is the same way that I treat Hugh. It's a concept that will often get you burned but if I treat people as guilty until proven innocent then I am no better then MPI.

The second reason is that in terms of myself I view every single action I take as a makeshift project, so if people view this petition as a make shift project, then it's just another one I plan to take on. To explain, this belief equates with whether I think things will change or not as a result of my actions. That's not saying that I don't think things will ever change or that they won't change in my lifetime, BUT I don't think they will change in terms of my case. I know how long it takes for change to take place and I know that if anything is accomplished then it will probably be too late for it to matter for my case. But, that doesn't mean I can sit idly by while something which I know is obviously wrong is happening because if I do then the same thing will just happen to the next person, and the next person after that.

LannaDecember 7, 2010  10:00:23 PM
Adrian, I get it, sounds like a make work project. The concept is honourable but the likelihood of any positive change for those being abused by no-fault insurance as administered by MPI, is remote. I know all too well that sitting and doing nothing doesn't feel very good but at the same time I wonder whether Hugh is giving you lip-service and creating a project in the dead of winter? I am having a difficult time believing that Hugh would make changes if he were in power. If Hugh can't stand tall on this how can he ever lead this province? Selinger is about as popular as a mosquito so this is the opposition's opportunity to stand up straight and have a little confidence, perhaps even speak out? While I'd like to give Hugh the benefit of the doubt in reality why would he fight for MPI reform when MPI generates SO much money for government?

Having said all that....I plan to sign it.

wayneDecember 7, 2010  9:12:53 PM
I didn't swear in my last post, hinest. I said HE double hockeysticks...is that a curse?

wayneDecember 7, 2010  9:11:08 PM
Did you by chance read what you have to do to get rid of MPI altogether? A province wide referendum? When the $%!#* has Manitoba had a referendum on anything? They've set it up to be damn near impossible. "Oh please govt, can you treat us like we're humans, and please don't screw us over? Can I please be allowed to sue someone who has hit me, and permanently damaged me? No? I can't because you're making to much money raping us victims?." And they wonder why people don't want to stay in this province.

Adrian HalpertDecember 7, 2010  7:29:48 PM

I definitely understand what you're saying and believe me I agree with you. It would be nice to have a petition that is written for definitive change and that passes. But, what you have to consider is that these petitions get shut down all the time when they try to do too much. Even still, the simple ones and even this one have a high chance of getting shut down. But, by not asking for much we give ourselves the best chance of not only having our voices heard but of actually influencing some change. And if that becomes a possibility then all we can do is hope for a snowball effect in policy change.

LannaDecember 7, 2010  3:27:14 PM

A glaring (at least to me) problem is that sentence where "request the Minister...CONSIDER re-evaluating..." I've been around long enough and witnessed enough useless garbage from the Manitoba Ombudsman, and every other possible angle to know that "consider" pretty much means nothing. It can be considered....determined to be inadequate....yet nothing done, because he only agreed to consider it. Hugh ought to know this and if he is serious about making changes for the abused claimants, change the wording to something that has a little more accountability built in.... Just my 2 cents.

Adrian HalpertDecember 6, 2010  10:29:28 PM
Thank you for the kind words Wayne. Making websites is a lot easier these days and it's all trial and error but I am of course doing my best.

In other news, today is a somewhat long awaited day for me. I have received back a final version of a petition from Hugh McFadyen and his clerks to have permanent disability compensation rates re-evaluated. I have set a deadline of 28 Feb 2011 to get as many signatures as possible. I know that day will come quickly but we all know we have to set deadlines and goals to make things happen. This is not a personal petition. This is a petition for everyone to print and get signatures for, then send me the pages and I will compile the final product.

The petition can be found at the following link:

MPI Petition

Please take a moment to read the story and guidelines regarding the petition on our website at:

Petition Guidlines

wayneDecember 6, 2010  4:54:59 PM
Hi Carlyn, glad to hear you like what we're doing, and thank God for Adrian and his computer skills. I would really like to discourage people from the "wait and see" attitude. If we all do that, we won't have the numbers we need. We need you, and everyone you know who has a beef with MPI, or who just needs the stress release of telling their story. I'm keeping a list of people we can call on for action, and we need to see that list grow to make changes and be taken seriously. This post is for anyone thinking about signing up. We all need each other. Adrian has posted an email on the MVA site, or you can email me at waynefranklin@mts.net Hope to hear from all of you soon, as we want to kick this off in the new year in a big way.

Adrian HalpertDecember 5, 2010  12:22:24 PM
Thanks Caralyn, have been doing my best with it.

Unfortunately when I set it up I made an error with the web submission e-mail so if anyone tried to send anything in through the website I didn't get it. This error has been fixed so please send your stories in.

For anyone who missed it the first time, the website URL is Motor Vehicle Accident Support Group

We also have message forums so please take the time to register. I know people will be slow to be the first ones to register but hopefully it will pickup soon.

Also, to "American Death". Believe me, I feel for you based on everything you've said. But when you word your posts especially on this website where most of the people posting are those of us who have been injured and say "your province" or "your system" it almost seems like you're blaming all of us. Believe me, we didn't vote for this system. Most people in our province don't even know how bad our system is until they actually get in an accident and at that point it's too late. So I'm sorry to say if it's just the way you worded your post and not what you actually meant but your issue is with MPIC (as is ours), not with our province as a whole.

CarlynDecember 5, 2010  9:35:31 AM
To MVAS Group: Your website is coming along nicely. I look forward to seeing what comes of your group in future months, and perhaps joining in. Will watch to see when the next meeting is.

CarlynDecember 5, 2010  8:43:53 AM
Legislation is subject to interpretation. MPI consultants and employees interpret it to their benefit and close their eyes to the very real harm they do to claimants physically, financially and psychologically by denying benefits for legitimate claims. Sadly, there are people who invent facts and stretch the truth to fit their needs, and to make money. And they realise that the best way to stay in MPI employment is to find a way to save them money by denying claims.

Is it wrong of me to want certain consultants (like MacKay, who seems to think that nobody is entitled to benefits unless they fit his extremely narrow definition of the word objective) and case managers to have to go through the process themselves in order to see the real harm that is caused by their interpretation of the facts and legislation? I wonder what they would do. Cry until there are no more tears? Cringe when they got an envelope from MPI, knowing that the chance of it containing another blow is more likely than that it contains helpful information? Feel completely frustrated and utterly hopeless, knowing that they're doing the best they possibly can with the cards they've been dealt, and that there's no way of proving their case in the way that MPI consultants require it to be proven? Does MPI treat its own differently than the general public when they are injured in an MVA? Do they know the loopholes well enough that they can navigate the system more effectively? I wonder.

Do these people shop in the same stores we do? Do they avoid public places for fear of running into one of the thousands of claimants their opinions have harmed? How DO they sleep at night?

American's DeathDecember 4, 2010  8:50:04 PM
There is NO relief! MY family has been through ENOUGH! Yet after 32 months of torture we have been through, do you expect us to endure more? My husband and children's Father of 25 years was killed by a driver working for the government of your Province. He walked away by making a false statement although two eyewitnesses have claimed the complete opposite of the driver's statement, yet we are still going through your INSANE PROCESSS!!!! with your insanely flexbible and incoherent laws.

frustratedDecember 4, 2010  4:06:59 PM
I was struck by a police car a year ago,my car written off,MPI has refused to fix my car due to the fact that the police are claiming that I intentionally hit them (though they were driving in the wrong direction on a one way and did not even have their emergency lights on!!)

Besides the fact that MPI will not fix my car they have also demanded that I pay over $6000 to repair the police car and have stripped my license from me and have added a surcharge for an at-fault accident to my account for $400 even though I've pleaded not guilty and the case has not even been to trial yet!!! what is even the sense of going to trial?! They are thirsty blood suckers and did not even investigate the crash to truly discover that my car was hit and did not do any hitting!

I hear that there are companies that fight MPI in court,any suggestions!?

LannaDecember 2, 2010  9:31:27 PM
The similarities in the various complaints of people regarding treatment by case managers and IRO, if analyzed by a statistician, would most likely, in my personal opinion, be found to be statistically improbable. Given this, I would next conclude that it is likely purposeful. After all, if you find something that works....don't you generally stick with it? Why would MPI be any different?

wayneDecember 2, 2010  7:58:32 PM
Lanna, funny that you say that about your case manager as my wife just said the same about hers. She filed a complaint in which she received a letter from her boss saying that they thought she was doing a good job. You can only interpret that to mean a good job not working. Good job taking a chiropractors assessment over 2 specialists, good job in being so vague with questions to the doctor they can deny you. Unfortunately for me to take peoples stories, you would have to come to our meeting or meet us in some way. Can't take a good story to someone that can help, and not be able to corroborate it. We are trying to get people together so our voice can be heard as one. Even if you would just like to help us with a rally, please send us an email at waynefranklin@mts.net or go to the link posted in my other comment for Motor Vehicle Accident Support group...sincerely hope to hear from you, as will be easier for us all if we stick together and share our experiences.

LannaDecember 2, 2010  7:54:25 PM

You would no doubt get a laugh out of my first AICAC decision AC-03-109. In it, they terminated me, I asked for clarification to understand what was going on OR appeal forms to initiate an appeal. The COMPLETELY ignored me on both requests for a very long time, way past the window to appeal. Finally I appealed anyway and they said "sorry times up".....well, read it if you are interested. Classic.

And by the way, you can sue them. I am. Malfeasance. Among other things. Anyone who is being treated unfairly can do it too, if they have the money and time and patience and perseverance and, and, and....

Adrian HalpertDecember 2, 2010  7:16:56 PM
Road Rage,

MPI cannot legally cut off your Income replacement without notifying you in writing.

"Corporation to give written reasons to claimant

170(1) A decision made by the corporation in respect of a claim for compensation shall be given to the claimant in writing, and shall include reasons for the decision.

Claimant to be given notice of right to review

170(2) Where the corporation makes a decision respecting compensation under this Part, it shall, at the time it gives written notice of the decision to the claimant, give notice of the right of the claimant to apply for a review of the decision. "

The reason they cannot do this is that their very act states that you have 60 days from the time of a decision to appeal.

"172(1) Except as provided in subsection (1.1), a claimant may, within 60 days after receiving notice of a decision under this Part, apply in writing to the corporation for a review of the decision. "

This is the reason that any time you are given an official decision regarding entitlements that is subject to the ability to appeal, MPI will send it by registered mail and require you to sign for the letter they send you. It is a "cover your ass" used by MPI to show that they have done their due diligence by notifying you of a decision on a particular date (verified by the date you signed for the registered mail) and that you are aware of your right to appeal, and as such that an official decision has actually been made thereby actually making you eligible to appeal.

If the decision is not given in writing along with a notification of your right to appeal your decision then it can be shown that MPI did not do it's due diligence to notify you of the decision and did not act in good faith. In essence, even if it can be proven under their act that you no longer qualify for income replacement, despite how wrong this decision is (which it often is), they cannot legally cease it without notifying you. That's not to say that MPI does not act as if it is above the law, even it's own legislation, because it often does, but if everything happened as you say it did then I would seriously consider informing MPI that they are required to continue to pay your income replacement until it can be proven that you were informed of a decision, and then at that point I would go on to appeal that decision as well.

Again, if everything is as you say then I would seriously consider hiring a lawyer if only to write a letter to this effect on your behalf and to hold MPI to it's own legislation. Keep in mind it's unlikely you would actually be able to sue them but you may at least be able to legally hold them accountable without doing so. The fee for having a letter written is often still a couple hundred but depending on the income replacement you are entitled to it's still worth it, especially if you can find a good lawyer who is also willing to work out a fee based on results.

LannaDecember 2, 2010  6:29:43 PM

Here is another story if you are collecting. These 3 AICAC Decisions sum up my story fairly succinctly. You can tell the person who is reviewing these stories that I happen to be a single mom too, so waiting SIX years to get my IRI owed has a rather profound effect. MPI Sucks....the most true statement ever.

AC-03-109 AC-04-125 AICAC Decision dated February 27, 2008 AC-04-125 AICAC Decision dated October 5, 2009

The last two decisions were related to an IRI termination in January 2004 when my son was just a few weeks old....weeks, not months. I finally received this money in November 2009, but not until one last "mistake" in getting the cheque to me. My case manager is a pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, incompetent goof. Huge salary but many instances of "mistakes". Though perhaps it's possible he's paid to make mistakes with the goal of hurting claimants and making their lives miserable.

wayneDecember 2, 2010  1:21:47 PM
Sounds good Parvez. Check out Adrian's hard work, looks really good.

Motor Vehicle Accident Support Group

ParvezDecember 2, 2010  7:10:37 AM
Hi Wayne: I will be sending you my story. You should read it thoroughly and if there is need for any explanation on certain section of real life reprisal to the victim, merely for standing up for constitutional legal rights enacted in 1982. I could submit clarifications.

I have experienced that, if any ordinary individual with lack of resources, speaks up against an aggression and an injustice, then that individual can expect all kinds of hurdles and discouragement in form of unfair treatment by the system. The system is designed to crush an average sufferer, and in most cases, people give up. This is understandable that it is not easy to stand up for justice and cause. But one should remember that giving up on mission is not the solution to any problem, which have to be addressed until the fairness is achieved.

wayneDecember 1, 2010  7:58:45 AM
Make sure I get your stories people. Will be needing them shortly after Christmas. Kat's story sounds perfect, so if you read this Kat, could sure use it. I will be taking them someone just after christmas, so please, send them to me.

TimegoesbyNovember 30, 2010  11:19:31 PM
Hey Wayne,you should call your new group or web page ''EYE ON MPI'' or OUR EYES ON MPI''. Lets make our voices heard and rock mpi's monopoly!

ParvezNovember 30, 2010  9:56:14 PM
Hi Kat: You should send your story of misery to "Wayne", as he is leading a group of victims of MPI. You do not have to think of yourself, who is the only one mistreated by the system. There are lots of individuals out there, have been suffering as a result of unfair treatment imposed by MPI.

There is a need for raising a concern of mutual cause, collectively. That is why, there is going to be a united group being formed to look into one another'experience, while dealing with MPI.

wayneNovember 30, 2010  7:25:42 PM
Hey Kat, you can send your story to me at waynefranklin@mts.net We are getting a group together to support each other, and had a meeting the other night. I am trying my best to help you accident victims, as a soldier who defends people, I am disgusted that our own govt does this to you guys. I honestly have trouble understanding the people that run MPI. Send me an email if you want, the more people we have the better, and curious to know how your story goes.

KatNovember 30, 2010  2:11:52 PM
Thanks for the quick reply I really appreciate it! I have no problem telling my story in more detail,I was just a bit hesitant to do it because for all I know it could be my useless adjuster pretending to be my friend on here!But I don't think that's the case!I am going to look up George Funk in the phonebook,maybe I will start with him.Is there an email address I can send more detailed info on my story?Or should I just post it on here?Thanks again everyone,feels great knowing I am not alone!

Against MPINovember 30, 2010  11:06:16 AM
Dear Kat, I am so upset to hear that MPI is not helping you. How can they do that to you? With the injuries you sustained your case should be a open and shut. People don't realize that in Manitoba MPI does nothing to help a person if they are injured in an accident. People want things cheap but cheap insurance generally means no coverage. Fixing a car is very different from fixing a person. The sad thing with MPI is that they do make millions and millions of dollars a year in profits. Instead of paying claims with that money they donate it to universities, charities, etc. We don't actually know where all the profits go to because their profits are hidden. They only report 1/2 truths to the public. They don't pay bodily injury claims. That means they make millions of dollars on all the premiuims that they collect from us when we insure our cars. They are a very corrupt organization. They pay their staff very hefty salaries to deny claims (plus bonuses on the # of claims they deny annually). What MPI spends in fighting claimants could be spent on helping them heal from an injury. MPI is a well oiled corrupt machine. They have no empathy for anyone that is injured. I used George Funk (Funk and Strell) in the past. MPI owed me $17,000. in medications. They would not pay me. 1 1/2 years later, I had to hire a lawyer. Not very many lawyers want to take on MPI. George Funk and I got a settlement within months of him writing a letter but he took approx. $4,000. from my settlement. I would not have rec'd a penny had it not been for him writting the letter. What choice did I have? Why should I have had to go into debt the $4,000. when the accident was not my fault? If you want to share your story and hear stories of others who have suffered the wrath of MPI, contact Wayne. Please don't feel alone in your fight. MPI wants to belittle you and make you feel like you are crazy. They make you feel like you are milking the system. They treat us all like crooks. We want MPI to be honest about their corrupt ways. We want MPI to dissolve. We want to have a choice on the type of insurance we can purchase in Manitoba. Manitobans have no idea how bad MPI treats people with bodily injuries. They don't realize it until they themselves get into an accident. We need to get our stories out there so that people start fighting back. Thank you for posting your story on this site. We are all here to help you.

wayneNovember 30, 2010  10:14:01 AM
Hey Kat, sounds like you are getting screwed. Would love to hear your full story, as with everyone else's, it s just sounds wrong what MPI is doing to you. I don't know if there are any good lawyers..lol...seems like another screw job to me. I can tell you one thing I have learned from lawyers, if they ask for a percentage of your settlement for their fee, you obviously will win. If they ask for $25,000 to argue your case, don't bother as the lawyer doesn't think you will win. Let's face it, we need private insurance. It sounds like your case should be a no brainer, and yet they are fighting you, and the worst part is this is OUR government. Let me know if you are interested in telling your story.

LannaNovember 29, 2010  8:27:37 PM
Kat, The Claimant Adviser Office offers assistance no charge. You ought to have been provided with their contact info in correspondence from MPI. If not ask your case manager or Google it. If you prefer to pay a lawyer, my suggestion is to browse the AICAC Decisions which can be found online http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/cca/auto/decisions_10.html Once you have the names of 3-5 possible lawyers you can then "search" the AICAC site to see what types of Appeals they have represented claimants regarding, as well as whether or not they were successful, etc. Just put the full name into search box and you should get a list. You can narrow it down to choosing one that has experience with your specific matter. I think you can even search by 'theme'. Say, hypothetically, that you feel that MPI is not treating you fairly (as is their obligation) in accordance with their Act, you could enter "MPIC Act Section 150" into the "search" box at the top of the page and you will get reference to every other Appeal where that matter was raised. The AICAC site is a great resource. The upside to choosing from AICAC Decisions is that these lawyers will know the legislation already so you won't have to pay to bring them up to speed on the details of the MPI Act. Good luck.

KatNovember 29, 2010  6:36:06 PM
I was in a serious accident 4 years ago today involving two semis,the one whose fault it was actually fled the scene. In the accident I suffered a brain hemmhorage which has caused me to have both petit and grand mal seizures ever since.At the moment I can still drive as it is controlled with medication but it affects my life as a whole in the negative.Does anyone know the name of a good lawyer? I been getting sent every which direction I understand it takes time but I need someone else to stand on my behalf and just help represent me to MPI.MPI already tried telling me I was not entitled to certain compensations because the at fault driver fled the scene which turned out to be a load of BS.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

parvezNovember 24, 2010  11:22:58 PM
There are lots of victims, who have gone through suffering by MPI(Monopoly Public Insurance)and being realized that they can not do any thing against MPI, because the staff know that an average claimant will cry for a while and give up.

There is a need for awareness and unity on the part of victims to speak up against an aggression and mistreatment imposed by MPI. The way system is designed to force claimant become helpless and disappear.

An example of their wrongdoing is that, even the manager, who is considered a very responsible position, can misuse its power by breaching own stipulations formally released to claimant and easily get away with it.

Against MPINovember 24, 2010  2:57:06 PM
Carlyn, I know exactly what you are saying. No matter what you do or what proof MPI gets, they will always deny and turn the tables on you the injured person. MPI states that "An injured person can not profit from an injury" but is it ok for an injured person to go bankrupt or go on welfare because of an accident? How is that fair? People in Manitoba really need to be aware of the fact that if they get hurt there is little financial aid provided to them by MPI. MPI keeps the money they collect for licencing our vehicles and they don't pay out for scans, medications or treatments to get better. They pay their employees extremely high salaries. MPI then expects injured people to use their benefit plans through work, get treatment through MHSC (Manitoba Health) or through what few gov't plans are out there that a person can claim from. MPI makes the money and passes the expense for rehab on to other gov't plans. Why would MHSC or private insurance companies not fight back? Why should my work health plan pay for my drugs when they should be paid for by MPI? For those people who can't work and don't have plans how are they to pay for rehabilitation? I agree. MPI uses their legislation to make even more profits for themselves while the little guy like us go bankrupt. If taxpayers actually know how their tax dollars are being spent, I bet they would not be happy with MPI as well. Manitoba Health does not have enough money in their budgets to cover car accident victims. I think the whole system we have in Manitoba is a disgrace. Hang in there. Hopefully one day things will change.

carlynNovember 24, 2010  12:36:35 PM
Legislation is far too open to interpretation by MPI, leading to premature termination of benefits for people who are legitimately unable to return to former duties, or require further assistance in acheiving recovery.

Section 5 of Regulation 40/94 "Medical or paramedical care 5 Subject to sections 6 to 9, the corporation shall pay an expense incurred by a victim, to the extent that the victim is not entitled to be reimbursed for the expense under The Health Services Insurance Act or any other Act, for the purpose of receiving medical or paramedical care in the following circumstances: (a) when care is medically required and is dispensed in the province by a physician, paramedic, dentist, optometrist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, registered psychologist or athletic therapist, or is prescribed by a physician;"

The term "medically required" is too open to interpretation and dispute. MPI doctors say "not medically required" with no justification, in spite of extensive submissions from care providers. MPI also makes agreements with Physiotherapy association (for example) that injury A entitles claimant to X number of visits, and injury type B entitles a claimant to X number of visits, with no allowance for a person's progress in recovery. Claimant can be in need of continuing physio, with physio's agreement, but physio cannot justify that to MPI, based on this agreement. So they tell you to come back as much as you can under private insurance or out of own pocket. NOT RIGHT.

The term "prescribed by a physician" hasn't carried any weight in my case. MD has made numerous justified requests, which have been denied.

Section 8 of Regulation 37/94 states in part, "Meaning of unable to hold employment 8 A victim is unable to hold employment when a physical or mental injury that was caused by the accident renders the victim entirely or substantially unable to perform the essential duties of the employment that were performed by the victim at the time of the accident or that the victim would have performed but for the accident."

Term "entirely or substantially unable to perform the essential duties of the employement" is misapplied. MPI feels that if we can drive at all, we're capable of returning to an employment that requires driving all day. If we can stand for brief periods, we can return to employment that requires standing all day. If we can sit for brief periods, good enough - return to your desk job. You can lift 15 pounds once? Twist once? Excellent - benefits are terminated. Twisting and lifting are the essential duties of your job, and you can do them.

What a load of baloney. These people have WAY too much power, and I for one am sick and tired of jumping through their hoops in order to get... nothing in return. I admire your optimism in campaigning for reform. I think the battle will be long and arduous, though I wish you success.

Most monopoly insurance companies are similar(ie WCB). The combination of loss of income and medical expenses MPI refuses to cover have left me in serious debt, and bills continue to pile up. I can only hope that the idiots on the road who show no care for the health and safety of others grow a brain in the near future so I don't end up right back where I started from. And that somehow I can keep out of bankruptcy.

ParvezNovember 23, 2010  12:27:19 AM
No idea is good enough, until there is an action behind it. it is about time that every victim, who has been mistreated, should get united and voice their concern. Once there are several victims come forward with a same cause, then there is a chance for being heard.

AdrianNovember 22, 2010  11:18:50 PM
Hugh McFadyen did not fail to come through on his promise as expected. I had a very good conversation with him today about the petition I sent him.

The original petition I sent him highlighted a lot of faults and asked for a lot of changes as I am not in government and have been better with my letters so I did not know what to write for an official petition. He gave me some recommendations to help make the petition more effective which were very much appreciated. I already amended it and sent him the new version for his clerks to quickly look over so we can start collecting signatures.

As he mentioned, petitions as a whole don't tend to be very effective but it is just one more avenue that we can use and right now we need to use every avenue possible to shine light on the issue.

wayneNovember 22, 2010  4:25:51 PM
It is pretty sad isn't it? And in saying it is sad, there are people who sit at home and cry over this. Someone was speeding, hit their car, and they get no compensation. MPI doesn't pay their health bills. We're going to shine as much light on this topic as we can this year, and do what we can to educate the public. 2011 just might be a very exciting year.

dpbracke@shaw.caNovember 22, 2010  10:52:10 AM
I am glad to discover that people are at last reacting to the draconian principles of the MPIC and the NDP. The provisions for compensation of victims might have been written by Stalin.

Imagine a payout of just over $100K for blindness no matter how negligent or criminal the behaviour of a driver. No avenue to pursue private litigation.

This is just not acceptable in today's society and is more suitable to a dictatorial regime. This has to change.

Daniel Bracke, B.A.(adv)H.R.M.(C)

Daniel BrackeNovember 22, 2010  10:46:48 AM
The remedies and compensation provided under MPIC is totally unacceptable. It is high time to review the “No fault” principle. Many innocent people continue to be victimized by this repugnant legislation.

My support for your party will be based in part by your position on this issue, along with the property tax rip off.

Daniel Bracke,B.A.(adv)H.R.M.(C) 11 St.Edmund's Bay Winnipeg

wayneNovember 19, 2010  11:44:50 PM
What the $%!#* is this site down or what havent been able to post on it all day..or is it just me?

ParvezNovember 19, 2010  5:42:51 PM
I was referred by my doctor for my accident injury to the very highly recognized and experienced specialist at St. Boniface Hospital.He described his treatment in his report to M.P.I.But doctor Mckay from M.P.I.'s medical team rejected that treatment theory. My treating doctor offered doctor Mckay a proven track record enforced by University of Manitoba. But doctor Mckay was not satisfied with my health provider's submitted method of treatment.

Besides I was informed by M.P.I. that the maximum allowed for health provider's report is $250.00.

Later on, I was instructed by M.P.I. to see their own selected doctor. Who was paid $975.00 for my assessment, which last no more than 20 minutes. M.P.I.'s chosen doctor sent the report about me that I am fit for my job, even though that doctor did not have any idea about how physically demanding my job was. So, based on M.P.I.'s doctor report, I was denied my injury benefits.

AdrianNovember 19, 2010  4:08:11 PM

I agree with you completely. While I understand his point that this is what private insurance companies do so MPI is acting the same, MPI is not a private insurance company and is not supposed to be acting this way. Private insurance companies also allow you to choose your coverage, pay out higher premiums and allow you to seek compensation from those at fault for pain and suffering. MPI does none of these things and is a government run public company that is supposed to do just that, serve the public.

LannaNovember 18, 2010  10:51:26 PM
Dear Ghost Buster,

It is wonderful that you have compassion for those of us who are being abused by our government. Thanks. You indicate that you've read the MPI Act. Did you see S.150? Actually, MPI are "supposed" to assist Manitobans to ensure that those entitled to benefits receive those benefits. It's a monopoly. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

AdrianNovember 18, 2010  10:18:39 PM
Just for a quick update. Unfortunately Hugh McFadyen has been extremely busy again this week. Thankfully though his office is still coming through in that although he has been too busy to try to call in his spare time, they called me to schedule a time for a phone call to discuss the petition so they can add it to his agenda. I should hopefully be speaking to him on Monday and have an update.

Also just to throw in a quick helpful blurb for anyone trying to accomplish change not only for the system as a whole but also for their own claim to try to get compensation and show MPI that you are serious and aren't going away.. I would recommend that in addition to just trying to fight the system with doctors notes and documentation, you also write concise letters about the experience you've been having and how the system that is supposed to be there to help you has been one of the biggest struggles in your time of need, and for many of you has even harassed you and made things worst. The most important thing about writing letters is that anytime you are sending a letter to the higher ups at MPI, you also send the letter to any available means that might accomplish change... Politicians from the ground level to the upper level (Your MLA, your MP, Minister's, even the PM), the press (Winnipeg Sun, Free Press, more local papers, CTV, any particular news programs) and any other organizations you can think of even if they may be in MPI's pockets (Ombudsman, etc). And once again the other even more important thing about sending these letters to everyone is to let everyone know who the letter is going to. Include a distribution list at the bottom so the higher ups at MPI know exactly who in the media and government is seeing them and that you are willing to stir up noise for your cause.

If anyone wants the distribution list that I sent my letters to or any of the actual addresses for the list then feel free to add me on facebook as I previously stated. My name is Adrian Halpert and I'm not afraid to hide my name from MPI, so feel free to send me a message or add me as Wayne already has.

Ghost BusterNovember 18, 2010  7:31:45 PM
This will be my 1 and only comment. I feel for a lot of you.

I have read this blog for a long time, and I am not employed by MPI, or part of the gov't in any way. I have never worked for them or any other auto insurer. I have always worked in the private sector (not in insurance).

After reading the entire act, its summaries, etc, it is important for claimants to note that they must be able to PROVE their injuries were a result of an MVA, using scientific evidence (Drs. note, X Ray, MRI results,surgeons notes etc.)

This is a lot harder to do than it sounds.

This would also be required at least at the same threshold level by a private insurer. Remember any past history on your medical record (which can go back many years) forms part of the MPI record & can and will be used against you.

VERY IMPORTANT: Document ALL verbal & non-verbal communication with MPI.

In order to succeed for any benefit, you should consider:

1. Keep accurate dates, times etc. of all communication/interviews between you & MPI (incl. phone calls, faxes, etc.), starting from the MVA date. 2. Challenge & note any written/verbal inaccuracies asap. This includes DRs. records that are inaccurate (contact the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba for protocol and how to have these corrected), inaccurate MPI reports etc. 3. Communicate with your health care providers (MD etc.) so that accurate records are kept (recorded in writing on your chart) regarding your condition. 3. Research and ask questions about your condition so that you can defend your position with your case manager etc. Your own research will often tell you how strong your position is. REMEMBER: Case managers and their superiors are trained to question you and "push back" as hard as possible. So if you REALLY have a case, you must be able to PROVE it via medical notes, tests, scientific proof, etc. done @ hospital & with your own Dr(s)to PUSH BACK at MPI. 4. MPI isn't there to tell you how to win your case. They are there to DEFEND and disprove your claim. You are the PLAINTIFF, they are the DEFENDENT!!! 5. You must have a legitimate claim. Insurers know that a certain % of claims are bogus/fall in a grey area......they are taught to question everytthing and be suspicious (this could include your own Drs. qualifications etc.). So be vigilent and be on your toes! 6. Keep your emotions intact. If you show an emotional side/opine vage threats/are threatening or harrass MPI & its case managers etc, be ready for law enforcement to intervene. This will not improve your position with MPI. Remain calm and level headed at all times, ESPECIALLY when you're in front of them. 7. Don't offer up more data/information than asked of you by MPI. Be aware of what you communicate to them (verbally and non verbally).

Finally, if you have sustained injuries that truly are the result of an MVA, MPI will "eventually" come through and you will succeed. YES, it seems like it takes forever. Unfortunately, its a rough and long road to get the benefits you are entitled to. All insurance companies are the same. (Check the webssite)!)

So good luck to all and keep the faith!

Most won't agree, but MPI DOES have some employees/case managers who really care for the injured, insured motorist/passenger...and they do everything possible to help. I have seen it.

BTW, I don't think a few hundered people demonstrating at the Leg. will change much. I really wish it was different, but I don't see it in my lifetime. MPI has been around since about 1970.....most don't know about MPI and how frustrating it can be until they are there. So keep the faith & GOOD LUCK TO ALL.

ParvezNovember 18, 2010  12:58:07 PM
@ Deadmeat. This is not an end of the world yet. If you feel that you have been unfairly treated by the system, then you have to stand up for your constitutional rights, even if you are all alone. You are not alone, who has problems in life.The sufferer always feels that he is the only one, whose life is a living $%!#* But that is not the way, one should begin to see things in life.

If you heard my never ending misery, then perhaps you will have a different viwews of feeling in this cruel world. So you have to keep trying until you find fairness for you.

DeadmeatNovember 18, 2010  10:30:06 AM
Perhaps my comments were out of frustration at a system that continues to abuse their authority against my family!As a father and main provider for my family this system needs to learn that we are people first and not a claim number! I have legitimate injuries proven by MPI'S Doctors and to be placed in this appeal system that takes years to process is not justified! I am left wondering how they refer to this insurance as ''the most comprehensive insurance package available to Manitobans''! My feelings of disgust for this system are fueled by the fact that I am crippled by my injuries relating to Physical/emotional/financial that have been trust upon my family complements of MPIC'S no fault insurance!For those of you who have not suffered a similar experience with MPIC YOU cannot even imagine the physiological injuries this has placed upon myself and my wife and children! After I am force to declare bankruptcy i plan on moving out of this province,and the reason is I do not want my children to one day be injured in a MVA and not be properly compensated and put through $%!#* trying to fight for their rights! So people please make a difference for your family and friends and rise against this FRAUD called MPIC! This will be my last comment on this blog! Good luck

wayneNovember 17, 2010  6:53:55 PM
@deadmeat...I hear your frustration for sure. I'm hoping that we can shine enough light on this subject. Remember a story about a gun toting guy at workers comp? Had media attention for a day, and didn't hear much more. So, obviously I don't think violence should even be brought up. NDP/MPI will twist it back on us if something ever happened, so if anyone mentions violence again, I won't be able to use that person in our group. We all know how NDP/MPI twists things around. Anyhow, try to relax as much as you can, hopefully we can work with some reasonable politicians, and get some changes made. My email is out there if anyone else wants to help out in a few months.

ParvezNovember 17, 2010  5:20:51 PM
When my injury benefits were denied by M.P.I., then I went to Injury Board. Later on, I was shocked to read the Bard decision, stating that my claim is dismissed. The reson being that according to the information supplied to the Board by M.P.I., which is that I was collecting benefits for my claim.

I asked the Board to get me a proof of such wrong information supplied by M.P.I. to the Board. I received a response by the Board, in which the Chairperson of the board verified that I was not collecting benefits of my claim and that it was an error. But they were so intimidated after revelation of the facts. They added, that even though it was an error on their part, but they are not going to change their decision. This was one of the worst cases of miscarriage of justice.

I brought this matter of injustice to the Ombudsman department, but due to usual cover up, that department was not of any help either. It has been proven, time after time that an ordinary individual can not expect any fairness, the way system is designed. So there is a need for raising a concern of mistreatment by M.P.I., which controls so much in public lives.

DeadmeatNovember 17, 2010  1:33:32 AM
Wayne,what we should do is gather a group of us together and call in the Media if their are any of them left not on MPIC'S PAYROLL and show them the abuse that we are put through in this corrupted corporation! When mpic Doctor's tell a claimant to return to work on Narcotics they have crossed the line and should be charged criminally!Don't drive drunk but is OK for you to drive while you are stoned,WHY BECAUSE WE say so!How about showing them the video surveillance that MPIC uses to dismiss your claim! I was told that since i can drive i can work and apparently if you lean forward to look in your side mirror it is considered greater mobility than demonstrated during assessment. They spent 7000.00 to follow me around and my adjuster was not pleased when i thank him for the video surveillance that proved my disability rather than supporting their dismissal of my benefits!But did it Mather that they were so desperate to get me out of the house that my adjuster sent registered letters over a two week period to make sure they got footage of me leaving my home and going to get those letters in town!Beware people it doesn't matter that you walk around like a 70 year old man and you have a hard time getting around at age 46! I wasn't roofing my home or carrying a sheet of plywood, Rather i was living my life as best that i could given the injuries i sustained in several MVA'S and the reduction of the quality of life i now am forced to exist through day by day!Perhaps one day soon some poor victim is going to pull a ''LEE'' special on some of MPIS finest and I for one would volunteer to take him on walks in the Selkirk mental institution! Lets face reality, its unfortunate but this type of action will get the attention of the media and MPIC! I am not condoning this type of action rather just making a hypothetical scenario! Sleep well folks!

WayneNovember 16, 2010  10:45:53 PM
And therein lies the problem. "I don't like the way things are, but I would rather someone else fix it, than bother myself". So many people sit by and wait for someone else to solve the problem. I went to Bosnia and Afghanistan to help people I never met before in my life. Put my life on the line to make a difference. Is it that hard to gather signatures or let the govt know their system is broken, and we don't want it anymore? Of course they'll fight, it's a huge cash cow for them, while we are left in the cold for coverage. And why be worried about what they read on here? Are they going to send a couple goons over, or better, yet deny my claim? They have brought me close to bankruptcy already, they pushed to the point of nothing to lose. Anyone wants to help waynefranklin@mts.net

jelloNovember 16, 2010  1:55:02 PM
MPI used to be good when they were an auto insurance company. Now they are a heath care provider,a driver's licence provider and a vehicle stafety provider among others. I hope that you do get a rally going and change things. Good Luck!! Oh be carefull how much info you put on here cause they do read them.

ParvezNovember 16, 2010  12:28:59 AM
@ Wayne. M.P.I. has monopoly over such a degree on human life that they are overstepping the bound of their jurisdiction by wrongfully exercising lawful authority. The only way to voice our concern is to collectively tackle this mutual never ending problem.

I am going to email you and briefly narrate about the $%!#* I have been put through by M.P.I. It is about time to get united against an aggression.

WayneNovember 15, 2010  10:11:13 PM
If anyone who has been screwed over by MPI, would like to get involved, send me an email. The only way we will be heard is if we stand together. We can get signatures for the petition, and we can have public rallies and cause great embarrasment to those who are cheating us. We are louder if our voices are together. Email me at waynefranklin@mts.net and we can start organising a way to beat these creeps. I will hold contacts and hopefully in a few months, we'll have enough people to start making a difference. Have a great day guys.

broncoNovember 15, 2010  8:08:25 PM
@jason. What grounds did MPI give for pulling your licence? Anyway I don't think and insurance company should be in charge of our driver's licences and the sad fact is that it's NEVER going to change. You can call Hugh all you want. The only people to blame for this is the people who kept voting for the NDP. It's all about total control.

jasonNovember 15, 2010  7:15:55 PM
So i lost my licence for 5 years because i was charged with party to the affence to a bunch of kids joy riding a golf cart around in a circle just because i was there i was charged with theft under 5 thousand take auto without concent and the keyes were in it and it wasnt taken off the property or damaged at all. plus the police officer who charged us didnt even witness it. just because my lawyer told me to pled guilty to the charge so i could be off of my 9 o'clock curfu and have it done with MPI took the goahead and pulled my licence for 5 years without me even knowing! im almost 1 year into the suspention and have 4 to go. and its hard to live without my licence i need it back. does this sound like a case worth fighting? and hiring a lawyer? plus not to mention these charges happened when i was 17 i am now 18 i was charged as a youth. is it possible to go to Saskatchewan or any other province to obtain a licence right now? i would love to hang these ****ers! please any advice would be greatly appreciated!

ParvezNovember 15, 2010  11:55:29 AM
M.P.I. is controlling public life due to monopoly over the system. If the management abuse its power and the victim stands up for its rights, then the victim is categorized as a troublemaker. Because, M.P.I. does not want them to be exposed for mistreating of public.

This is a good idea to collectively circulate petition on behalf of public. There seems to be no other way of finding a fair justice. I will also disclose my years of suffering with solid evidence of wrongdoing of the management.

DeadmeatNovember 15, 2010  1:04:46 AM
I have not posted anything for a while now and my situation with MPIC has not changed! I am willing to sign this petition but I also wish to have a hoard of victims march up to the legislative building front steps and make our elected politicians accountable for the abuse MPIC has willingly placed upon its clients! We pay a premium to be protected in case of a accident and expect to be treated in a fair and timely manner!!! Unlike criminals we are guilty before proven innocent! We are forced to pay for a lawyer while the criminals are supplied with legal aid!I am sill waiting for a appeal date with the automobile appeal commission and its going on my 7Th year with no reply! My family has endured enough hardship at the hands of a government run corporation which simply denies benefits and forces you to be stuck in the system they created to make your life a living $%!#* The worst part is that they are laughing at us because every year we are forced to pay them our autopac premiums so we could drive our cars and supply mpi with the CASH to kick our $%!#* !! Real nice system!

AdrianNovember 14, 2010  11:58:36 PM

That is exactly what I am trying to do. Get a petition going that we can have multiple people collecting signatures for. I submitted a petition to Hugh McFadyen as I had spoken to him on the phone previously and he was supportive of the cause. Unfortunately Hugh has been traveling a lot lately and I've been busy with personal life as well so I wasn't able to keep on top of it.

However, I missed Hugh McFadyen's call on Tuesday before I left for a short trip to Churchill. He left a voice-mail and was looking to discuss how we should approach the petition so that it has the best possible chance of leading to change. I will be trying to catch him on the phone this week to have that discussion so we can move forward with the next step of the petition.

ParvezNovember 13, 2010  10:49:30 PM
@ bronco. You do not have any idea, what has been happenning with my situation. It is very easy to jumping to the conclusion without knowing the whole story. You categorized me as a complainer, but have no clue at all. So I suggest that before passing any remarks, one should always try to find out the facts.

This is so sad that lots of people are ready to lay blame on victim. That is exactly, there are so much suffering among public by M.P.I.

broncoNovember 13, 2010  3:36:27 PM
@Parvez. MPI is a very tough nut to crack. The reason why there are so many problems in dealing with them is their inexperience staff. So many rules and daily/weekly/monthy changes that they can't remember which rule applies when or even it has been amended. I suspect that since you have gone to the Human Rights Commision and it has gone nowhere, you are just a complainer. HRC don't take things lightly.

ParvezNovember 13, 2010  1:38:22 PM
No idea is good unless there is any action. it is about time that majority suffered by M.P.I., should raise their collective concern against monopoly. As I have learned through years of fighting against M.P.I., that for an ordinary public , there is no fairness, the way system is formed.

Most people give up on their rights, due to lack of will and resources, which is exactly M.P.I. wants. They can get away with any wrongdoing and no one is there to question them. That is why, there is a need for private insurance, as the competition in any business proves to be beneficial for general public.

ParvezNovember 13, 2010  10:00:38 AM
This has long been observed and experienced by many, who dealt with M.P.I. that one thing for sure that when it comes to dealing with M.P.I., one can not trust any body, no matter how friendly the staff pretends to be.

I have been dealing with M.P.I. since 2002 and have gone to see almost every authority, including claimant advisor, Injury Board, Ombudsman, Minister responsible for M.P.I. ( Andrew Swan }, Manitoba Human Rights Commission and every level of position holder with M.P.I.

I found out that if a victim stands up for its rights. Then as expected, there will be a reprisal to discourage a Justice seeker and the more someone try to fight for fair justice, the more hurdles there will be in a way. This is what the game plan is to make a victim give up. I hope if more people stand up against aggression, then there probably be a chance to achieve fairness.

janeNovember 13, 2010  8:44:51 AM

can the owners of this website create a lawful and compliant petition to criculate in Manitoba, and have a MLA present it to the House?

This site is great, lots of sharing and hardships, but, lets use this site to unite people in Manitoba to petition the House to change the law, so that we have the freedom of choice for car insurance in Manitoba, and, that MPI no longer has the law behind them, to have the monoply in Manitoba. Its a conflict of interest for our government to be in the insurance business. MPI controls our drivers license, our insurance and our registration. Nothing will change, no matter how many more people are injured and taken advantage of or how many people find this website and continue to do nothing.

It may take months or even years to get every adult who drives in Manitoba to sign the petition and have an MLA present it but it will be well worth it. Our rights and freedoms are being violated, we have the right to untie and fight this law and have reform, and, the freedom of choice as other provinces have. The NDP need to go people! They are making money for the govenment, MPI is a money machine, just like red light cameras in Manitoba. MPI is not a non- profit agency. It is a money making machine, with billions of dollars in "revenue" from everyone who drives in thsi province, and, people injured or killed in accidents do NOT get anything even remotely acceptable by way of payment from our premiums. MPI makes its living off us all, and, by denying claims and refusing to pay out to those injured, disabled or killed. MPI has a herd of top paid lawyers, at our expense, to fight us and shut our claims down. These lawyers are paid out of our premiums we pay! We pay these lawyers and the MPI "doctors" to shut us down, to shut our claims down adn discredit us. How contrary is that? Its a severe conflict of interest. I'm not a layer, but I don't think our premiums should be used against us, to shut our claims down? Any lawyers on here who know if this is a secondary avenue we can fight to shut MPI down on? That our premiums are funding these doctors and lawyers to shut our claims down? COnflict of interest? Corrupt? Contrary? Collusion? Would really like to hear if anyone in here with a law degree thinks this is a major avenue for us to open and fight MPI being shut down and the private insurance companies into Manitoba?

Lets stop complaining and do something. Nothing will happen unless we make it happen.

ParvezNovember 13, 2010  8:16:18 AM
" But who guards the guardians " ?

My son recently fulfilled all the requirements for an auto dealer permit. But M.P.I. is abusing its authority by ignoring him and causing hardship. Because, I stood up against abuse of power of M.P.I. in the past, by filing a formal complaint with Ombudsman, Attorney General and Manitoba Human Rights Commission.

Now my son is experiencing a reprisal by M.P.I., as a result of my standing up against wrongdoing of wrongful exercise of lawful authority. I feel strongly that the whole situation is due to monopoly by M.P.I., which has to be addressed by all victims, as this is a growing problem for an ordinary public.

WayneNovember 12, 2010  2:38:19 PM
@ Adrian..let me know when you are close to going out for signatures. Email address is waynefranklin@mts.net A insurance company that doesn't pay pain and suffering, and yet we are forced to use these clowns. Want to get something going to take these losers down.

AndrewNovember 10, 2010  1:49:10 PM
So I got in a car accident a few months ago. Probably fell asleep driving. I had finished driving my friend home (he called me from the bar to drive him home, hes my friend, Im not going to say no!) and it was about 1:00 AM and had a cup of coffee (I dont drink coffee unless Im tired). So I total the car and get a huge concussion. The hospital confirms I wasnt on drugs and had a blood alcohol level of 0. I talk to MPI and then about a month later, I talk to them again (the claim isnt settled still). After the second time I talk to MPI, I get a call from the RCMP from this guy wanting me to make the accident report. I had a level 3 concussion so I didnt remember anything before or after for about 2 weeks. I told him everything I pieced together, and he took me into a back room asking me questions, telling me I was on drugs that night. He grills me for about 2 hours about drugs this and drugs that, refusing to listen to me. I have a copy of the report the doctors made proving my innocence, but he refuses it claiming he wants his own. After handing me a ticket for $200, he says "as far as Im concerned, you're getting off lucky"

So at this point, Im pissed and start doing some research, as I want to take them both to court as many times as possible. I called around and, especially with the RCMP, whenever I start asking questions about car accidents and what the police can and cant do and why someone would accuse someone of something with no evidence or if I even mention MPIC, I get hung up on. This must have gotten around, because within the next DAY, they agreed to not only settle, but to repair a car they originally said was a write off. I still wish to try and hang these $%!#* ers out to dry. Any tips?

JudeNovember 9, 2010  12:24:20 PM
Dear Northener; you will be compensated for your scars and tissue damage. This takes at least a year or two. They will come out to assess your movement of limbs, the less movement...the more pay! Scars are measured by lengths. Again, this does not happen until your claim is finalized. Even after you have settled, if there are complications in years to come...you can re-open your claim(so they say). Anyone involved in an accident regardless of who is at fault, is intitled to medical attention. I hope this helps you.


Against MPINovember 7, 2010  11:55:14 AM
MPI is very corrupt. I just caught my case manager and her supervisor in a big lie about my claim. I am curious to see now how MPI handles this. It would make for a very good news piece on CTV/CBC. The Sun and Free Press would like it too. The unfortunate part is that even though we all have similar stories no one wants to challange MPI to the bitter end. People need to know that if they get hurt in an accident your body and your finances will never be the same again and MPI could care less. In the end, they will lie and beat you down until you just can't take it anymore and you just walk away. That is their money maker. They put case managers to work (at hefty salaries paid by us) telling them to do everything they can to deny claims even if that means writing deceitful letters to doctors and to you saying there is no proof.I just caught both of them in a big time lie and if they don't reverse their decision I will be contacting the media to see if they will be willing to do a story on it. I have the proof. My dr supports me and is angry at MPI as well. We can go to the college of physicans and chiropractors with our story to warn them what MPI is doing to deny claims. MPI is tying up the system with unnecessary paperwork. It would have been cheaper just to pay the claim than to deny a claim unethically. I recommend that all of you that have claims with MPI get copies of your file and or copies of all documents going in and out of MPI on your case. You will need patience and time but please stay strong and fight MPI. You are hurt they should pay. If they don't pay, there needs to be a change in MPI's advertising. What they claim they do for their claimants is not 100% accurate. MPI is gov't run. They have more $$ than we do and they are prepared to lie and cheat to make even more.

Against MPINovember 3, 2010  12:50:10 PM
I personally feel that people need to band together and hold a protest with the press interviewing and broadcasting people's stories so that all Manitobans are aware of how MPI operates. There have been people in serious accidents and have been left with mentally &/or physically impaired. Vehicles have been totalled or repaired at the expense of the claimant. We all have stories to tell. We need to get MPI to change how they handle their claims, how they deal with claimants and their payouts (or lack of). I don't know how to organize something like this. If we don't, MPI will continue to take our $ and short change us every time they can. Private insurance will never happen in Manitoba unless we fight back. I have contacted the media, one paper said they would take my story but then they said no. CBC won't take our stories because they are a gov't run telecommunication company. For my 5 claims, I am having to do my case manager's job because she writes my medical doctors for information but does not actually ask for the info. she needs in order to pay for what I am claiming. Instead she writes her letters asking for info. that she knows will not meet their criteria. My doctors provide the info. requested by my case manager only (due to the privacy act)and then she turns around and denies my claims stating that my doctors did not give her the info. she needed. She blames my doctors when in fact the proof is in her letters. You have a right to obtain copies of all correspondence. If you do, you will see what I saw. She purposes does not ask direct questions. The answers would clearly meet the requirements for payment. I have to do her paperwork for her. I have hired a lawyer but that is expensive. Why should I need a lawyer to get MPI to pay for a pain medication that costs $25. a month? Why does MPI deny chiropractor treatments when Xrays clearly prove significant whiplash injuries to my spine? I don't even think she has ever asked for my chiropractors xrays or even for his medical findings in a report. She just asks for chart notes. Sometimes chart notes are not enough. It depends on how your chiro/dr. writes chart notes. Instead she sends me to a MPI chiropractor so that the MPI chiro can deny my claim. He did not take any xrays. MPI sent him a referral letter with inaccurate info. about my accidents and my injuries. If you are having a hard time getting MPI to pay a claim, ask for a copy of all the letters or a copy of your file. If you are too ill to look at the paperwork yourself have someone you trust and that knows your condition read it for you. Get help from anyone you can. It is hard to fight MPI when you are the one that is in pain. MPI employees will not help you. They lie and they back door you any which way they can. Believe me with 5 claims, they continue to deny and probably deny even more because they know I will need medical attention for the rest of my life. Their goal is to save $ and make $ for the gov't. Staff at MPI gets paid well so don't think for a moment that they are there to help you. They want their paycheques so they will do what they are told to do. Does anyone have experience in getting a protest started? We should be strong Manitobans. We have rights. Why are we not expressing how we feel? Traffic circles get more media attention than car accident victims. Minorities get more media coverage than us. I have no issues with media attention on those issues but I feel wwe should also have the same kind of media attention. If we don't say something soon, more people will suffer what we have suffered through. Let's face it, MPI is going to continue to deny claims and short change us. The economy is getter poorer so if we don't fight back who will pay our bills when we can't work due to our injuries? The programs that we think we have to fall back on are not

M. ReimerNovember 1, 2010  4:34:50 PM
Couldn't agree with you more. Very frustrating with no neutral party in this corp. All paid by the government including doctors. Like hitting your head against a brick wall. A wonderful insurance if you never have an accident ( oh, yeah, you don't really need insurance then!)

jojoOctober 31, 2010  1:53:16 PM
@al h. in this case I don't think MPI is the problem, it's provicial goverment that is charging you the taxes. MPI will never go away. Never.

al hOctober 25, 2010  9:08:58 PM
So how do we get ride of MPI?

jojoOctober 25, 2010  12:47:34 PM
@ AL H., the goverment came up with the idea to tax you and what the book says not on what you paid for the bike or vehicle. This is due to people making two receipts and goverment loosing money on taxes. EX: If you bought the bike for $1000 & the book says it's worth $1500 then you pay taxes on the $1500. but, IF you bought the bike for $1500 & it's worth $1000 you pay taxes on the $1500. BS I know but that's what the NDP does tax you the death.

JudeOctober 22, 2010  11:40:50 AM
I had written a blog back on Oct.19/09. The update is I gave up on my appeal as I almost had a nervous breakdown due to the stress of dealing with MPI and Moya Thomson. I is now a year later and my claim is coming to a close (maybe)! I was assessed and pics taken of my scars on June 21, 2010. I was told that the check could take 6 to 8 weeks to receive. On Sept.9/10 I emailed Joanne Keith regarding my claim. I was told that the office was going through restructuring. The next excuse was they had a new system installed and that cheques weren't going through. I know this is a blatant lie because my husband still gets his cheques every two weeks (an accident not related to mine). I then emailed Joanne again on October 14, 2010. The email I received back says: The process of determining your entitlements is underway and your medical file has been referred to our Medical Consultants to determine your entitlements for the reported loss of sensation. Once it is received back from our Health Care Services we will complete our calculation and provide you with our decision. I have been waiting for over 4 months. I agree we all have to band together. MPI is not god nor should they have the right to treat us as criminals. There are NO good MPI employees. Everyone having problems should use the names of their adjusters.

jojoOctober 21, 2010  9:56:58 PM
@ Al H. No, no, I know it's not a right off just saying IF it was, they would be using the blue book for the value. What I was told is happing here is that the provincial goverment is using the gold book which has higher values to tax you and MPI uses the blue book for it's value which is lower. Was told this is legal cause the provicial gov. is considered seperate from MPI. This is BS but what do you want from the NDP.

Against MPIOctober 20, 2010  4:44:58 PM
There is nothing good to say about MPI. How they handle their claims, their staff, their premiums, their doctors.....the list goes on and on. This is a gov't money maker so there will never be private insurance. Nor will they ban PIPP. PIPP is designed to deny claims and make a profit. MPI will spend more money fighting a simple small claim than what it would have cost to rehabilitate someone. Grant you there are various types of bodily injury claims. Each BI claim is not the same but no matter how you look at it, MPI makes millions of dollars a year and pays out very little in comparison. If MPI is a gov't run company, why does the consumer (us) not get a break? Why are our premiums as high as they are? If MPI denies all sorts of claims and makes large profits each year why are claimants having such a hard time settling claims? MPI will do nothing to help a claimant get the best treatment and the best settlement possible. They do everything in their power to deny claims and to fight claimants. I have had five MVA's in the last ten years. None of them were my fault. In the five MVA's from what I know there have been at least 3 vehicles written off. I have severe whiplash and myfacial pain syndrome. MPI could care less. They make me so angry that I feel like walking away from my claims but that is what they do. They make you so angry and so frustrated, that you just want to give up and walk away. That in itself is a money maker for MPI. If you fight them, they just hire more staff at incredibly high salaries to fight you. MPI pays their staff very well. That is our money paying them. When you get hurt and you can't work because of your injuries do you think MPI cares if you lose your house, your car, your family? Absolutely not ! They will do everything in their power to make sure they don't pay a cent. No matter what medical report they get or the amount of medical proof you give them. They will give you the minimum if you are lucky enough to get that. Gov't is in business to make money and spend it stupidly. I wonder where all the profits MPI makes each year actually goes ? I am sure there are company bonuses at MPI. Why else would people work there? You have to be a person with no feelings and emotions to work in a cold place like MPI. MPI is not there for us !

AL HOctober 20, 2010  10:06:07 AM
The bike was not a right off. Just ended up being in the right place at the right time. so i end up getting a good deal yet they say i have to pay tax on money not spent. it seams it would be against the law to charge tax on nothing? so frustrated.

jojoOctober 19, 2010  7:19:54 PM
hey Al H. I don't know how MPI can charge you more with a gold book price when MPI doesn't use a gold book. If your bike was a right off they would be using the blue book which has a lower value.

AL hendersonOctober 19, 2010  10:48:52 AM
I Purchased a harley 2006 street glide this Spring. The price $12,000 when I registered the bike i had to pay the tax 840.00. Last week i received a letter from MPI stated that i did not pay enough Tax! That i had to pay the tax on the Gold book Value 15450.00! instead of the ac so they require 241.50 more! So my question is how can this extra tax appear on monies not paid? so i pay more the the set rate of 7% it seams to me that Mpi would be above the law in being able to set what ever tax they see fit! any one else have this concern? and a strategy on how to deal with it?

moving onOctober 15, 2010  9:30:25 AM
I hope you are successful in your quest, Adrian. It would be beneficial to have choice in our auto insurance provider.

Personally, I see that I fight a losing battle. It's time to regroup, pick up the shards that remain, and move on.

I find it ironic that they will spend thousands of dollars on so-called independent assessments and medical opinions in order to deny hundreds of dollars in claims for treatment that would help a claimant to recover. It makes me sad to see where my premium dollars are spent.

AdrianSeptember 16, 2010  8:45:14 PM
I just wanted to state that so far with the letters I have written Hugh McFadyen and his office have been very helpful. Not only did they actually acknowledge receiving my letters in an appropriate amount of time, but Hugh personally took the time out of his day to call me and discuss the issue.

I wrote a petition that is currently with his office's clerks for review so that once it is approved by them I can take it door to door for petition signatures and he can adopt it as a private petition and present it to before the Legislative Assembly.

When that happens I will provide an e-mail for anyone that is interested so that you can e-mail me and request numbered petition pages to collect your own signatures and mail them to me. After a set period of time or when I think we have enough I will mail all the pages to Hugh McFadyen's office and ask him if he can present the petition.

So far the highlights of the petition are that PIPP was introduced in 1994 to reduce rising costs yet it has severely limited Manitoban's while not reducing our cost as we are still in the middle of the pack in insurance premiums paid compared to other provinces. Because of the extreme limitation imposed by PIPP and the discrepancy between Manitoba and provinces with private insurance, the petition asks that the Minister of Justice review and revise the plan to properly adjust for permanent disability and compensate for pain and suffering, or to allow pain and suffering compensation to be perused in court separate from permanent disability, or to allow Manitoba to return to private insurance where citizens can choose their own coverage, versus the current monopoly system.

LannaSeptember 15, 2010  8:04:42 PM
Having conversations recorded is fine however it is worthwhile to consider the costs of having those recordings transcribed when the time comes that you need them for AICAC hearings and/or Court of Queens Bench matters. It is expensive. I know. Most likely if you are needing to record the conversations, things aren't going well and the easiest (least expensive) thing is to stick to the written word. I agree that case managers aren't very clear in their communication but my experience is that they are no more clear when they speak....so it might as well be written. As to whether they are trained this way; no comment. If I were to learn that they were trained to be like this I would not be surprised, nothing about MPI surprises me. They are very predictable.

Definitely audio record all "Team Meetings", IME's, Third Party Assessments, etc and if possible take another person with you as a witness. I have been to countless of these and have the transcripts which have been very useful. When it comes down to what MPI says versus what is recorded you will be happy you spent $75. on a digital voice recorder !

I am very sorry for the struggles that everyone is experiencing. Hopefully someday the politicians will wise up and get rid of this perverted "no-fault" system. More often than not it is 'someones' fault. Perhaps a little accountability in the system would benefit those of us who are destroyed by others bad driving. If the bad drivers had astronomical insurance rates then perhaps they'd take the bus, or at least be slightly more careful knowing it might cost them. The way things are now, it is my opinion (right or wrong) that most people just don't care.

carlynSeptember 15, 2010  6:44:04 AM
Sadly, some case managers are vague in their written communication, though it is helpful to have a physical record of the communication.

I recommend recording all conversations. I began to do this to help me to understand what my case manager was saying, and so that I could concentrate on the conversation and come back to make notes later.

It is VERY enlightening when one compares the notes on their file, which are scanty and often inaccurate and one-sided, to the recorded conversation. When I hear of others who have had similar experiences, I can't help but wonder whether this is part of their training, or a personal decision.

mpisfavouriteclaimantSeptember 11, 2010  6:35:56 PM
the reality that what a claimant recalls as being discussed versus what an adjuster records as being discussed is precisely why I personally would recommend that all communication be done in writing. It requires MPI to ask clear questions and helps to avoid "misunderstandings" which generally are to the detriment of the claimant.

AdrianSeptember 9, 2010  8:29:22 PM

You're entitled to 1 free copy of your entire case file (including notes) as well as periodic updates of the paperwork that has been added to it since you got a copy.

I would wait a couple months and request this copy. Don't ask for it too soon as if you do you will be worried about keeping it up to date but I would suggest getting it when they are getting close to computing your final disability compensation so you can see what they have written about you and what direction they are taking with certain requests. You may be surprised about how you recall conversations and what was actually written down... I know I was.

NorthernerSeptember 6, 2010  9:51:54 AM

Many thanks for your post... any other hints/tips for people like me on dealing with settling out a personall injury claim with MPI?

AdrianSeptember 1, 2010  8:49:13 PM

They are treated the same whether they are the result of the impact from the crash or surgery required because of the crash. I myself have 3 incision scars on my left leg when metal rods were inserted into my femur and approximately 2 patches of scarring as the result of direct impact from the crash. I recently had all the scarring measured in order to begin calculating my permanent disability entitlement and they were measured the same. As well, on the copy of the case file that I obtained from MPI they are treated the same.

Hope this helps.

American's DeathSeptember 1, 2010  1:11:43 PM
My post regarding section 75 of the Manitoba Public Insurance Act was removed. I believe your public should again be aware of this section. This was NOT a pure no-fault situation for my family being that we are not citizens of your Province. If my Husband was at any fault the claim would not have been payable or only a percentage would have been paid. MPI and WPS released the driver's statement to my family stating my husband walked into his semi-truck. They were not aware that I had obtained the eyewitness statements of the men who were beside him and in front of him. Upon finding out I had the statements they reinterviewed the eyewitnesses 1 year after the accident, who were again very clear that the driver turned a sharp right into my Husband's back throwing or dragging him up to 30 ft, no steps were taken. My Husband never survived the night in Health Science Centre. Again MPI took my children before the U.S. Courts admitting the entire accident, forcing us to sign a release for this driver, stating they considered the cost of our child with special needs medical care, which they did not, yet refusing to release the police narritive and the reason the driver was never even fined for his actions (which is my right as an American Citizen)When I contacted the Crown Prosecutor to obtain this information on my own, I was told that the accident was never even forwarded to your Prosecutor a duty crown then referred to his longtime friend who was an attorney and said he would help my family. Upon looking into the attorneys background I found he served on the Manitoba Bar with an MPI attorney,this is an extreme conflict of interest in the U.S. yet it seems to be buisness as ususal in Manitoba.

American's DeathAugust 31, 2010  11:40:08 PM
Message to Serena, It is not only the ceo, It is management at every level along with their review office and their so-called fair practices! My children and I were threatened by the board of directer's when your public trustee used their names to seize the funds due to my husband being killed by a driver from your province. We were told we had to turn over their birth certificates to your trustee, sign a release for MPI to do so and if not the board of directer's would release them to the trustee anyway. It does not end with MPI, I am know in an 8 month investigation with your ombudsman as to wether my family had the right to be provived an informed decision on the claim and he is now out of the office again after a 2 week vacation he took a week ago. My family has endured countless vacations from MPI case managers after my husbands death while they were aware he was the sole provider for our family. When does the madness end? This is as wrong as is what this driver for your city did to my husband and childrens father!

SerenaAugust 31, 2010  11:05:32 PM
An outrageous company, with no morals, no understanding and zero class. To the president and ceo, madam how do you sleep nights running such a corrupt organization, you should be ashamed of yourself for letting this company embarrass it's self for the 600th time, wake up - the people of manitoba are not happy with your nonsense.

NorthernerAugust 31, 2010  6:38:33 PM
Thanks, but I was specifically wondering about scarring (surgical incision for eg) incurred in repairing a bone broken in the accident versus skin torn open in the accident and if MPI treated them the same. I can't seem to discern that from their web site or the act.

AdrianAugust 30, 2010  8:36:03 PM

The following link will give you the percentages that they cover for scarring. The scarring amounts are actually not as bad as their mobility impairment rates. Keep in mind that the percentages are calculated off the maximum entitlement of approximately $120,000 (adjusted for consumer price index).


As far as hospital expenses you can find the general coverage here:

http://www.mpi.mb.ca/english/claims/PIPP/BI_expenses overview.html

Or you can read their actual legislation here:


AMERICAN'S DEATHAugust 26, 2010  10:57:05 PM
Message to Norterner, Do not trust any conversation you have with MPI!!!! Get everything in writing, and that has still not been of any benefit to my family. This is a corporation who does not understand professionalism or integrity. They are VERY corrupt!!!!

AMERICAN'S DEATHAugust 26, 2010  10:49:57 PM
Thank You! I have proof of all of MPI's Bad Faith Practices and the atrosities of the people who supposably hold them accountable. Thank you for being honorable and accountable. My family has been through enough!

NorthernerAugust 26, 2010  10:42:29 PM
First time dealing with MPI on a permanent injury claim and looking for help. I have extensive scarring from surgeries after the accident to fix broken bones (installing rods, etc.) as well as some scarring from direct tissue damage. Does MPI cover the scarring caused by treatment and surgery for accident injuries? I can't find this anywhere and don't trust a phone call to them.


American's DEATHAugust 26, 2010  10:36:59 PM
Wake Up Canada,' You have the POWER of the Vote to throw the BUMS OUT! My husband was killed by a driver working for your city 28 months ago. Your insurance company and your city police have tortured my family since this tradegy. Not only did did both lead my family family to believe my Husband and children's Father was to blame for his death, not knowing that I had obtained the actual eyewitness statements myself. They then took my family before United States Courts to release liability for your city driver and to state the actual cost of my hanicapped daughters medical needs were considered in this claim. I was being forced into signing this agreement in the U.S. without legal council! When I did find legal council who agreed to review this for a sum of $5,000 in Canada your public trustee seizied the funds and now states it is the guardian of my children and MPI has said my hanicapped had no right to be informed they would put her under your vulnernable persons act. Tis is an OUTRAGE! This driver who ran into to my husband's back and his worksite was never charged yet my family was being forced into signing a release of liability for him! Your insurace company practices torture and intimadation, this is BAD FAITH INSURANCE! I have been through their review dept,"so-called" fair practices, attorney general and now an ongoing 8 month investigation with your ombudsman into MPI and WPS with inspector Poole. The hiprocicy is beyond imagination. When does the torture end! My family and 4 daughters have endured enough when your city driver slammed into my Husband's and their Father's back with his semi truck!!! Your lawyers are cowards and will not even return a phone call. You have the power to throw these bums out!!!!!

AdrianAugust 26, 2010  7:30:19 PM
Taylor, I honestly can't tell if you're bashing MPI or praising them with your mixed facts...

You said "You are quite right that MPI does not provide reimbursement for personal injury -- in Manitoba. The reason for this is because in Manitoba we have something called the Personal Injury Protection Plan (PIPP), which is an unlimited source for reimbursement for bodily injury (including pain and suffering)"

In fact, you could not be further from the truth. PIPP is in no way unlimited, and there is absolutely 0 reimbursement for pain and suffering. Believe me I've dealt with MPI enough to know and have read the entire PIPP legislation. Furthermore, the letter I received from the minister in charge of MPI (Andrew Swan) last week reiterates specifically that PIPP is not unlimited and that I am correct in stating that there is no compensation for pain and suffering.

Taylor ReisdorfAugust 26, 2010  10:43:04 AM
Hi there, Now I am not normally in the business of defending MPI, as it is normally easier for me to shrug my shoulders and say "unfortunately I don't make the rules" when dealing with an angry client, but in my experience as an Autopac insurance broker I feel that you are not being entirely fair to MPI. Specifically, your allegations regarding their injury compensation -- or lack thereof. You are quite right that MPI does not provide reimbursement for personal injury -- in Manitoba. The reason for this is because in Manitoba we have something called the Personal Injury Protection Plan (PIPP), which is an unlimited source for reimbursement for bodily injury (including pain and suffering). It's not just that MPI doesn't cover bodily injury in Manitoba; according to provincial law you simply cannot be sued for it. If you are insured with MPI you also carry your PIPP coverage around with you wherever you drive in North America. Therefore: MPI expressly having 'bodily injury' coverage would be redundant. Outside of the province there are other safeguards in place. For example: other provinces and states in North America, like Manitoba, have minimum third party liability requirements (in Manitoba the amount is $200,000). If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident where someone else is injured, your third party liability will pay out for their hospital bills. This is why, as an insurance broker, whenever someone indicates that they travel out of province I always recommend they increase their third party liability to the maximum of $5 million, as claims involving pain and suffering can accumulate vast sums of reparations. Consider MPI's rental car insurance, which is ridiculously better (and cheaper) than anything you can get at the rental agency, with which are automatically given $5 million third party liability, as well, even if you're just driving around in Manitoba. It is true that MPI has many failings. A perfect example is that they are currently automatically renewing driver's licenses without express consent. According to the 5-year renewal system your driver's license will be renewed for up to 5 years (depending on your photo due date), and they will automatically rate you each year , and that if you do not wish your driver's license to lapse (key word: lapse), you must pay by the normal renewal date for that year's driver's license fee. Sounds fine in principle, correct? Well, what happens if you are not planning on driving until some time after your renewal date -- perhaps you're on vacation for three weeks or in the hospital -- and you just want it to lapse? Well, MPI doesn't care. If you haven't paid by that renewal date, they don't lapse your license, they send you to collections. Imagine that just three hundred thousand people leave their licenses for even a few days (which is an extremely common sight). This allows MPI to charge interest up to maybe a dollar per person, or another $250,000-300,000 in the year that they get on top of all the premiums they charge. This is a matter I have personally taken up with the Better Business Bureau, and is a far more warranted cause than the allegation that MPI does not cover bodily injury. -Taylor

Dave HAugust 17, 2010  2:11:08 PM
First I would like to wish you folks who have posted on here the best of luck in your actions against MPI. I lived in Manitoba only a short time and would not move back. As an "outsider" I only saw a hint of the problems with MPI but suffice to say until there is a change of government that will abolish This scam called MPI people will suffer. "No fault insurance" by itself is a joke......All insured Manitobans collectively are paying for the bad driving habits and stupidity of the few. Coming from Alberta I paid over 2 1/2 times the amount than what I had paid in Alberta-As a driver with a top driving record and rating-"for the absolute minimum coverage" with MPI.Private insurance may not be perfect but at least you have certain rights and have the legal right to sue when you are injured.

In closing I want to pose a question here......" Doe's MPI pay a performance bonus to it's staff based on the amount of money they save MPI when denying claims?" Just food for thought folks Take care

ArthurAugust 5, 2010  6:25:54 PM
Sam, it is difficult to give specific suggestions without knowing all the facts, but are you saying that someone employed by MPI actually forged your signature, and as a result, MPI ceased your case? If this is the case (and it shouldn't be too hard to prove) seems to me someone at MPI has committed fraud. I doubt that this would be covered anywhere in MPI Act, but seems to me this is a criminal case and should be reported to the police.

noneAugust 5, 2010  1:59:11 PM
@Arian. I somewhat understand your logic about the money part. I'm sure if you got a lump sum of money you would use it for recoverey. But there are alot of people who would use it for other things, not recoverey. So this is a way for goverment to make sure that, that person recovers. I do believe that some money/cash should be paid out to people that suffer major injuries as part of the recovery process.Don't like using politics but the NDP are the one's that put this system/law in place and they will not go back to the old system no matter what. MPI is growing not shrinking. This is a law that you are fighting, not a policy or a guidline. It's the law it's on the books. The only way to change things is to lobby goverment. If the PC goverment gets into power next time then that is your best hope, as they are not for goverment interferance. But don't expect wide spread changes. Good luck Adrain. Hope you get someone to listen.

AdrianAugust 4, 2010  9:50:52 PM

Thank you for your reply and I understand where you are coming from with your comments. But, being able to sue would accomplish the greatest thing of all to someone in my situation. It would give me some belief that we live in a just world. It would allow me to hold the person responsible for the accident accountable for their actions rather then the tax-payers. Furthermore, it would allow me to hold them accountable for the full extent of my suffering, rather then simply what the government has decided is the Act that is in place, that cannot be disputed. Even the lump that Il'd get out of suing itself, or a larger lump sum offered by MPI may not be able to turn back the hands of time. However, this lump sum is supposed to compensate me my permanent disability. It is supposed to compensate me for what I cannot do for the rest of my life. To that end, the money paid should be able to actually help me with my life. To ease my life and compensate for what has happened in other ways. So if I can do the math and break down what they are paying me to less then 30 cents a day, there is something wrong. Soon enough, 30 cents won't even buy a gumball from a candy machine.. so tell me, what is 30 cents a day supposed to help with.

As far as MADD goes, I am sorry to hear about that as I hadn't actually considered that. Steven Fletcher however has been the most disappointing of all. I am not saying my situation is as bad as his, but he is the one individual that is in a position to understand my situation and know empathy rather then sympathy. Yet I have sent the letter to his office once by hard copy and twice by e-mail. 2 Months have passed and I have not received so much as an acknowledgment of receipt from his office. When I read about his story I thought he would be someone who could help as well. However, right now I am led to believe that he is either the worlds busiest man or that he is in MPI's pocket as well and only cares about his own case.

sam taylorAugust 3, 2010  1:09:51 AM
hello to all here, I am seeking some information. If you can help or if you know of where to find this kind of information in the MPI act please comment on this post!!! 1. A case manager has signed my name to a document that was used to terminate my case. Is there anything that can be done? 2. Can MPI case managers lied to clients? If so or if not does anyone know where this would be found in the act? 3. How do you get a fair review of your case? or appeal? Please need to know? Any help would be great. Any one know of a good MPI lawyer? need the answers asap. Thank you to all ahead of time.

noneAugust 2, 2010  7:08:33 PM
@Adrian. what happened to is terrible. but if we had private insurance and were able to sue how would that make your life better. besides having a lump sum of money. MADD won't do nothing for you as they receive funds from MPI & will not speak against them. Stephen Fletcher has sued MPI on many occations and lost. Maybe he himself can give you some help on how to fight them. The 5th Estate I would think is your best bet if they pick up the story. The local media will pick up the story for 1 day and don't follow anything up. For everyone complaining about MPI stuff on here, the best thing you can do is vote for PC in the next election. NDP created this.

TexJuly 30, 2010  11:06:18 PM
Maybe "found a rat" is the rat...

AdrianJuly 29, 2010  8:37:58 PM
"Found a rat"

Not sure if you're trying to say that what I posted was something posted by MPI to try to gather more information on people that are trying to spread the word but I assure you it is not and my comment is genuine.

Everything I posted is the truth and you are more then free to look me up on Facebook (Adrian Halpert) and check out my notes for the full 4 page letter that I sent out. I am genuinely looking for more organizations to contact and posted what I did just as I posted the letter to my facebook because I personally don't care who at MPI knows what I am sending and who I am sending it to.

I will write more letters and I will let more people know. And, if my voice is still not heard, one day I will go door to door as well. I am a victim of our current government's policy and the organization that they have put in charge of our public policy and I believe that our voices need to be heard.

found a ratJuly 28, 2010  1:12:21 PM
@Adrian. your comments appear to be a fishing expedition from MPI looking for ways people use to battle MPI other than the media. MPI rep are we.

JohnJuly 28, 2010  8:24:14 AM
Get a life. MPI is great.

AdrianJuly 20, 2010  7:14:19 PM
I was quite surprised (in a good way) to find this website.

My name is Adrian and I'm 24 years old. I'm an army reservist and have been for 7 years now as well as a recent university graduate. I used to live an active life, playing sports and jogging on a regular basis. I also used to complete the Battle Fitness Test (13km weighted march followed by a fireman carry) as part of my employment.

In October 2008 I was driving my friends home as the designated driver, when a drunk driver crossed the grass median and hit our car right on my door. The extent of my injuries was a fractured pelvis, fractured femur, fractured tailbone, fractured hip, collapsed lung, and a broken rib, along with the damage from the glass shards that became embedded in the left side of my face.

After a year of physiotherapy and another year of athletic therapy I have reached a plateau and am at the peak of my healing. I still have scars along the left side of my face. I still have scars from the impact and surgery on my left leg. I still have two metal rods in my left leg that will not be removed. Although I have regained the ability to walk due to two years of hard work, I will still not be able to run, play sports, complete the fitness test (which is hindering my employment), or do many other things that were part of my everyday life.

I am currently dealing with MPI's final disability compensation policy only to find out how inadequate it really is.

- They will not approve massage therapy to deal with pain - They will not compensate whatsoever for pain and suffering - They will not compensate for the things that I cannot do as a result of my leg beyond measuring what range of motion loss I have in my left leg - When measuring range of motion, they will not compare the range of motion against the good leg to compensate for individual flexibility and strength - When dealing with my difficulty obtaining employment and possible future medical release from my job they will only "Look at the jobs that I can still do, not what jobs I can't do" - If at any point I become mensurable by private insurance due to my leg condition, they will not offer any compensation or alternative - When considering my permanent disability they will not take my age into account, the fact that I'm only 24 years old, did nothing wrong, and have to deal with this decline in quality of life for the rest of my life

I recently wrote a 4 page letter about all these inequalities and sent it to the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Sun, CBC, CTV, MADD, My member of parliament, the Manitoba Premier, Steven Fletcher, MPI Minister, MPI Board of Directors and MPI Executive. The response was rather disappointing and nearing non-existence. I will continue to re-send the letter to the following people as well as add the Prime Minister, more members of Cabinet, and the 5th Estate to my distribution list. If anyone has any ideas of more people to send the letter to, or other ways to see results, please let me know.

CarlynJuly 17, 2010  10:02:23 AM
"Shuffle the file"

Dealing with MPI case manager (CM)re: bodily injury. CM denies coverage for several things, will not discuss. "That is our decision. If you disagree, file an application for review." I apply for review, and later call the CM to discuss something else. Surprisingly, they're friendly and agreeable, and we're having a relaxed conversation. After several minutes, they say that they can't answer my question - they no longer have access to my file. It's been transferred to ... I call them, and they say they're just a file babysitter while the issue's under review. They can't make any decisions on treatment and such. That still needs to be considered by a case manager.

So the whole conversation with the CM was a wasted effort, and none of it goes into the file?

Review officer sends file back to original CM for reconsideration due to additional medical information submitted, and I go back to him for a few months. Decision comes back and is the same. Apply for another review. File is transferred back to the babysitter of files. One day I get a letter from a CM I don't know, stating that further visits with a practitioner are approved. I assume they're my new CM, and try to call them... four times over two weeks. None of the calls are returned. Finally call the general number to find out who on earth is handling my file, and find out it's not the person I've been trying to get hold of.

Why would MPI switch case/file managers so often? Seems like an attempt to confuse, that would serve little purpose in the long run. Does this make any sense? And why doesn't the person who sent the letter return phone calls?

Just another "argh!!!!" in the process.

CarlynJuly 17, 2010  10:01:56 AM
"The significant decrease is largely attributable to a $78.2 million decrease in bodily injury claims."

Because there were less accidents, or because they terminated and/or denied coverage for legitimate claims?

"If approved by the PUB, policy holders can expect to receive a cheque in the spring of 2011 of about $115 on average."

That will compensate for about two visits with a physiotherapist not funded by the corporation.

In principle, it's great that MPI can generate a profit and give money back to policy holders. In actuality, when one realizes the high human cost of getting these rebates, not so great.

Manitoba Public Insurance CorporationJuly 16, 2010  8:39:26 AM
MPI reports strong first quarter Read the full story

Post your comments here

CarlynJuly 7, 2010  7:34:25 AM

Often we purchase insurance and don't realize what's covered and what's not, until we end up in a situation where we NEED it and it's not there.

Please read your policies for MPI and private insurance carefully. Private insurance often doesn't cover unless you're hospitalized. What if you have to work reduced hours? What about payments to care providers not covered by MB Health like chiro, physio? Braces, supports, ergonomic equipment, etc. that will help you to return to work without complicating injuries or delaying healing? Graduated return to work with supplementation for reduced income? Ergonomics as_sessments?

These questions often don't occur to us until we're in a situation where we need help, and find resources lacking. While MPI doesn't volunteer information about coverage limits for injury and the above items, they do publish information about the PIPP program, which is supposed to help us get back to where we were pre-accident. All of the above MAY be covered through an MPI claim, provided injury warrants it and there is medical documentation to show that it is required.

As already stated by another, private or employer-paid insurance often won't kick in when MPI or WCB are involved, at the very least until you've exhausted all possible options with MPI and/or WCB. It becomes a battle to figure out who pays, when the focus should be on getting better, not fighting for the ability to get better.

MPI and WCB hope people will just give up, and they at times make it very difficult to get help. "we don't have anything on file that supports that" "you don't qualify" "based on the balance of probabilities, symptoms will resolve without further treatment..." It becomes a nightmare to figure out who needs to tell them what so that we can get the treatment we need. It's a waiting game, and they're paid to delay us until we give up. We have to go to our paid jobs if we're capable, and still find energy to fight for help so we can continue healing. It's one way they attempt to weed out the serious from the abusers, but it serves a secondary purpose of causing many who need the help to give up because they can't find the mental, emotional, physical energy to continue the battle.

As for how MPI 'saves money' on automobile claims, there is information about that too on this blog - scroll down and look at past posts. The emphasis is on physical injury of necessity. See, once you're injured and fighting the battle with mightly MPI, the car becomes the least of your worries. You realise very quickly that a car is replaceable. A life (or quality of life) is not!

deadmeatJuly 7, 2010  12:27:27 AM
Dear Becky , you might be in for a surprise with your private insurance because when MPIC is involved our WCB your private insurance may refuse to pay unless you were injured at home! Make sure to find out or you might be the person on this blog crying about not getting paid ! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

InformativeJuly 6, 2010  11:35:31 PM
Anyone Have any information on the LSAB? (Licence Suspension Appeal Board)??????

Thanks in advance

Becky MJuly 5, 2010  10:34:02 AM
I found your site when searching for something else, and was interested to see what our insurance system is lacking. However, your focus seems to be entirely on the effect physical injuries have had on people, and their lack of income resulting from this.

I'm baffled that MPI would pay ANYTHING towards this. They insure CARS. Through my employer, I have purchased death and dismemberment, and short and long-term disability insurance, for my entire family. I would never have even thought that my car insurance should somehow compensate me for the physical effects of a car accident.

If there is information on your website on how MPI is swindling people in regards to their cars, then I'm interested.

Hoping this doesn't ruffle any feathers!

Thank you,


DeadmeatJuly 2, 2010  2:38:42 AM
thank you carlyn

CarlynJune 25, 2010  7:46:09 AM

There are several other resources besides MPI. Sometimes there is a wait, but there is a way. Do not give up hope. It is powerful, and makes a significant difference in recovery from soft tissue injury.

Have you gone to the public health/as sistance system? Disability/social a ssistance $, community food banks, counselling/psychiatric as sistance through MB health or a community resourse like Klinic or crisis lines (see the front pages of the phone book). They may be able to point you to other resources.

Even if MPI delays decision or assistance, you do not have to sit and wait. Fight for recovery, and for your family. Do exercises/home therapy you were given, and do your best with what's available to you.

If you keep feeling desperate and despondent, check yourself into a hospital until you get the psychological help you need. Pride is worthless in these situations.

deadmeatJune 24, 2010  12:43:45 AM
Well it would seem that i have reached the end of my ability to continue fighting MPIC!I am financially ,emotionally, crushed with no more options to wait any longer for an appeal with the automobile commission after 6 years of waiting! I am having a very hard time to see a purpose in waking up every morning! I long for the life i once had and the feeling of self-worth! I am ashamed of not being able to provide a stable environment for my wife and children and the basics of live.[e.g food,hydro was cut off,not enough money to pay bills]. Creditors about to garnish my our income to make things worse, People this is reality when you are forced to deal with MPIC over your long term injuries and their denial of responsibility! This is what MPIC hopes will happen to its claimants so we will return to work instead of losing everything you spent your life building for your family! I would like to now if there was someone out their that can help individuals like myself,support groups, financial help, i hate like $%!#* to be forced to wait another 6 months or more for a hearing!

Scott SJune 15, 2010  2:20:33 PM
Why does no one read their wording book from MPI? I'm not hear to say anything bad cause I've seen and heard first hand how MPI & DVL handle complicated claims or issues but the answer has been in the book for a few years now! You want lawyers to have a chance against MPI but its legislated, until the government stops backing MPI there's no use for lawyers to get involved.

I live in Alberta so I never needed to make a big deal about it but anyway here we go:

-Manitoba Public Insurance was legislated into law in 1971. -(page 6 of wording booklet) "The terms and conditions of Autopac coverage and Manitoba Public Insurance responsibilities are law" every thing they say in this wording booklet is what MPI considers law in Manitoba. -(page 12 of wording booklet) under the "did you know?" section, "MPI is committed to:Guaranteeing all Manitobans access to basic automobile insurance."

So has anyone on here had their vehicle insurance canceled or can not get their insurance renewed due to the immobilizer program? MPI, by law, cannot deny any Manitoba resident access to insurance for their vehicle, once MPI does that they have broken the law. Once they do that people, I mean lawyers, can fight to have legislation changed or thrown out.

Also, on MPI'S website, it states that MPI, as per the recommendations which led to MPI being legislated, must commit 85 cents from every dollar it takes in to paying claims and or benefits. This means that MPI's little argument over whether the premiums collected from increased TPL or lower deductible's are not public knowledge is a total load! Every penny MPI collects is a matter of public interest and has to be released to the public! And MPI is a non for profit corp. that relies on public monies to operate, that means any extra money not going towards claims, benefits, or salaries must be returned to the policy holders.

The information people need to make changes to MPI or dissolve it are out there, most of it on their own website!

ValJune 14, 2010  11:00:31 PM
Bob, unless you got money for an actual lawyer get help from the CAO. You can trust the CAO and you can trust AICAC as well but if you represent yourself and are incompetent or do a poor job you shouldn't expect the appeal commission to help you out.

bobJune 14, 2010  6:21:45 PM
So guys i am currently appealling a decision from Mpi I need some advice should I use the CLAIMANT ADVISORY OFF or not,are they going to drag my case out for years.Are they trustworthy.Thanks for any advice or if you been there would like to here how it went.Thanks people don't give up the fight.

What will they doJune 12, 2010  11:37:57 AM
What will they do.... Update Thanks go out to Mac and snowed_in. For your thoughtful and insightful comments. Received confirmation that claim will be honored even though my insurance had lapsed. MPI did in fact take over a month to make a decision while they verified statements. A special thanks goes out to Common SENCE Although my request was specifically for direction and any precedents a lecture certainly made me take notice and had me thinking that I might LOOSE.... A lesser person might think of you as an $%!#* ... but not me... That being said may I make a suggestion to you COMMON DENCE. The internet is an awesome learning tool and provides great forums such as this blog. Try GOOGLING... Spell Checker. It may add credibility to your statements. Again thanks to the person(s) involved in providing this forum. Regards, What will they do

DEADMEATJune 8, 2010  3:28:03 PM
Want to know how MPI will make sure to delay your hearing? Here is one example,I filed for an application for review of injury claim decision Dated June of 2004 and finally received a decision in May of 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently my applications were conveniently overlooked in the internal review office FOR THE LAST SIX F-ING YEARS but they apologize for the late delay in responding to my request for review! ''THATS IT'' THIS IS ALL I GET FOR WAITING AND LOSING 6 YEARS! I know for a fact that L.NIXON has had my file on his/her desk since Nov/Dec and i guess 6 six years or 6 months seems to be the magic number despite years of requests for a answer from my claimant advisor,so that we can move forward in my appeal at the automobile appeal commission! WHY are we force to endure so much pain and misery at the hands of our own government! I am beginning to think that the Sword WOULD BE MIGHTYER THAN THE PEN!

MEDIAJune 2, 2010  9:20:54 AM
i read some where we should go to the media !! I dont want to burst any bubbles !! went to the daily graphic the winnipeg sun the winnipeg free press.. two guys from daily graphic in portage show up at my house start asking a bunch of questions taking pictures of my deformed right heel and my good heel. i show them 100 lbs of paper work from this MVA. I have yet to see a story on this . IF!!!! you ask me the media is very one sided on the mpic thing. as for getting in touch with GOVERNMENT peoples good luck also all i ever got back for a reply is ( sorry to hear about your misfortune cant help you ) thats what happens when you ask the government to help you.BUT let them find out you were stealing food to feed the kids theyll prosecute you with a vengeance.then theyll blame it on poverty.No one will open thier eyes to look at the big picture to see what makes a hard working person to take action in to his own hands.They dont want to look at the fact that all was well or the fact a person was holding his own not getting rich but holding his own. before he went to MPIC..One person had said WE should get togeter for a sit in at the ledg building how bout we all meet at mpic portage la prairie mb im sure if we can stick togeter.. the Media wont be able to hide. it sure beats setting in front of your computer thinking about it.

steve timonyJune 2, 2010  8:50:36 AM
I would ask that you not show my real name and e-mail address please..i'm looking for some information regarding sueing MPIC acting in bad faith.. was hurt in 2003 spent a year and a half fighting mpic in courts. finaly winning. i am presently getting iri for the last two years. however i still have to date not recieved my permanent impairment check.i phoned mpic portage la prairie.was told they havent even read my file. is it just me but they have my file since2003. they have x rays from 2003. My x-rays show a gap in my right heel which i got when i fell off a load of hay.then i went to physyo for 24 visits; i have been conditionally discharged for about a year. i have all my papers from the first day i wrote a statement at mpic .just wondering how do i get these people in to court. I really dont want a LAWYER been there done that. they got most of everything last time. Can i myself go to court and have MPIC brought forward to court on all this.

curiousMay 28, 2010  10:27:23 PM

Thank you for the explanation. It is appreciated. The post about write-offs is still on the blog, further back in time than I thought. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

It's hard to know who to trust, isn't it? If I were an MPI adjuster, would I have offered information to help claimants? If you do work for MPI, I certainly hope you would help your customers. Unfortunately, MPI is a monopoly protected by "the law" so the customer means nothing. It would be in your best interest to "screw" the customer so they don't "flag you" for paying out too much. Asked questions looking for assistance/feedback as I have? In the end, you'll believe what you choose to believe. And if you choose to delete my posts, it's your blog, and your choice.

If you want to take this conversation to private email, use the email address associated with this post, which you obviously have access to.

BOBMay 28, 2010  5:11:40 PM
Way to go James.Who knows who works for MPIC or not.Then again who cares!As long as you are not giving out your personal info on here say what you want it's not going to make any difference in your fight with MPIC anyway.

curiousMay 28, 2010  8:03:49 AM
Obviously I pushed a button. I WAS just curious (and 'just me' too. :)).

Yes, some comments do disappear. We get requests from people to remove their comments because they no longer want them visible on the blog. We also get requests from people who don't want their email address, phone number or name visible. There is no "edit" feature on this blog so some people request to have their comments changed.

Spammers post thousands of comments full of links and email addresses to this blog for various products (Viagra, Cialis, etc.), so by default, we hide ALL posts even if they only have one link in them. Comments are moderated when time permits, and if the post is not spam, it is "flagged" as visible and shows up on the view blog page right away.

This very post will disappear in the near future. Why? Because search engines crawl this site daily and to have them evaluate the comments in this particular post will only help to lower our page rank. This post has nothing to do with MPI so it needs to be moved to a FAQ page.

If you read the deleted posts and the ones that remain, you'll see that I have never been malicious or deceptive... just trying to maintain a drop of anonymity since MPI reads this blog, while sharing tips and looking for some insight into the process.

Maybe the word "write-off" or a variant was not used, but the substance of the post was how to get maximum value for a vehicle MPI decides not to fix.

I re-checked our entire database of deleted posts (going back to day 1 of this blog) and can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are no deleted post(s) dealing with "how to get maximum value for a vehicle MPI decides not to fix".

If this blog's intent is to help others, why do posts that irrationally slam MPI without providing useful information remain, where posts with information that could be useful to the average claimant are deleted? Thus the question from my last post.

For a moment there, you sounded just like an MPI adjuster. Is that why you won't communicate with me via private email?

You don't want me here, fine, I leave. I think I've reached 'maximum therapeutic value'.

And no, you won't get my real name. I don't share personal information publicly online - no matter how good people state their intention to be.

Our intentions are clear: Winnipeg Free Press - November 2, 2008.    It's your intentions I question.

James Rowe

curiousMay 27, 2010  6:55:33 PM
One was about how to get the most for a writeoff. Another asked about Victims Against No Fault. Probably more, I just noticed those ones disappeared lately.

1. There are NO posts with the word "write", "write-off", "write off", "writ" or "off" in them that have been deleted since the creation of this blog (2007-07-23).

2. Why do you use different names (snowed_in, just me, curious) with the identical email address when you post? Is someone impersonating you? Stealing your identity? Let me know and I'll block their IP addresses PERMANENTLY.

3. When you signed in as "snowed-in-wpg@yahoo.ca" and as "123@yahoo.ca" you blew it. Yahoo doesn't allow email addresses with hyphens in them nor do they allow an email to start with anything except a letter.

Why should MPI Sucks display posts from people that give us FAKE email addresses?

You can send me an email from your REAL email address if you would like to discuss this matter further. My REAL name is James Rowe and My REAL email address is: james@jamesrowe.org

QMay 26, 2010  3:30:14 PM
Curious, which ones didn't stay?

curiousMay 22, 2010  5:49:22 PM
Why do some posts disappear from the blog, and others stay?

MacMay 20, 2010  6:16:18 PM
To: common "sence":

While you are correct about MPIC and in-house lawyers, you are incorrect regarding "what will they do's" problem. He does (and did) possess a drivers licence. It was current insurance that he lacked, and there is the possibility (but only the possibility)that he can successfully demonstrate oversight, not intent (to drive without insurance).


common senceMay 14, 2010  12:32:53 PM
hey,"what will they do" you talk tough about "lawyering up". The fact of the matter is you where driving without a licence, so if MPI says NO then that's that. A lawyer will take your case and your money then you'll loose. Why ? CAUSE YOU HAD NO LICENCE. MPI is paying their lawyer's regarless so it's not costing them anything. They use in house lawyers on their payroll they don't go out and hire one for your case alone.

snowed_inMay 10, 2010  12:39:29 PM
For "What will they do?":

Sometimes the adjuster won't commit to a position until it's officially confirmed. I expect that they wouldn't want to appear too ready to make an exception. I also expect that they would treat you reasonably, considering that it was apparently an isolated incident.

Try not to stress about it until you know for sure.

What will they do ?May 9, 2010  1:04:47 PM
Mac Thanks for your comments..... I was afraid of that. I was not getting a good vibe from the adjuster. He deferred it for two weeks, While they make a decision. My hope is that I do not have to go the lawyer route. I am prepared however to follow that course of action. At this moment I am prepared to throw some money at this depending on where their estimate comes in and if MPI has to lawyer up. I expect them to spend as much if not more than the value of the claim. Mac I will keep you and the board apprised as to how this unfolds over the next few weeks. Thanks again for your quick response to my query.

What will they do

MacMay 9, 2010  11:02:39 AM
to: What will they do ?

Unfortunately, the facts are (according to you) that you were driving a vehicle without current insurance coverage, period. That said, you might be successful in demonstrating that this was an unfortunate oversight with extremely bad timing. My guess is that you could show that for thirty years straight, you've never missed renewing your coverage, with this one exception (you did say that you'd never missed before). You could initially make this representation to MPI, and who knows, maybe they'll accept it. If they don't (likely with MPI), then you'd probably need legal assistance who should know how and to whom to make your next presentation (hopefully, to some org at arms length from MPI).

Good luck , and keep us posted.

What will they do ?May 8, 2010  11:01:12 PM
So here's the deal. Hoping someone on the site can enlighten me. Got into an accident the other day. No injuries,significant damage to both vehicles. Other driver has rightly claimed 100% responsibility for causing the accident. Problem is I call in to report the accident. Due to an oversight insurance has lapsed on my vehicle.When I am informed of this we immediately make payment. No BS...this is the first time in 30 years we were late. I go to see adjuster he informs me that now they will take it under advisement whether or not they will repair my vehicle..... OUCH....Question for your followers. How do I proceed ? What kind of recourse do I have if any ? Any precedents I can use on my behalf ? Thanks in advance..... What will they do.......

TaylorMay 8, 2010  10:46:01 PM
Sorry i ment March 22/2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TaylorMay 8, 2010  10:45:24 PM
Mac, I also recived a letter in the mail stating that my Drivers Licence and right to insure a vehicle has been suspended untill March 22/2010.... I phoned the call center and they couldnt tell me a thing, what the eff are they working for MPIC if they cant answer a question regarding one of their letters??????????????????? I say they just honestly couldn't give a F**K

macMay 7, 2010  12:54:36 PM
mac to s.mac. you are coorect with your second post about holding out for more$$. On your second post, if you don't want your car to be a right off then hold out. State that mpi damaged your car further and you should not be held ransom for something that mpi did, not you or someone else.Just complain in the correct way. Don't get angry with them they will just make your life difficult. Understand that things happen blah,blah,blah and you really want the car fixed cause of......?

snowed_inMay 6, 2010  3:59:42 PM

Yours experience is shocking. The tow truck driver should have informed you that the lug nuts needed to be retightened after driving a short distance (before highway driving), and MPI should be accountable for the additional damage that was caused while the vehicle was in their care. The silver lining is that no one was seriously hurt in this incident.

Re: Car valuation for a write-off - valuable advice I was given from someone who dealt with MPI numerous times regarding older vehicles they were not willing to repair was to KNOW what it will cost to replace your vehicle. Find and copy similar listings from MB and SK. Gather receipts for recent repairs. Present them to your adjuster. Do not settle too quickly.

My car was nearly 17 years old, not in their blue or red book, and the adjuster said that the maximum value was $1,500, regardless of low mileage or condition of the vehicle. He 'generously' gave me a token amount on top of that due to recent repairs. Comparable listings averaged well over $2,200 for vehicles in worse shape or with higher mileage than mine.

I presented the comparison listings to my adjuster and was told that he had already offered me the most he could. My only option was to go to arbitration. I asked to speak to his supervisor, and was told that if I presented my arbitration paperwork, he would have his supervisor review my "final offer" before it went to arbitration. If he felt it was reasonable, they would cut me a cheque.

I downgraged my valuation marginally from the average listing price to avoid the hassle of going to arbitration, and presented my case with facts and figures to back the number requested. I walked away with over $500 more than the highest amount my adjuster said he could give me.

It pays to be informed.

Michael PoeMay 6, 2010  3:21:20 PM
Taylor, You say,"the claim advisor for help they will fight for you for free and honestly" The Claimant Advisor Office (C.A.O) are paid by M.P.I.C! Free and honestly! No way! F.I.P.P.A the C.A.O 2 asked where the their $$$ comes from. Plus many ppl complaints are file aganisn't them. 1) 4 acting in bad faith. 2) iilegal recondings, fax, phone calls C.A.O hands over 2 M.P.I.C!

Michael PoeMay 6, 2010  2:43:49 PM
HEY EVERYONE! 'WE' need everyone 2 stand up 2 sue M.P.I.C 4 Acting In Bad Faith!! If u hav the prove 2 which anyone one can read @ say YES, M.P.I.C is breaking the law (as I do). As I am one person (injuryed-M.V.A) I want and need more ppl 4 a class- action-lawsuit. If u do hav the paper work, recored phone calls, faxs to back you up then tell me so we and I will reach out 2 help u and everyone else as well as I can! Make no mistake M.P.I.C will HUNT u down 2 destory/ hurt u, your famliy, your wife, husband, your partner and yes even your children!!! M.P.I.C is rich with money, power, greed!! You will be making the devil (M.P.I.C) come to rape you (of ur rights) faster, harder then before. EVERYONE ITS TIME TO SCREAM 'NO MORE' I will check back for updates from 'you' -MP

S.MacMay 5, 2010  4:38:18 PM
Ok everyone, here is a doozie for ya! It all starts with supposed people who are licenced to do a job for your safety! I had CAA change my flat tire, 20 days later it falls off while I'm driving at 100 km/h on the highway. Of course it damaged my fender and wheel-well, and the rotor which it landed on. It also caused major damage to another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction, luckily that guy wasn't hurt! Eventually it gets towed to the MPI compound where it is to be estimated. In the process of moving my vehicle around their compound they damage it further after the initial $1600 estimate! My autobody guy told me he was shocked when the tow-truck driver showed up with a donut on the vehicle that is not meant for it! THEY TOWED IT ALL THAT WAY ON A DONUT AND STRIPPED THE WHEEL POSTS!! The driver said they were cleaning house in the compound and needed to move it around so they just slapped on a donut!! Then some woman phones me that I have never talked to before and says they are writing it off!! All this time I'm thinking that my vehicle is being fixed, but because MPI damaged it further the body shop guy needed to try and find more parts and possibly send the vehicle elsewhere for that work. MPI damaged the vehicle to the tune of $3400 on top of the already $1600, and on the phone that woman couldn't even tell me what the other damage was, plus she gave a shpeil about how sometimes they can't see all the damage initially! THE WHEEL POSTS and related parts are in plain view without the tire there! And the battle begins!!! Because my counter offer to their paltry sum is too much for them it's off to arbitration!! Anyone know a good lawyer to fight these crooks!!

claudiaMay 4, 2010  11:05:37 PM
I believe that there's a previous post on this website, a couple of years ago, that talked about Dr. MacKay. In my opinion Dr. MacKay is unethical.

know first handMay 4, 2010  2:44:04 PM
MacKay is a slime. He will always lick the hand that feeds him and cow-tow to the insurer which holds the umbrella that protects his pathetic rear-end.

carmenMay 3, 2010  7:57:29 PM
Has anybody had a positive decision from Dr. MacKay?

macMay 3, 2010  4:45:38 PM
so why don't you call and find out why instead of bitching about it on here! maybe there was a clerk error or something. poeple who work at goverment places are people,people who make mistakes just like you.

TaylorMay 2, 2010  2:32:44 PM
I got a letter yesterday from MPIC saying my account is overdue by four hundred dollars.... i have no i f**king dea why i owe them this i would say that someone on mpi is on crack and needs to be checked out seriuosly!

Little PApril 27, 2010  3:10:50 PM
Deadmeat...everything you said I can relate to and it's so sad to think about all the people like us that suffer. Worst of all is that I have little children, a spinal cord injury and they still cut me off and ran me through the system. I'm still fighting but like you said trying to keep the emotion out of it cause the chronic pain does get worse. We need to keep fighting and continue our battle so that one day things will change.

macApril 27, 2010  12:24:03 PM
hey joe. to finish off, if MPI lost 10% they wouldn't even feel it. They make so much money on investments and other ave. If people writting on here really want to change the way things are done at MPI then the only was is to put pressure on the goverment. I'll let you figue out how to do that. So if no one wants to put in the effort to do this quit your complaining and stop writting on here.

macApril 24, 2010  11:46:58 AM
hey joe, the answer to your question is: the people of this provonce keep the NDP in power which started MPI in the first place. What MPI want above all else is control that's why they took over the driver's licences. They don't care about nothing else but control.

me tooApril 22, 2010  7:51:45 PM
Interesting: I went to an MD who also acts as consultant for MPI, through my MD's referral, not MPI. Took months to get appointment. Asked about TX recommendations, and whether I should be back at physical job. MD said I will know when I'm ready to go back, and it's not now. Pay attention to my body, do what I'm capable of, and don't push it beyond that, but keep building. Strengthen and stretch, and continue physio and acupuncture for trigger point deactivation and mobility.

At follow up visit I asked if they would send MPI tx recommendations and what was said about return to work, since MPI case mgr cut off $ for treatment and IRI. Not willing. Danced around the question. Said if MPI requests info from MD, it will be given, but won't give it at my request. When pressed to say whether they would back me if I paid for the report as part of review process, was told that it's not worth my $ or effort. MD could back me on subjective complaints, could not provide the objective that MPI requires.

Recommendation changed to make do without the income, concentrate on doing what I can to get better, especially the exercises (which I always do). Physio not required indefinitely and acupuncture good, but MPI won't pay for it. Don't let self become angry and bitter, because that makes the pain worse, and, can cause more long-term pain.

Interesting how the attitude changed once MD knew I wanted them to make positive recommendation to MPI. They know what side their bread is buttered on.

just meApril 22, 2010  7:10:11 PM
Tired of fighting. I know they want me to give up. Been warned that is one of their tactics. Used to think I had the strength to fight for what's right. At what cost?

MD says getting all worked up causes more pain, and statistically people who are angry & feel hard done by are more likely to end up with chronic pain. I either need to give up and make the best I can out of the crumbs of my life that are left, or find a way to pursue justice while taking the emotion out. Is that even possible?

Such an unfair system. Such uncaring people. Maybe they're victims of the system too, and have to turn their emotions off to be able to do their job each day. Sigh....

joeApril 19, 2010  1:09:57 PM

joeApril 19, 2010  12:58:03 PM
please contact me as to why the people of manitoba won't band together and put an end to this so call good deal for the people pretty sad that your insurace is run by an out of province body example sask insurance [sgi] talk to your broker to find out. IS there not a law on monopolies in canada and do we not have fredom of choice in our live or commrad has this country gone straight to hell. is it not illegal from one body to be in charge of both your drives licence and your insurance look at bc icbc holds you insurance and another body deals with your licence. we the people put them there so we the people should be able to take them out of office thats if we all got our stuff together [sh.t] why don't we all just boycot mpi totally and go else where for our plates and insurance you only hold a valid address there and i think most of us have family or friends in other provinces to help with that if mpi lost 10 present of its money they would hurt. this is what my family is about to do figure out the loss in money if people did this and it totally legal have a good day

DeadmeatApril 15, 2010  12:43:33 AM
It is becoming very clear to me that MPI and their NO-FAULT system is designed to force a disabled victim to suffer needlessly while waiting for a appeal hearing! Let's review the facts: an adjuster can make a decision regarding your work capacity and simply send you a letter stating MPIC'S favorite quote " on the balance of probabilities" i could work while taking slow release narcotics! Oh and don't forget their second favorite quote" you have the right to appeal" but what most of us don't realize is the years it will take till you can get a hearing! I am going on my 7th year now and i still don't have a hearing date, the reason for the delay i am told is that for an answer to one question will take MPIC'S review lawyers 3 to 6 months to come up with a reply!I brought my argument to the minister responsible for MPI and told him that although an adjuster can make a decision on your capabilities and we have the right to appeal,the duration of waiting years for the appeal process needs to be addressed immediately!I told him that in all fairness if MPIC is so confident about their adjusters decision that mpi should continue to provide the claimants IRI benefits UNTIL THE HEARING IS HEARED! Perhaps then claimants would only wait 1 or 2 years for an appeal instead of almost a decade!!

KarenApril 11, 2010  1:23:43 AM
Why don't autopac workers not get laid off yet their workers get paid for their big fat $%!#* to sit in their brand new office they built on main steet what a waste

karenApril 10, 2010  10:02:17 PM
Autopac sucks we need to get private insurance like we do with homes and we pay up our $%!#* so they can screw us yet there is no value in a car like a house they are $%!#* in cominist we should be able to get car insurance from anyone not just them so how is canada a free country it not they scewed my mom over big time she ended up in a physc ward since then I lost my mom for good and she totally can't work to top it off a schoolbus hit her from behind and now she is worse then ever they are still dicking her around and that bus driver had children in it little ones she can't even sew the school for it yet what kind of school bus with little childen drives into people

taylorMarch 31, 2010  8:20:47 PM
please be advised that people and investigators from MPI pretend to be your friend on sites like these to get more information on you. To take your words and turn them around on you. Always be very careful of the kind of questions anyone asks you. Also I hired a lawyer to help me fight MPI well I am now getting ti from both ends! if you are at the appeal part go to the claim advisor for help they will fight for you for free and honestly. Amen for a light at the end of a tunnel. you can find the number on the government of mb web site.

taylorMarch 31, 2010  8:13:46 PM
Something that the specail investigation department tells you but is NOT TRUE at ALL is that they have the same rights as a police officer. They do not have the same rights!! They are just investigator who have to abide by the law themselves yet, they tell you different. No matter what they say to you do not believe them!!! Also you do not have to answer their question(s) as you have the right not to incrimate yourself. These investigators try to bully/scare you into dropping your case! They also lie to your face about the information they have. Just remember your do not need to go alone to the meeting take a lawyer or a claim advisor or even a friend with you. The investigator takes another person in the room when you meet.

taylorMarch 31, 2010  8:06:43 PM
did you also know that going through an internal review is pointless but you must follow this protocal! Then when they ask you if you would like a hearing you might as well skip it and go directly to the appeal process! Did you know that you can get help from the claim advisor for free of charge! This claim advisor is NOT APART OF MPI DISPITE WHAT ANY LAWYER TELLS YOU!! Also pain is becoming a thing that they will compensate you for. It is in the very very new stages but it is coming into effect dispite what any case manager at MPI may tell you! Like I have said it is very new. Also you will not get anything for suffering which is a load of garbage. I wish we could sue or get rid of MPI all together as they are evil in my opinion. They take our money to pay for insurance and when you need it they do not want to pay! Or they used the money to try and prove you do not need it!! They even have doctors who are paid to agree with them! In this world one persons pain and another persons pain are not equal. Also what one person thinks it uis mild another may think it is severe or may think it is nothing at all, but MPI thinks everyone was made by a cookie cutter and we are all the same.

jonMarch 27, 2010  10:43:10 PM
In response to immobilzer problems I ahve had the same problems with batteries going dead, am not the first a couple of friends have the same. Plus a couple days after i had the thing installed it started plus blew the ficm 4 batteries, command start, and 4 alternators all in a year with no help from anyone they it is not immobilizer thanks mpi. I even made a claim to mpi to no avail

LandenMarch 24, 2010  6:14:57 PM
7 years ago my truck was stolen, smashed and returened.MPI said I smashed it and wouldnt cover me the $40000 the truck was worth. Is it to late to fight with a lawyer??

TroyMarch 18, 2010  8:41:10 PM
Yes Sabrina...they are all lawyers that are employed/paid by MPI...

Sabrina SparksMarch 18, 2010  3:20:53 PM
Are all MPI Internal reveiw Officers Solicitor's/Attorney,s working with MPI's legal/Internal Reveiw Department?

Little PMarch 15, 2010  3:46:58 PM

Just so you know there are lawyers in Winnipeg that will take on a case against MPI depending on the scenario but be advised that they too are in for the payout and you will be in a battle of a lifetime either way.

The only beneficial thing I found about hiring our lawyers is that MPI is more willing to hear us out. Without them it was virtually impossible to get our point across. We know we'll be paying them big bucks at the end of this LONG journey but we're just praying it is worth it all just to get some justice. Not sure if lawyers work with us or against us most of the time.

Good Luck and gain a lot of strength because MPI truely loves to suck the life out of you when you compete against them .

TroyMarch 13, 2010  7:46:08 PM
I was injured in a MVA last summer, multiple vehicles involved..sustained a fractured neck vertabrai. 2 herniated disc in my neck, concussion etc...MPI only gave me the very basic 26 visits physio, but also chiro at the same time..the 26 visits which included acupuncture were used up quickly resulting in filing an internal review...where I succeeded to cat 2 physio 42 visits.which I should of had to start with...I did not realize the 42 physio visits include the 26 I already had..so here I am again paying my own way...and now received this Level of Function questionaire with questions that have already been answered by my caregivers...my family Doc, Surgeon, Physiotherapist and Chiropractor.. The questionaire does not appear to be an official MPI document, no form numbers/dates on the bottom...would it affect my IRI if I don't complete it? I am able to get around but far from returning to my work place which can be very physically taxing...all my care givers cannot believe the difficulties Iam having with this MPI Monster!

herbMarch 9, 2010  3:32:45 PM
bought the replacement car insurance. what a waste, sub compact and at the first offer for the car the rental is done..

ChesterMarch 4, 2010  2:54:16 PM
Wow...came across this site looking for other "victims" of the mighty MPIC... I'm in the middle of appealing to the AICAC right now...I need a lawyer, are there any in Wpg that know their way around the BS ??? Give me names please I'm running out of time. Thanks all..awesome info on here

DeadmeatFebruary 24, 2010  11:17:04 PM
Neil I thank you for your story and experience you have had with MPIC! I would like to speak to in person if possible?

KASFebruary 22, 2010  10:20:54 AM
Has anybody on here been having problems with their immobilizer sucking the life out of the car battery? My fatherinlaw is on his 3rd battery in 4 years ever since this piece of $%!#* was installed - if the car is allowed to sit for more than 2 days, the battery is dead - have taken it back to installer and says nothing wrong with it; funny it started having this problem only after the immobilizer was installed. Of course MPIC wont do a damn thing about it.

snowed_inFebruary 22, 2010  9:28:30 AM
Neil: Great attitude! Forward motion and positive action/thought are essential. Also being prepared to stand ground, including hiring an advocate or a good lawyer when necessary (though it's hard to find the energy and $$$). Your experience shows that this process can be a learning experience that toughens and refines us, and helps us to see what's truly important in our lives. Sometimes we have taken those things for granted, and see their value only when looking back from a place of loss. Sad, isn't it?

not so sure: For a simple claim, where there is no loss of income and injuries can heal in short time, the system seems to work relatively well, and case management staff seem reasonable. For more complex claims that include time missed from work and/or long-term injuries, the case management unit can be harsh to deal with, and the legislation is skewed. A criminal dealing with the justice system has more rights than a claimant dealing with this insurance system. They're innocent until proven guilty. We're guilty until we prove our own innocence/truthfulness. It takes energy to prove our case, and this is a precious resource. One of their main ploys seems to be throwing a lot of curve balls. If they can wear us down and make us give up, it's a financial win for them, at whatever cost to us.

It is essential to have medical backing for any claims we make. Our word means little or nothing to MPI. The medical community they are more likely to recognize. Not always, but more often than us as individuals.

DEADMEATFebruary 22, 2010  12:23:26 AM
not so sure,perhaps you are one out of thousands that was treated properly in your MVA! but fortunately you are not long term disabled from your injuries!!!!!! This is where MPIC flushes you down the toilet because you are now a dependent of the system and you will cost them a pile of money that they will deny responsibility for! Your life will be a living $%!#* while they try to dismiss your claim! As for mpic acceptance that your MVA was not your fault i and amazed because i just had another accident and mpic deem me 50% responsible for it and i had to fight threaten them that i would put it on cjob and only then they said i was not at fault!This is what happened in the last mva, i was driving home on a provincial hwy and i was about to turn left on the road i live on when all of a sudden a car came through the stop sign and hit me in the left front fender of my car causing $3000.00 damage.The only problem is that the car was traveling in reverse,yes i said in reverse!!!! She was traveling backwards doing 20 clicks, when through a stop sign and onto a hwy then stuck my car and I'm 50% responsible? I want some of the stuff these adjusters are smoking and after this experience i know for sure that mpic is out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not so sureFebruary 21, 2010  10:29:24 AM
i was just in an accident on thursday and i had an older vehicle so its an automatic write off... anyways, the adjuster and everyone i've talked to from MPI has said its the other persons fault and i have gotten the courtesy vehicle even though My insurance didnt cover it but the other parties insurance did so they gave me what is called loss of vehicle benefit, also i was a bit injured so they are helping me with the costs of physiotherapy and any medications i need. im just wondering why people are thinking mpi is so bad?

ripped offFebruary 20, 2010  9:15:50 AM
hi neil, how do we get ahold of u, would like to speak with u on my claim thx.

pen15February 15, 2010  1:00:40 PM
Hello to all the nice Manitobans! Just lookin for some rule books on what we can and cannot blog about? Are we allowed to reveal names of previous MPI adjusters! and their behaviours, mannerisms, etc.etc! cuz my kind of heads up will help someone along the way!

pen15February 15, 2010  12:56:32 PM
Lets talk about another breach of trust! Upon my release from incarceration, usually followed up by a probation official. This dudes name Jim Malenchak. Well Jim, you did me no fruken favors you imbecill! Following my meeting to whom I thought would be pointing me in the right direction! I had specified some interest in retaining my drivers abstract, which is something I assumed was available in one location. It was in my best interest to follow my no contact orders with the MPI employees. In his opinion, he could not see why that was not attainable..All apeared to be okay, had renewed my license and soon would follow my query into my drivers abstract. Which the gentleman working that day did not know how to oblige my request..Then the woman who knew how to do this, told both me and my mother to leave...and that we were breaching! Dont know how many transactions all you folks have done but once you take the money, the balance of the transaction should follow! You suck Jim!!

pen15February 15, 2010  12:21:19 PM
Some of MPIC's dirtyest secrets will not be found here! Unfortunately, they are in a place where joe blow public does not have access to. Like court transcripts,police reports, and numerous other areas of "govrnment"interest! To me this makes no rational sense. From what we are made to believe is that MPIC is a co-operation, yet previous to that title is Manitoba Public. Seems to be a wee bit contradictory! We, as the public have a right to know..Yet, despite the title...we are told MPI business is that of their own. Now, I have spent more time in a court room than I would ever admit to, and yes behind closed doors,with few members of my family and of couse people of MPI.Thought it would be safe to assume that the judge was the most honest one in attendance,but after several moments after, I was the most honest. She was a younger woman to be held in a higher regard and integrity! Her name Judge Jean McBride! Essentially she holds the key to the community and yes all the cell blocks. Because there was a criminal involvement in my appearance, I suppose almost anything can be said with limited conversation on my behalf. Very frustrating that they can use any means they want to paint the picture.Remember we are dealing with another Manitoba joke, the justice system! So, in the courtroom I sit, and to my further dismay...The prosecuter had said that I had developed this web site. Wasnt allowed to dispute that because now they were telling me what I had done..They said I planted an incinderary device, what was I gonna say? It was a jug of water! Which it was! And after my arrest, I was put in a very dirty place..Okay, so let it be! To later find out after they took my shoes,the wet mass on the floor was someone elses urine and blood. I have yet to explain how I let the antics of MPI, pushed someone of my nature thus far. Not sure if its in the best interest of Manitobans that I do that! But it is! I would encourage anyone who has interest in this to contribute in some regard!

NeilFebruary 5, 2010  2:30:29 PM
i also was involved in a mva in 2005. they dragged me and my family through court for two year. when i was found not guilty. all of a sudden i found that mpi treited me totally differant. get a laywer and fight back. cause if you dont you will get screwed over like so many people i have talked to that have been in mva's. stay possitive and keep fighting. take it from someone how has been through it. my family needed me more the ever and you can't give up. i'm in pain every day and i went off the pain killers and took the pain it reminds me i'm still alive and i will rest when i die. until then i turned my pain and anger into a possitive and i'm fighting back 5 years later i have gone and retrained for a new carreer and i've been back at work for 9 months now. its been one of the hardest things i've ever been through, but im a stronger person for it today. start by focusing on being thankful for being alive. and go from there. find yourself a support group, we might be men, but we need help to once and awhile. i know i did. if you ever need to talk send me an email. I KNOW MY LIFE HAS CHANGED BUT I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE ITS FOR THE BETTER. I KNOW WHAT CREDITERS ARE TO, BELIEVE ME THEY CAN BE RELENTLESS. MY BODY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME,I'VE COME TO HANDLE THE PAIN, I'VE EVEN BEEN THROUGH A DIVORCE BECAUSE OF IT. BUT I NEED TO BE STRONGGER SO MY CHILDREN CAN BE HAPPY AND THEY ARE NOW.

DeadmeatFebruary 3, 2010  2:09:00 AM
I have know realized that the true victims of my mva are the people I care about most, my wife and my children!It was so easy for me to mask my physical pain with narcotics and hide from the emotions of excepting my disability!My wife and children lost their husband and father in that accident 10 years ago because I became a different person altogether! I became consumed with hate and sorrow and I was not equipped mentally to deal with the turmoil that ensued after my mva! I found a letter that my son wrote for a school project when he was 8 years old and he outlined all the injustices his father suffered at the hands of mpic and more importantly his pain of the loss of the father he once admired instead of the drug induced father he now has to see! I did not realize the information a young mind could absorb while I coped with my disability and voiced my dissatisfaction with mpic!He is now 16 and the turmoil is still present every day as bill collectors phone repeatedly and that we are forced to sell our family home! There is no way to express the injuries we have suffered by MPIC! Why do we have to continue to suffer while MPI boast a THIRTY MILLION DOLLAR PROFIT! I paid for an insurance to cover my losses in a mva and I expected to be treated with some dignity and respect! I was told that on the balance probabilities,I could return to work while taking slow release narcotics! I called the drivers licensing and they told me that if i was involved in another accident while taking narcotics I would be charged for all costs since I was driving while impaired! Can somebody tell me how they are allowed to do this as a reason to terminate my benefits! And i would like to know why it takes over six years to get an appeal date?I would like for this nightmare to end for the sake of my family!

Needing HelpFebruary 2, 2010  5:14:08 PM
Hi, my friend was riding his bike down a back lane about 5 years ago, when a cabbie hit him, and he went through the windshield. He then developed a mental illness and other injuries from the accident.

MPIC then send him a bill for something like $4,000.

He has been on social assistance since then, and has no way of paying it back.

Now that he's getting back on his feet he would love to be able to drive again (which is necessary for his line of work that he choose to get back into), but can in no way afford the $4,000.

How can i help him fight MPIC about the money "they" think he owes?

Also, since it's been 5 years, and they didn't follow up on the claim, is he automatically not having to pay this amount (I don't even think he was at fault)? Some lawyer in the city said that if they don't sue him within two years, he's no longer liable. But is there any validity to this?

Or can i get a lowered amount (settlement), and pay it for him to settle the claim?

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

jonJanuary 28, 2010  4:29:31 PM
little P & micheal, watch out for lawyers too, they get pressured not to work to hard for u, u have to fax them ur questions or record ur conversation with them, so when they dont do their job, u can try to take them to court. but in manitoba its like trying to sue a doctor, even when u ask another lawyer. they all stand up for each other. thats the golden rule. have 1 too, so as soon as I get it settled, I am going to post their name, so folks like u dont use them. also watch out on here for the nay sayers, MPI plants. and sorry for the guy that hung hem self, but if it was me I would have taken a few with me, that would get their attention. Ledge is the only place where anything is going to work, unless their is a big class action law suit. so people stop whinning here and lets set a date. PS election this year so heres ur chance or shut up.

Michael PainJanuary 28, 2010  5:59:07 AM
Hey, No $$ 4 a lawyer. Howver will have once enough MPIC Victums SAY NO, SAAY STOP raping my me of my rights! $$$ doesnt make U GODS. Thanks 4 hearing & taking 2 m3. -MP

Michael PainJanuary 28, 2010  5:54:03 AM
Hey, That really sucks Bob. From the Little P- Yes I KNOW that MPIC are following/saving blogs, web sites too. I lived with man who hang himself as the results of MPIC Tactical Warfare methods; b/c MPIC can and will fu@#$you up. I tested MPIC with what I type 4 years ago on a blog and MPIC fall for it; which was to write down AICAC appeals names, call them to start a class action aganist MPIC! - For Acting In Bad Faith. However it's what MPIC did with my trap; MPIC told AICAC to change the records to remove appeals FULL NAMES and replaced it with appeals frist and last letter of their names! That was a shocker for us to KNOW MPIC rules over AICAC which means the next appeal is with the Court Of Appeals - Queens Banch. B/c AICAC is MPIC little Bitch. Like Peter Myles. The class action is stilling slow going b/c MPIC is evrywhere and its hard to add MPIC victums b/c we need to see/get/have proof of Acts Of Bad Faith. I looking for a Networking for this. Relax :-) Thats what she tells me. She will never ever know that to 'relax' is for my body to be sleeping or dead. I know both woudn't work (well dead i don't).

Little PJanuary 27, 2010  9:30:20 AM
I'm just writing to let you all know that there are lawyers out there that are willing to help you with appeals. I have hired one myself and am fighting MPI right now. It does take a long time and the process is still a horrible experience but at least it gives me and my family some kind of comfort to know we don't have to deal one on one with the devil's of MPI and have them try to push you into decisions that are not right for you. It is however true that MPI loves to drag things out. Like someone said, just waiting for you to give up and die. It is cheaper for them. When are we rallying at the Leg??? Me and my family are so in!!! Good luck to all of you who are fighting this nasty corporation.

As for those who make posts about their veh and so forth...if only that was half of the injured problems. Sorry to say but screw your car/veh, at least you have your arms, legs, and no chronic pain for life.

BobJanuary 23, 2010  6:32:18 AM
Hey MICHAEL Just spent 12 hours in emergency due to head and neck problems from mva 4 years ago.But apparently can go back to work ( probably get fired a couple days later not the fact that i wont have insurance coverage due to previous injuries but all that doesn't even matterto them)I'm just trying to renew my mortgage forget insurance there.Take care you know big brother reads these hey.

Michael PainJanuary 21, 2010  7:56:28 AM
Hey Everyone, At 27 years old my life-career was going great; Automotive Apprentice, wife, beautiful baby girl of 8 years old. I thought my ex-wife was mean- OH no, it's MPIC thats the devil. MVA in 2001, I suffer Chronic Back Pain to which it is every day as it as been for me the last 8 years and counting. Now I'm 35 years old, have taken-been on-tried out over 26,000 pills! I have had over 1 thousands (1,000) needles in my neck, upper-mid-lower back! MPIC records EVERONE who was-had meeting(s) at City Place! MPIC keeps my files that shows what they have lied to me about and what would hurt them too.This way MPIC knows word for word what 'your story is'. These recordings will be used against you. MPIC rules over AICAC. The CAO is a joke (MPIC pays their wages)! My appeal at AIACA is STILL going (4 years now I think). YES, I do know I, WE, YOU, US.... Will NEVER get $$$ 4 pain and suffernering! For me It's how much I'm I willing to live with; do I or don't I do everthing I can do for which MPIC pays me that which is right-fair-honest. YEA. Yea I know; words like fair, right, means MPIC is going to sent 10,000$$ to get out of paying out 5,000. I'll check here in a day or two (which I'll be in bed) to read what if anyone post a post to my post :-) Goodnight and take care of yourself! Michael Pain

bobJanuary 19, 2010  12:27:26 PM
Right on guys Rob doesn't have a clue if he thinks anybody is getting rich from mpi.I alsohave pain all the time and dealing with anxiety when driving and depression but i guess i got lucky they are covering psychological problems.People who haven't had to beal with mpi when in a serious accident are in for one big ugly surprise from a company set up to help us,they will be totally dicusted with the treatment they get.

DeadmeatJanuary 18, 2010  12:18:28 AM
Thank you Johnston for the compassion expressed in your comments to Rob's delusional understanding of how MPIC really functions! I assure you Rob that I don't wake up in the morning considering myself fortunate or that i have won the lottery! Instead I dread waking up only to realize that I did not perish in my sleep and I am again forced to deal with another day of pain and misery! Do you know what it is like to owe every member of your family thousands of dollars while anticipating the next call they receive from me is only to ask for more money to pay bills and keep a roof over our heads! Does your 16 year old son give you every penny he has earned to help you feed your family? Does your wife and children leave you in the morning wondering that when they return home they might find their father hanging in the garage since MPI Doesn't relate my depression to the accident and refuses to fund psychological intervention! MPI has taken my ability to provide the basics for my family and my sanity! Rob the next time you some idiot plows up the rear-end of your car and MPIC deals with your claim for compensation, i am sure you will reconsider your feelings of being so fortunate while dealing with MPIC! The only one getting rich under the no-fault system is MPI and the Ajusters collecting "Lottery sized paychecks and bonuses" by denying basics to the claimant! So Rob,come live the ''Dream life'' that the "cash cow" has left me and thousands of other claimants,you will get the feeling of being REAR-ENDED AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN!

JohnstonJanuary 15, 2010  5:40:59 PM
Rob, it is clear from your comments that you haven't been injured under MPI nor have you perused The MPIC Act.

What most people want and expect from MPI is a little fairness. What they don't expect is to lose their homes because they no longer can afford mortgage payments due to inadequate Income Replacement from MPI. They don't expect to have to pay for their own treatments or medications resulting from the accident because MPI has unilaterally denied these expenses for some self-serving reason, and they don't expect to retire in near-poverty because MPI saves money by reducing their Retirement Income Benefit, dollar for dollar because the injured might collect CPP and/or RRSP monies (which they paid for, by the way).

And Rob, you needn't worry about injured Manitobans gouging MPI for fake pain and suffering claims, because MPI did away with P&S in the 1990s. It doesn't matter if your skin was burned off, you get zilch for P&S.

RobJanuary 5, 2010  1:21:07 PM
It looks like some of you are looking for a "cash cow" after an accident. Pain & suffering...comes with life but if you are fortunate enough to have it covered by some insurance you may have just won the lottery. I have heard of much "abuse" of this insurance which drives up the priemium. I was a "benefactor" of the old unsatified judgement fund after a near fatal crash in which I was a passenger. Under the existing policies I would feel quite fortunate. MPIC is not without faults but come on lets keep it realistic and credible.

from MartinJanuary 3, 2010  1:40:47 PM
Lost and Confused:

I moved from Manitoba to Alberta four years ago, and it did not really affect IRI directly. I suppose one negative effect might be that cost-of-living is higher in Alberta, therefore your IRI (Manitoba based) will have less purchasing power in Alberta.

Truth is though, there are other things which can negatively affect your IRI (wherever you are living)and there is nothing you can do about it. For example, if the cost of living increases less than the wage(corresponding to your "Determined" income) increases , your IRI will be reduced. Theoretically, over time, IRI could be overwhelmed by determined salary increases and eventually be reduced to zero. But this would take many iterations.

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